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Everything posted by YoyoCel

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  2. Iti vand contul meu cu 98.60 euro pe el. Doar la 100 poti scoate. Faceam cate 20 de euro intr-o zi. Si de la 98.60 s-a blocat. Nu mai da bani, doar jetoane. Oricum. Incearca site-ul acesta sa folosesti coduri de jetoane, ce le dau altii "la schimb" : Les codes jetons Jetons-Jackpot - Accueil
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  6. Daca ai cumparat ceva de pe contul de steam(si implicit l-ai "verified"), poti face trade-uri. E limita aia de 30 de zile pentru a preveni scam-accounts.
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  11. YoyoCel


    Holistic Browser Type a web address and you'll be taken to one typed by someone else. Warning: This allows strangers to direct your browser! They may send you to pages containing porn, viruses, or Justin Bieber fanfiction. At the very least, turn on private browsing.
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  18. Am un telefon "RIO ZTE-G X991" Problema cu el e : The issue with this phone, is that it cannot access the messaging section (if you click into "inbox" "sent" "message settings" etc., you are presented with a "loading..." dialogue which does not complete, although you can cancel this). From connecting the phone via USB, it looks like it is looking for the associated folder/config/db files from the filesystem, and I suspect these have previously been deleted. Am cautat in lung si`n lat pe net sa il "reflashuiesc". Tot ce am reusit sa gasesc ar fi asta : Infinity-Box - About Daca a mai avut cineva telefon la fel cu aceasta problema, sau orice ajutor as fi recunoscator.
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  24. YoyoCel


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  25. V-au apucat raidurile, dar pun pariu ca la acesta nu s-a bagat niciunul din voi. /b/ - Belea
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