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Everything posted by Undeath

  1. Vezi sa nu-ti distrugi tu viata.Dansul poa' sa faca frumos un raport la Politie si tu o sa te trezesti cu mai multe pe cap. *dansa ce drequ.
  2. Exista vreo metoda sau preferabil un software care sa faca chestia asta ? E un cont de facebook cu 600 prieteni si vreau sa ramana doar in jur de 150. De preferat ceva cu X in dreptul lui sau un fel de select all ? (o metoda rapida de a scoate 450 prieteni de pe facebook deh)
  3. Fac pariu ca o sa faca o legatura intre rezultatele de pe Google si analizele malware.
  4. Bine bre. Chillax toata lumea.
  5. So someone asked me the other day about this list and I rattled them off the top of my head. She said that it would probably be a good list to share so here I am. Windows 8 development has been ongoing for about 3 + years and there have been a bunch of tech reporters who have covered it pretty closely from the beginning. If you’re looking for comprehensive news and updates about Windows 8 well, obviously you’re here. What else do you need? If you need diversity and lots of talent, I have that list for you. Here are the top 10 best sources of Windows 8 information on the web today. 1. Windows8update.com Run by Onuora Amobi, this web magazine has basically covered Windows 8 since it was (quite frankly) ridiculous to do so (December of 2009). 3 years of wall to wall coverage of Windows 8 has ensured that if it’s Windows 8 related news, it’ll be here. The handsome, dashing and enigmatic billionaire editor… OK I’ll stop. Link 2. Winrumors ->TheVerge.com Tom Warren was the maniac behind the frenetically updated Windows blog (now defunct) Winrumors. Since he seemed to sleep in the hallways at Redmond (joke), Tom always seemed to get the craziest scoops (it seemed like) about all things Microsoft. Now at TheVerge, Tom continues to work his sources and give you timely Microsoft and Windows 8 news. Link 3 and 4 Winsupersite.com and WithinWindows.com The Batman and Robin of Windows 8 (joke), Paul Thurrott and Rafael Rivera are two very seasoned tech reporters and are also authors of the upcoming best seller Windows 8 Secrets. These two gentlemen had some pretty early and unprecedented access to Windows 8 and they somehow managed to balance (what must have been) some very strong NDA’s with keeping us as informed as possible. Very skillfully done. Link and Link 5. All About Microsoft What can I say about Mary Jo Foley? Very smart, funny, talented and honest, she has kept her laser sharp focus on Microsoft for quite a while. She has quite a deep bench of internal sources and continuously provides the skinny on all things Microsoft at ZDNet. Link 6. The Ed Bott Report What can I say about Ed Bott that he hasn’t said about himself on Twitter? (joke) Ed is one of the most fearless tech reporters focused on Microsoft out there. He has a very deep, clinical ability to surgically dissect the BS until he gets the truth. He also doesn’t tolerate flamers and ignorant comments so head over there and… Link 7. Neowin I love the guys at Neowin because they have pretty timely updates. John Callaham has definitely written extensively about Windows 8. John began his journalism career writing for print newspapers but 11 years ago moved on to write mostly for online outlets. You can see his Windows 8 reporting at Neowin. Link 8. Hardware 2.0 So how do you REALLY feel about Windows 8? Adrian Kingsley-Hughes is willing to put it all out there. One of the most vocal and open critics of the Windows 8 OS, I love and respect his stuff because it’s always balanced. he’ll give you the good and the bad. You can catch him at ZDNet. Link 9. Canouna The mystery man/woman who leaked the crap out of Windows 8 all the way up to the release of the Windows 8 RTM. I was able to do a mini interview but didn’t really get much about his identity. Canouna seemed to have unprecedented access to the halls of Microsoft and was on top of all things Windows 8 almost from the beginning. You can see (some of ) his stuff at Winunleaked, one of the best Windows 8 forums online. Link 10. The Windows 8 Development Blog/Steven Sinofsky In what will go down as a very impressive and deft use of influence, Mr. Sinofsky was very open about sharing the blueprint and direction of this Operating System. While a lot of us disagreed with what was being shared, we could not disagree about the level of openness for such a large project. I quite frankly have never seen anything done so well on such a large scale and I think he has become a pioneer in global software change management. Link sursa : windows8update.com
  6. ":))" sper ca esti moldovean ":))".
  7. Imi cer scuze. Tipu' care a postat logurile nu e obligat sa-l cripteze in ce vrei tu,sa-ti de'ie tie metode,pule.Daca reusesti OK,daca nu e tot OK pentru el.
  8. Da fratele meu. //scos link.
  9. Nu mai aruncati cu cuvinte in om.Daca nu stiti cum se decripteaza nu inseamna ca nu se poate decripta.Tare high sunt unii dintre voi.
  10. Chestia asta a inceput ca un joc.Nu a crezut cineva ca totul va fi atat de complex. Sunt de parere ca ar trebui sa se ofere un numar maxim de locuri cu un numar maxim de spatiu si grupe de useri : 1.normal - poate accesa chatul pos , poate avea acces la un numar limitat de aplicatii , spatiu depozitare maxim 512 MB 2.medium - poate accesa chatul pos , poate vorbi in chat , numar limitat de aplicatii , spatiu depozitare 2 GB , acces la fisierele shared 3.high - tata lor. Cu o chestie de genul ati putea sa reduceti din banda si toate smecheriile + sunt o multime de conturi inactive - au intrat , wow e fain , au iesit si atat. PS : Am un vecin ungur
  11. Decriptat. Respect. +1
  12. Vand un domeniu .RO cu keyword bun , ROTLD , sunt unic detinator , nu este indexat in Google.Nu s-a inceput nici un proiect cu el. Criptat cu TRIPO-5.Denumirea domeniului a fost criptata deoarece nu vreau sa fie indexat in Google.Imi cer scuze pentru eventualele neprecizari. Respect !
  13. La multi ani Andrei ! Algoritmica | Programare | Securitate | Stiri IT | Worldit.info
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5DlIpmm-lg
  15. Atatia termeni par sa induca o oarecare doza de confuzie: phishing, pharming, smishing, malware… Astazi vom lamuri ce inseamna smishing-ul – este o forma de phishing care vine prin SMS. Principiul este acelasi: primesti un link ce pare autentic, dai click si esti directionat de fapt spre o alta adresa (pe care pe mobil e si mai greu uneori sa o verifici). Apoi introduci anumite date personale pe site-ul fals unde ai ajuns si iti poti lua adio de la contul bancar sau chiar datele in sine introduse acolo pot fi folosite in scopuri imorale. Iata un video scurt realizat de cei de la CNET despre aceasta noua amenintare. http://cnettv.cnet.com/you-smishing-victim/9742-1_53-50129545.html Cum te poti proteja? Foarte simplu! Nu deschizi niciun link primit prin SMS-uri venite de la persoane necunoscute. sursa : faravirusi.com
  16. The Windows 8 Enterprise 90-day evaluation is available to developers to build and test Windows 8 apps on the final version of Windows 8. About This Evaluation This evaluation provides a 90-day trial of Windows 8 Enterprise edition. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions are available as ISO images in the following languages: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, English (UK), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), and Spanish. In order to use this evaluation, you must register and the product must be activated online with Microsoft-hosted activation and validation services. Microsoft does not provide technical support for this software. Is the evaluation edition really for you? This is intended for developers building Windows 8 apps and IT professionals interested in trying Windows 8 Enterprise on behalf of their organization. If you qualify under one of the following programs listed below, you may already have access to the final bits and do not need to download this 90-day evaluation. MSDN Subscription Microsoft Partner Network TechNet Professional Subscription Microsoft Volume Licensing/Software Assurance Things to Know Before You Start The evaluation edition will expire and cannot be upgraded. To upgrade, the evaluation must be uninstalled and a non-evaluation version of Windows must be re-installed from your original installation media. Consider running the evaluation edition in a virtual environment or installing on a separate hard drive or partition. The will allow you to upgrade your original Windows installation to Windows 8. During registration (required) you must login with a Microsoft account and provide your name, e-mail address and country. You are required to activate the product online within 10 days after installing. Once the evaluation is installed, you cannot upgrade. To revert to a previous version of Windows, you must do a clean install from your original installation media. Activation and Usage Guidelines Back up your files and settings before installing this evaluation and again prior to the 90-day expiration. Upon installation, you will have 10 days to activate this evaluation online. Windows will prompt you to activate. A product key is not required for this software. You must complete activation before August 15, 2013, to use this evaluation. Once you activate, you have up to 90 days to use the software. You can track the amount of time you have left by referring to the “watermark” in the lower right corner of the Windows desktop. If you fail to activate this evaluation within the 10-day grace period, or if your evaluation period expires, the desktop background will turn black, you will see a persistent desktop notification indicating that the system is not genuine, and the PC will shut down every hour losing unsaved work. Following the evaluation period, you will need to replace the operating system on your test computer and reinstall all your programs and data. It is not possible to upgrade the evaluation to a licensed working version of Windows 8. A clean installation is required. System Requirements Windows 8 works on the same hardware that powers Windows 7: Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit) Hard disk space: 20 GB Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver Additional requirements to use certain features: To use touch, you need a tablet or a monitor that supports multitouch. To access the Windows Store and to download and run apps, you need an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768. To snap apps, you need a screen resolution of at least 1366 x 768. Internet access (ISP fees might apply) Download the Windows 8 evaluation for developers Select the Version You Want to Download https://profile.microsoft.com/RegSysProfileCenter/wizard.aspx?wizid=30172D0F-3A8E-4E7D-9AC5-35CA5BA0DCCC&lcid=1033&ci=393 - Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation Copy 32 Bit https://profile.microsoft.com/RegSysProfileCenter/wizard.aspx?wizid=518B9627-D97E-4AB5-8126-B50862B8CC8A&lcid=1033&ci=393 - Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation Copy 64 Bit Each version is available in the following languages: Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) English English (UK) French German Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese (Brazil) Spanish. furat si nestructurat ; http://www.windows8update.com/download-free-windows-8-evaluation-copy-for-90-days/
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  17. Cand am citit titlul mi-am adus aminte de profesoara mea de matematica , mare jucatoare "am bagat 6 lei am scos 92 dimineata asta"
  18. Înc? de la prima versiune a sistemului de operare Windows, Microsoft a urmat un program de dezvoltare de la care s-a ab?tut arareori. Acesta cuprindea lans?ri majore de produs la intervale de 2,5 - 3 ani iar actualiz?rile oferite între timp nu introduceau facilit??i noi ci doar le reparau sau îmbun?t??eau pe cele existente. Au existat ?i abateri de la reguli, cum ar fi distan?a temporal? mare dintre Windows XP ?i Windows Vista sau introducerea unor facilit??i noi în Windows XP Service Pack 2, îns? acestea au fost doar excep?ii. Dac? zvonurile pe care Mary Jo Foley (ZDNet) sau Paul Turrott (WinSuperSIte) le vehiculeaz? se vor dovedi a fi reale, Windows 8 ar putea fi îns? ultima versiune care a respectat acest program de dezvoltare. Conform acestora, anul viitor ar putea aduce o actualizare major? pentru Windows 8 ?i Windows RT, în acest moment fiind neclar dac? acesta va fi un doar un Service Pack sau un Feature Pack menit sa aduc? facilit??i noi pe care compania nu a putut s? le implementeze în cadrul versiunilor care vor fi lansate în toamn?. Conform ZDNet, dezvoltarea versiunii 9 a sistemului de operare a început deja îns? aceasta ar putea fi înlocuit? de aceast? enigmatic? actualizare major?, cunoscut? momentan sub numele de cod Blue. Înlocuirea unui ciclu lent ?i pa?i majori cu unul rapid cu salturi minore nu este o noutate în lumea sistemelor de operare, atât Apple cât ?i produc?torii de distribu?ii Linux folosind lans?ri anuale sau mai dese pentru a aduce îmbun?t??iri de mai mic? amploare. Nu este o noutate nici m?car pentru Microsoft, atât Windows Phone 7 cât ?i platformele sale online folosind un ciclu de dezvoltare similar, dar pentru lumea Windows este o schimbare radical? a unui mod de actualizare care nu mai corespunde cerin?elor de ast?zi ale pie?ei. sursa : go4it.ro
  19. Da' ajuta la parcatul avionului in gara de tren. to steal = a fura = stealer = (care , ceva , o chestie) fur? parolele memorate (cand te loghezi pe un site new , iti va aparea optiunea "remember my password") De unde fur? ? Si ce face cu ce a furat ? #Send logs to my sql data base(php) - le trimite la o baza de date tip mysql Baz? de date - Wikipedia MySQL - Wikipedia
  20. "pretul este de 15 euro paypall, Mai multe detalii PM."
  21. Welcome draga MC.
  22. Foarte bine structurat. +1 rep
  23. Undeath

    A ? Merge ?

  24. Dac? pân? acum ?tiam despre viitorul iPhone c? vine echipat cu un ecran wide de 4 inch, acum ?tim ?i dimensiunile exacte ale carcasei. Carcas? de doar 7.6 mm grosime pentru iPhone 5? Potrivit informa?iilor publicate într-un ziar din China, al?turi de noi imagini cu ceea ce pare a fi versiuea allb? de iPhone 5, carcasa acestuia m?soar? un confortabil 7.6 mm grosime. Altfel spus, iPhone 5 este cu 1.4 mm mai sub?ire decât iPhone 4S, iar asta în ciuda folosirii unui ecran mai mare. Potrivit aceluia?i ziar, dimensiunile exacte sunt 123.86x58.47x7.6 mm, astfel c? noul iPhone este cu 8,63 mm mai lung decât iPhone 4S ?i probabil pu?in mai greu. Dac? zvonurile se adeveresc, Apple va anun?a oficial succesorul lui iPhone 4S în data de 12 septembrie, urmând ca acesta s? fie livrat împreun? nu noul sistem de operare iOS 6. sursa : go4it.ro
  25. Algoritmii de c?utare ?i afi?are a rezultatelor folosi?i de motorul de c?utare Google vor penaliza site-urile pentru care au fost trimise prea multe notific?ri referitoare la înc?lcarea drepturilor de autor, modific?rile urmând s? se propage începând de ast?zi. Anun?ul a fost f?cut prin intermediul blogului Google Search în cursul zilei de vineri ?i, conform acestuia, penaliz?rile vor deveni din ce în ce mai drastice cu cât num?rul de plângeri justificate este mai mare. Acum circa doi ani, Google a început s? devin? mai atent cu plângerile proprietarilor drepturilor de autor, una dintre primele m?suri fiind eliminarea rezultatelor care con?in cuvântul "torrent" din cadrul facilit??ilor Autocomplete ?i Instant search. Aceste m?suri sunt necesare atât pentru evitarea conflictelor juridice cu de?in?torii drepturilor de autor. cât ?i pentru p?strarea relevan?ei rezultatelor. În urma modific?rilor care vor intra în vigoare de ast?zi, site-urile pentru care au fost primite multe plângeri vor fi împinse c?tre coada listei de rezultate, utilizatorului oferindu-i-se mai întâi con?inut, presupus pân? la proba contrarie, legitim. Cu toate acestea, nimic nu a putut împiedica algoritmii de c?utare s? indexeze în continuare, Google devenind practic una dintre cele mai mari baze de date de leg?turi Web c?tre materiale piratate. Dup? cum compania a afirmat în repetate rânduri, aceste modific?ri nu altereaz? algoritmii software care indexeaz? con?inutul, ci doar pe cei de c?utare ?i afi?are. Astfel, modific?rile f?cute în urma unei plângeri nejustificate care este ulterior invalidat? pot fi anulate rapid f?r? pierderea index?rilor deja f?cute. sursa : go4it.ro
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