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Everything posted by gaby90boy

  1. bravo Nytro mai baieti luati de aici trebuie sa mearga http://www.fileshare.ro/518555248.82 http://myfreefilehosting.com/f/e0e2201907_0.06MB
  2. gaby90boy

    ma dispera

    era un topic unde flama zicea ca nu poate sa doarma ziua si zicea ca noaptea face concert xzibit....vezi poate e el ...... ii periculos la ala din bloc dai o bataie buna ...sau pune p cineva:)).....si sa ii zica s nu mai bage muzica..daca nu gasesti o solutie:))
  3. De la: sined2 Cãtre: gaby90boy Trimis: 01 Apr 2008 03:14 pm Subiect: cqkiller dami si mie programu pls Kenpachi esti renumit:)) cu KENPACHI BAN ME PLEASE ... SUNT RATAT Killer rar oameni de astea .... dai la baiat ce merita:))
  4. multi au primit bani .....uitate pe forum .......si multi asteapta sa primeasca bani N!k3 vrei s te inbogatesti:))....ai sa te saturi de bux asta nu este tutorial ..parerea mea
  5. http://www.shop.it http://www.overstock.com
  6. bravo slick acu il incerg ....buna treaba thx
  7. Bun venit ..... send me id-ul tau pls:)
  8. tare teapa..prima oara m am prins....nu imi place sa vad rst hackuit
  9. Avira.GmbH.AntiVir.Mobile.v1.1.0.S60 Avira.GmbH.AntiVir.Mobile.v6.39.00.02.S60.SymbianOS.Retail_illusion BitDefender.Mobile.Antivirus.v1.0.Beta.2.0.S60.SymbianOS F-SecureMobileAnti-VirusS60_V2_2nd Edition.sis F-Secure Disinfection Tools_SymbianOS8.1a Kaspersky With New Update Kaspersky Anti-Virus Mobile 2.0.55 Release Candidate McAfee.VirusScan.Mobile.v1.11.Virus.Definition.1.1.3 NetQin_V2.[1.50.15]_for_OS7 .SIS PandaSecurity_SymbianOS7-8.1a Simworks_AntiVirus_v1.2.1 SimWorks.AntiVirus.v1.30.S60.SymbianOS.Cracked-SyMPDA Symantec Mobile Security Virus Definition 04 JUN 2k7.sis Symantec 4.0.37 Symantec Mobile Threats Removal Tool symantec_mobile_virus_def._25.07.2007 SymantecMS_Corporate_Edition_4.0.41 ZeonMobile.Anti.Virus.v1.00.S60.SymbianOS.Cracked-BiNPDA http://rapidshare.com/files/88827894/18_antivirus_for_symbian.rar
  10. Book Description Looks at the number one advancement currently emerging from 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) in global wireless growth: the development of wireless applications based only on the Internet Protocol (IP) which drives the Web. Focusing on the emerging all-IP core network and applications, this book covers. 3G and shows how the all-IP core network can be developed and how applications can be created . Contains review questions and their solutions at the end of each chapter, all of which have been tested, as well as models for implementation. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/98937813/Wiley.Wireless.and.Mobile.All-IP.Networks.Nov.2005.eBook-LinG.pdf
  11. stiu unu dar e privat ia si tu 1 st mass mailer si smtp server google e plin ...a si nu ai postat unde trebuie
  12. au lasat-o ca pe un caine .......nepasare..sunt nijte nesimtiti politisti din film......
  13. de acu baga imaginea umploadeaza pe http://img1.imageshack.us ...ei linku de la Direct link to image si il bag inainte de linku de download asa [ img]link imagine bafta
  14. dai start run scrii cmd bagi ping -t -w 1 -l 45000 "adresa ip" si ii da ping de 45000 ..nu cred c ai sa rezolvi ceva cu asta
  15. nu am trisat
  16. Certified Ethical Hacker 5.0 The Certified Ethical Hacker v5 certification from QuickCert enables the system administrator with critical information to identify, counter and stop or defend hackers from penetrating the corporate network. With this certification, you will begin to understand how a hacker thinks and what tactics they use to penetrate corporate networks. This allows system administrators to deploy proactive countermeasures and stay ahead of information security developments and exploited vulnerabilities. Introduction to Ethical Hacking • Footprinting Techniques • Scanning • Enumeration • System Hacking • Trojans and Backdoors • Sniffers • Denial of Service • Social Engineering • Session Hijacking • Hacking Web Servers • Web Application Vulnerabilities • Web-based Password Cracking Techniques • SQL Injection • Hacking Wireless Networks • Virus and Worms • Physical Security • Linux Hacking • Evading, IDS, Firewalls and Honeypots • Buffer Overflows • Cryptography • Penetration Testing Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/93516195/CEHv5_Instructor_Slides.rar
  17. tare programul functioneaza perfect ... si eu l-am primit...ms
  18. tare metoda:) ..am sa o incerc si eu bv;)
  19. is vechi le stiu ..mai era unu cu un baiat mort de beat in baie ...tare:))
  20. cum e posibil asa ceva ... ma joc cu cain de 3 zile si vad parole de mess..vad mai tot:) si vine azi provideru si zice ca generez ip-uri si nuj ce mai fac de dau la astea ip conflict si ramane reteaua fara net...asta ii ilegal ..a zis daca mai fac ceva imi taie netu
  21. hecar imi place ce ai zis ... nu imi place moaca lui ala care prezinta si lui "hackeru" ala care stie sa umble pe odc:)) ..si sa caute manele pe best-top..daca ias vede pe drum iasi bate ..sa mor io :evil: ce fata de poponari au si manelisti prosti
  22. aia trebuie batuti cu ranga :twisted:
  23. ii tare ..caruta aia e usoara de asta aluneca asa ..
  24. pe n73 merge in reluare ....oare de ce?
  25. Giveaway of the day project, the new initiative in the software distribution world! Every day we offer for FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise! Our new initiative, Giveaway of the day, is finally open to its visitors and ready to present hot software titles and best software authors from all over the world. For game giveaways check out Game Giveaway of the Day.We wish you a Happy Giveaway! Giveaway of the day is a win-win solution for both publishers and clients The idea behind this initiative is that many sites and publishers offer trial downloads; but only we offer giveaway downloads. What does that mean? Basically, every day we nominate one software title that will be a Giveaway title of that day. The software will be available for download for 24 hours (or more, if agreed by software publisher) and that software will be absolutely free. That means - not a trial, not a limited version - but a registered and legal version of the software will be free for our visitors*. The software product will be presented in its full functionality, without any limitations save for those mentioned in Terms and Conditions. The download link will remain on our web-site for the agreed period of time, together with the review of the software product and the information about other products from the software publisher presenting the giveaway title. Both reviews and the information on the product line will remain active even when the Giveaway period is over. The information about Giveaway of the day and the participants of this initiative will be included in our newsletters and distributed among our visitors and subscribers. We will pay the software publisher for the Giveaway license, and our visitors will only receive those after downloading a special verification program and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, thus protecting software publishers’ interests and making our initiative beneficial for both clients and publishing companies. We believe that Giveaway of the day will allow both publishers and clients to meet each other and win together with our initiative. How can I win with Giveaway of the day? You will get to know new software, for free! You will learn more about the software product, because we will provide a detailed software review for every title we nominate! You will get the information and special offers on all the additional software products from the given publisher. You will be offered an easy access to new software products and new versions of existing ones. Vast software selection as well as the extensive search capabilities of our web-site will allow you to find just the software you need. News of the world of software, daily updated information, new reviews and software downloads - all and everything for you, every day, together with our daily giveaways! How can I participate in Giveaway of the day? That’s simple! Our visitors will always stay informed about Giveaway of the day initiative and its current publishers. The information about giveaways for upcoming week will be posted on our web-site; all of our subscribers will receive this information in their weekly newsletter. Plus, Giveaway Tickers will also help us spread the information around the world. So just visit us frequently, subscribe to our newsletter and stay updated with our giveaways! See also information about our Giveaway Ticker, the fastest way to find out what’s hot on our web-site today. http://www.giveawayoftheday.com
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