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Everything posted by tomyk

  1. daca stai pe la etajul 10 sari pe geam cu tot cu hard sa fii sigur ca il faci bucati in timp ce cazi sau dupa
  2. mscoree.dll free download - DLL-files.com
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9cS6KcBQSOg Description: Available: -MD5 Hash -MD5(Base-64) -MD5(Unix) -MD5(APR) -MD5(phpBB3) -MD5(WordPress) -SHA-1 Hash -SHA-256(Unix) -SHA-512(Unix) -SHA-1(Base-64) -SHA-224(Base-64) -SHA-256(Base-64) Virus Scanner: Scan Result | Element Scanner Download link: hash.rar Sursa: Welcome to SecurityTube!
  4. NullSecurity Team Releases "Trixd00r v0.0.1" an advanced and invisible TCP/IP based userlandbackdoor for UNIX systems. It consists of a server and a client. The server sits and waits for magic packets using a sniffer. If a magic packet arrives, it will bind a shell over TCP or UDP on the given port or connecting back to the client again over TCP or UDP. The client is used to send magic packets to trigger the server and get a shell. Download:http://www.nullsecurity.net/tools/trixd00r-0.0.1.tar.gz Sursa: The Hacker News [ THN ] - Updates to Security Experts and Hackers
  5. Browser forensic tool, is a software that will search in all kind of browser history (even archived) in a few seconds. It will retrieve URLS and Title with the chosen keywords of all matching search. You can use default example profiles or create yours, with thematic search. Can be very useful for many kind of people Download - Unremote Security Sursa: unremote.org
  6. torrent.... sa cam dus cu dc++ in afara de muzica si filme asa si asa virusi cat cuprinde
  7. Hai Basescu stiu ca poti si tu!!!!!
  8. recycle bin
  9. Been waiting for this one for awhile. Awesome job from the dev-team on releasing a jailbreak for the iPhone 4S and iPad2. Real easy: First thing, make sure you are on 5.0.1 Download: http://jailbreaktools.com/downloads/osx/absinthe- Unzip. On OSX Lion I had a “Absinthe quit unexpectedly”. If you run into this, open up a terminal and cd into the root directory of the directory that has Absinthe.app. Do not go into the directory and type: It will restart a few times, you probably should remove your passcode lock as it can hose the install process. Once it reboots, go to your home screen on the iPhone and look for the Absinthe icon. Click on that (may need to wait a couple minutes for 3G to connect) and it'll reboot. You should now have Cydia in place. SURSA :Blog ? SecManiac.com
  10. pariu ca melodia asta ai auzito aici Anonymous message to Romania 2 - ACTA - YouTube
  11. oricum aia cu 2099 e carianta crakuita...exodius probabil
  12. grimm,fringe
  13. la pretul asta ai sa-l vinzi cand isi da demisia Basescu...dau invitatie gratis pm me
  14. betakey nu ai sa vezi stai linistit
  15. doamne de cand il astept l-am observat pe facebook
  16. Sa il iei tu sa faci ratie mare ..dupa sa ne zici si noua cat ai facut
  17. tomyk


    pffff pacat... contul de facebook e blocat si chiar aveam nevoie
  18. merge + rep...
  19. am ESET NOD32 SMART SECURITY 5 cu update-uri la zi...am si scanat si nu am gasit nimic
  20. si eu am NOD32 5 smart security si nu a detectat nimic ....n0am framework 4 asa ca zic pass
  21. n-are nimic ...am antivirus nu cred ca a intrat nimic ...l-am deschis si prin sandboxie
  22. imi da eroare don't send...banuiesc pentru ca n-am framework 4?
  23. as vrea si eu parola ..stiu ca nu o merit....dar incercarea moarte n-are
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