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Everything posted by hozarares

  1. Am putea sa sunam prin Skype cu usere noi ca doar ne dau ceva minutzele sa vb gratis , asa de proba. Incercam cu asta, ce ne costa ? asa nu tre` sa sunam de pe fix`urile sau molecularele noastre.Ca daca`s prea multe comenzi false o sa depuna astia reclamatie la Militie si credeti`ma ca ne pot prinde FOARTE USOR !!!
  2. The Pirate Party is for reforming laws concerning patents and copyright, also including the transparency of state administration and strengthening the right to privacy – both in everyday life and online. After the Swedish and German Pirate Parties, the Dutch has also decided to join this spring national elections. It was a surprising victory for the Pirate Party last year to scoop 2 elected seats in the European Parliament, yet it has to score the first seat in the national Parliament. Last year was really a breakthrough one for the Pirate Party movement. The Swedish Pirate Party has got 2 seats in the European Parliament with over 7% of the vote. Only some weeks later, the German Pirate Party has entered the local Parliament after another party’s member switched sides. This year the Pirate Party movement is looking forward to continue this trend, especially during this year Swedish national elections. Actually, Sweden isn’t the only country for the Pirate Party to end up at the ballot. Both Pirate Party UK and the Dutch local Party hope to compete as well. The Dutch Pirate Party hopes to avoid criminalizing file-sharers – that’s what a few established parties have already shown interest in, as there’s been a lot of debate in recent months concerning Dutch copyright law, currently allowing people downloading copyrighted music and movies for personal use. Instead of that the Pirates strive to make sharing of all copyrighted information online legal and shorten the copyright term to five years. Tim Kuik, a big wheel at BREIN, the local anti-piracy group, is not afraid of organized pirates in politics. He described the plans of the Pirate Party as unrealistic and short-sighted. The chairman of the Pirate Party Samir Allioui, in his turn, said he is very happy with such negative comments, as Kuik gives voters a great reason to vote for them, meaning the negative view of most people to BREIN. In case of victory, the party is going to strive to strengthen fundamental rights, increase transparency and protect privacy. The party is also committed to pushing for patent reform, promoting Net Neutrality and stopping abuses of copyright. However, there’s still a long way to the election in June. The biggest barrier is the deposit required of 12,000 euros for preventing too many parties from entering. But the Party is sure it can raise this money soon. sursa : www.ExtraTorrent.com
  3. Colonelu` rusnac din S.T.A.L.K.E.R. !!!
  4. Marsul Memorial Avram Iancu
  5. Fake......
  6. DivX WEB PLAYER ....am scris ca este ONLINE MOVIE !!!
  7. http://content4.vidb.tv:80/dl/97b96c9235f56e94b9f10e78ea10d573/4b9a6146/12683637017185.flv
  8. old skool stuff .... http://subseven.org/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=529.0;attach=89 Versiunea 9 Martie 2010 http://www.subseven.org/Sub7_2.3_Official_Manual.pdf Manual v 2.3.0 ( 2010 )
  9. Valentine One radar and laser detectors
  10. Poate ca ati auzit sau vazut dar materialul este interesant.... Being Stalked Through Your Cell Phone
  11. The Social-Engineering Toolkit (SET) is a python-driven suite of custom tools which solely focuses on attacking the human element of penetration testing. It's main purpose is to augment and simulate social-engineering attacks and allow the tester to effectively test how a targeted attack may succeed. Currently SET has two main methods of attack, one is utilizing Metasploit[1] payloads and Java-based attacks by setting up a malicious website that ultimately delivers your payload. The second method is through file-format bugs and e-mail phishing. The second method supports your own open-mail relay, a customized sendmail open-relay, or Gmail integration to deliver your payloads through e-mail. The goal of SET is to bring awareness to the often forgotten attack vector of social-engineering. SET was created by Rel1k for social-engineer.org. This video created by loganWHD demonstrates how to use the Social Engineers Toolkit to perform an email attack using a maliciously encoded PDF. The first step is actually dumpster diving and finding an internal email list of the company. Then he creates a malicious PDF file vulnerable to the util.printf security bug. Then loganWHD uses the SET to create a spoofed email about an important memo to check out the attached PDF for more details. Once the victim opens the attachment, the exploit gets executed and of couse ... GAME OVER! Nicely done! http://videos.securitytube.net/Malicious-Email-Social-Engineer-Attack-using-Social-Engineers-Toolkit-(SET).mp4 Sursa : The Official Social Engineering Framework - Computer Based Social Engineering Tools: Social Engineer Toolkit (SET)
  12. Strike .... pt proiectul tau fiistudent.ro iti pot face rost ce info vrei de la 50% din Universitatile din Cluj-Napoca ..... Am prieteni care predau la faculta.Dar nu te limita la faculta....daca bagi tot ce tine de scolarizare , clasele I-XII + faculta ar fi altfel .Dar nu cred caMinisterul Educatiei ar fi dispus sa iti acorde ajutor cand iti poate lua ideea. Pax ... proiectul tau este interesant daca ar fi open-public live ( de asa ceva nu ai parte oricand )..... pe webcam......asa ca la scoala ,ca degeaba incearca sa stie lumea ce inseamna un string ca daca nu ii este explicat atunci nu are interes si mai bine merge la o bauta !!! Sau ai putea sa faci mici seminarii de programare. Spatiu didactic in Cluj-Napoca iti gasesc precum si cel putin un sponsor.
  13. Ascultati`l pe asta ce`i zice la femeie.......Doamne ..... romanian-catalina suge pula Iar comentariile la tziganii astia sunt urmatoarele : http://xhamster.com/movies/293908/romanian-sandina_suge_pula.html -tiganca borata cu un cocalar jegos cu o pula de doi lei... -un jegos cu bile pe pula!!! -His dicks looks like he has some kind of a STD (ASTA`I CEA MAI TARE !!! ) -i guess i know if she s romanian,since i am one she is mad bcz relatives and tell that story to hes husband/lover ( no comment ) -She is not romanian. Why is she crying?
  14. Manelele merg, mai un chit-chat cu partenera.... romanian blowjob timisoara ( oral - romanesc tm )
  15. What is Invite5 Invite 5 is a community of internet users that choose to view ads 'by request only' and when they do, they are providing the advertisers unmatched value. In exchange for providing that value, members share in the advertising dollars. The only value to an advertiser is the audience. With Invite 5, the audience gets to share in the value they provide. Unmatched Value. Unlimited Income Joini5 - Free Membership. Advertising by request. Free Money
  16. Cati dintre cei de pe RST folosesc iPhone ?
  17. Da...au gasit la mii de ani lumina...sa fim seriosi.Daca tot pot "vedea" atat de departe de ce cercetatorii americani aia beshitzi nu au mai facut calatorii pe Luna de la asa-zisa lor calatorie umana desi aveau o tehnologie redusa in comparatie cu cea din ultimii 2 ani ? Raspuns final : nu au fost niciodata pe Luna si nici nu au descoperit apa pe vreo planeta. Totul este un hoax !!!
  18. suna paradoxal : baga bani multi pentru ca nu testeaza !!!
  19. nu..PayPal functioneaza doar in "reteaua" lor.....de ce crezi ca spune cam pe orice site , Donate with PayPal sau pay throu (with) PayPal
  20. Merci tuturor. D3ath_Ang3l !!! Eu am cerut help la vot si aia am avut...... ################################################################ Email: Radu at RadioPlay dot Ro Msn: Spiritul_Ro at HotMail dot com Yahoo: SpiritulRo Oras: Cluj-Napoca Prenume: Radu Adresa: Str. Primaverii, NR.6 Nume: Ciurus Judet: Cluj Tara: Romania Nascut la: 07.10.1987 Telefon: 0745997837
  21. Nu a durat 5 minute si sunt pe primu` loc dar oricum multumesc tuturora.Daca iau ceva ( indiferent ce ) fac donatie RSTCenter`ului 150 Euro (cash , cec sau diferite produse (?) )
  22. nu`i teapa....is seriosi....au un mic depozit aproape de casuta mea.Nu`s tepari...
  23. fain ar fi Nemessis....Doamne da sa castig !!!
  24. Vreau sa castig la concursul pcmadd.com si am nevoie de votul tau ! Voteaza aici : http://www.pcmadd.com/concurs/extraterestru.php?nume=rocracker ! Inscrie-te si tu si poti castiga pe bune !
  25. ok..cum zici tu PetreTerror, dar eu tot vreau sa stiu cum fac sa mearga chestia aia.Asa ca, bai TrXtXX , posteaza naibii un tutorial daca tot zici ca l`ai folosit de ani de zile
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