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Everything posted by vecinu95

  1. Laptopul de pe care scriu acum (un HP 8570w) a avut aceleasi simptome. Se aprindeau led-urile insa ecranul ramanea negru. Nici cu display extern nu functiona. Am schimbat placa video si acum functioneaza fara probleme. Vezi daca modelul tau stie sa functioneze si pe placa integrata. De exemplu al meu nu stia. Daca da, scoate-o pe cea dedicata.
  2. In our digital era, organizations are relying increasingly on cybersecurity to protect themselves, enable trust, move faster, add value, and grow. As the volume and sophistication of cyberattacks rises, organizations are experiencing a significant shortage of IT professionals with cybersecurity skills. To help close this security skills gap, Cisco is introducing the Global Cybersecurity Scholarship program. Cisco will invest $10 million in this program to increase the pool of talent with critical cybersecurity proficiency. Cisco also has enhanced its Security certification portfolio with a new CCNA Cyber Ops certification. Through the scholarship program, Cisco will offer free training, mentoring, and testing designed to help you earn CCNA Cyber Ops certification and hone the skills needed for the job role of security operations center analyst. The new CCNA Cyber Ops certification has been designed to address the critical skills deficit, providing the job-ready knowledge needed to meet current and future challenges in network security. Articol complet: https://mkto.cisco.com/security-scholarship
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  3. E buna solutia data mai sus (cu alfa) iar daca antena nu te incanta, poti sa-i pui una de 9db, tot de la ei (alfa).
  4. Payment are sent automatically every month when you have a minimum earning of 5.00$ for the previous month. Next payment: 13 April 2013
  5. Eu am bagat vreo 700$ intr-un fel de hyip, dar serios (de peste 1 an) si scot 100$ lunar, cu posibilitatea de a-mi scoate si suma bagata initial (700$) oricand, integral.
  6. Confirm si eu ca functioneaza, dar cand ti-e lumea mai draga crapa si nu-l mai poti deschide, iti cere datele de logare. Asadar trebuie iar dezarhivat....
  7. Hello, We are sorry to inform you that your free VPS application has been rejected. It could happen because our support team had suspisions that you are about to use the server for malicious activities. Deci traim in Romania...si asta le spune lor multe
  8. Cum spune si titlul, cumpar conturi youtube. Informativ, ofer 5$ pe 50 conturi valide. (Paypal) Contact: aici pe forum sau PM PS: Nu m-ar deranja oferte mai avantajoase.
  9. Iti dai seama ca si astea sunt interzise... Eu sunt curios care e miscarea din spate, pentru ca astia de la skypehost ofera mult prea mult pentru ce preturi au. Cu siguranta e ceva la mijloc. Imi cer scuze ca m-am bagat aiurea. Ca sa fiu on-topic, site-urile se incarca rapid?
  10. Crezi ca el sta la ppd (pay per download) ? Pun pariu ca merge cu pps (pay per sale)
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