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Everything posted by Fi8sVrs

  1. Oricum nu pot fi citite cu noul update, stai relax.. nu te mai interesa, nu iti spune nimeni cum... Mai bine faci ce spune gigi, si du-te la munca
  2. be careful with a cow shit on the roads Edit: Romania is a small village Edit// aelius :))) or gisys horses, fuckin' shit :)))
  3. Italiano vero, mai study https://www.khanacademy.org/math/statistics-probability/significance-tests-one-sample/error-probabilities-and-power/v/type-1-errors Server is down, italiano vero
  4. ^ dude, ce spui tu acolo are implementat wpa3 "They augment privacy protections already in place for data frames with mechanisms to improve the resiliency of mission-critical networks."
  5. Topic din 2014 cand suntem in '20 ^succes https://ryanstutorials.net/linuxtutorial/cheatsheetgrep.php
  6. Vezi sa nu mori impuscat, t/c Edit// du-te in olanda daca vrei sa fumezi, Edit2: obamama avea 100mil pe cap pt un lunetist, merkel 500, stai in banca ta Edit3/// platesti aprox 70 € dus intors si fumezi de te spargi, all inclusive
  7. Like any developer, you are constantly developing. You are learning new technologies by reading books, watching online lessons, attending some courses, and so on and so forth. You know that if you stop learning, you become uncompetitive. But have you ever thought about your performance? How do you improve that? If you don't know how to answer than welcome under the cut. Level 0 — Сonquer The Fear Touch typing This post is not about touch typing. Nevertheless, this is the first answer to the question above. To understand the rest of this article you have to manage touch typing. VIM Intro More..https://m.habr.com/en/post/440130/
  8. http://www.datasciencefree.com/cheatsheets.html Source,
  9. When it comes to the cloud market, there are few known knowns. For instance, we know that AWS is the market leader with around 32 percent of market share. We know Microsoft is far back in second place with around 14 percent, the only other company in double digits. We also know that IBM and Google are wallowing in third or fourth place, depending on whose numbers you look at, stuck in single digits. The market keeps expanding, but these two major companies never seem to get a much bigger piece of the pie. Neither company is satisfied with that, of course. Google so much so that it moved on from Diane Greene at the end of last year, bringing in Oracle veteran Thomas Kurian to lead the division out of the doldrums. Meanwhile, IBM made an even bigger splash, plucking Red Hat from the market for $34 billion in October. This week, the two companies made some more noise, letting the cloud market know that they are not ceding the market to anyone. For IBM, which is holding its big IBM Think conference this week in San Francisco, it involved opening up Watson to competitor clouds. For a company like IBM, this was a huge move, akin to when Microsoft started building apps for iOS. It was an acknowledgement that working across platforms matters, and that if you want to gain market share, you had better start thinking outside the box. While becoming cross-platform compatible isn’t exactly a radical notion in general, it most certainly is for a company like IBM, which if it had its druthers and a bit more market share, would probably have been content to maintain the status quo. But if the majority of your customers are pursuing a multi-cloud strategy, it might be a good idea for you to jump on the bandwagon — and that’s precisely what IBM has done by opening up access to Watson across clouds in this fashion. Clearly buying Red Hat was about a hybrid cloud play, and if IBM is serious about that approach, and for $34 billion, it had better be — it would have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. As IBM Watson CTO and chief architect Ruchir Puri told my colleague Frederic Lardinois about the move, “It’s in these hybrid environments, they’ve got multiple cloud implementations, they have data in their private cloud as well. They have been struggling because the providers of AI have been trying to lock them into a particular implementation that is not suitable to this hybrid cloud environment.” This plays right into the Red Hat strategy, and I’m betting you’ll see more of this approach in other parts of the product line from IBM this year. (Google also acknowledged this when it announced a hybrid strategy of its own last year.) Meanwhile, Thomas Kurian had his coming-out party at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference in San Francisco earlier today. Bloomberg reports that he announced a plan to increase the number of salespeople and train them to understand specific verticals, ripping a page straight from the playbook of his former employer, Oracle. He suggested that his company would be more aggressive in pursuing traditional enterprise customers, although I’m sure his predecessor, Diane Greene, wasn’t exactly sitting around counting on inbound marketing interest to grow sales. In fact, rumor had it that she wanted to pursue government contracts much more aggressively than the company was willing to do. Now it’s up to Kurian to grow sales. Of course, given that Google doesn’t report cloud revenue it’s hard to know what growth would look like, but perhaps if it has more success it will be more forthcoming. Via https://techcrunch.com/2019/02/12/google-and-ibm-still-trying-desperately-to-move-cloud-market-share-needle/
  10. A scris Nytro carte, cauta "carte linux" In tutoriale, Edit2 de o gasesc iti pun link Edit3: https://maker.pro/linux/tutorial/basic-linux-commands-for-beginners Edit4: oricum era mai buna... Edit5: sefeaza ca wallpaper https://m.imgur.com/1c9y0
  11. Fi8sVrs


    Scuze, eu nu inteleg un lucru, m-am uitat la trailer (nu am avut timp), nu are nicio legatura cu e face el aici, oare de ce?
  12. Asta in cazul in care are acces fizic la ea
  13. Sau inspect elemement input "password" to "text"
  14. Bilute mici :))) Asterix, alta arternativa, Go to Settings > Security. Check "Make passwords visible".
  15. Fi8sVrs


    dnSpy is a debugger and .NET assembly editor. You can use it to edit and debug assemblies even if you don't have any source code available. Want to say thanks? Click the star at the top of the page. Or fork dnSpy and send a PR! The following pictures show dnSpy in action. It shows dnSpy editing and debugging a .NET EXE file, not source code. Source: https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy
  16. #!/usr/bin/perl # # compare two groups of equal length (per row) binary data # looking for similarities between each group, both groups, # and differences between individual groups # # -samy kamkar use strict; use Term::ANSIColor; my $verbose = $ARGV[0] eq "-v" ? shift() : 0; die "usage: $0 [-v] <file>\n" if -t STDIN && !@ARGV; # binary set a and b my (@a, @b, @orig); my $next = 0; my $ind = 0; my @comments; # read in our data while (<>) { chomp; # s/\s//g; # strip comment if present s/(\s*#.*)//; my $comment = $1; if ($_ eq "") { $next++; next; } else { push @orig, $_; } # already binary if (/^[01\s_]+$/) { } elsif (/^[a-f\d\s_]+/i) # hex { s/([a-f\d])/unpack("B4", pack("H", $1))/eg; } else # ascii { s/(.)/unpack("B8", $1)/eg; } my $bits = [split //]; $next ? push(@b, $bits) : push(@a, $bits); push(@comments, $comment); } # bit length my $bitlen = @{$a[0]}; # find common bits between pieces my @common = find_common(@a, @b); my @common_a = find_common(@a); my @common_b = find_common(@b); # find differences between the two groups my @diff = map { !$common[$_] && $common_a[$_] && $common_b[$_] ? 1 : 0 } 0 .. $bitlen-1; # now print the sets cmpr(\@a, \@common_a); midrow(); # print just same/diff rows easier cmpr(\@b, \@common_b); # print bits printbits(); sub printbits { my $max = ($bitlen - 1) % 8; print " " x (length($orig[0]) + 1) if $verbose; foreach (1 .. $bitlen) { print color($max == 0 ? 'bold' : $max == 4 ? 'yellow' : 'reset') . $max . color('reset'); $max = ($max - 1) % 8; } print "\n"; } sub midrow { print " " x (length($orig[0]) + 1) if $verbose; for (my $i = 0; $i < $bitlen; $i++) { my $color = $diff[$i] ? 'bold blue' : # if different between groups $common[$i] ? 'bold green' : # same between groups $common_a[$i] || $common_b[$i] ? 'cyan' : # common in single group 'reset'; my $letter = $diff[$i] ? 'X' : $common[$i] ? '=' : $common_a[$i] ? '^' : $common_b[$i] ? 'v' : '-'; print color($color) . $letter . color('reset'); } print "\n"; } sub cmpr { my ($rows, $common) = @_; # go through rows of the set foreach my $bits (@{$rows}) { print "$orig[$ind++] " if $verbose; # go through each bit in the row for (my $i = 0; $i < $bitlen; $i++) { my $bit = $bits->[$i]; my $commbit = $common->[$i]; my $color = $bit ne '0' && $bit ne '1' ? 'reset' : # ignore space/underlines $common[$i] ? 'green' : # same on all rows is green $diff[$i] ? ($bit ? 'magenta' : 'red') : # common in this set and not other is blue/red $commbit ? 'cyan' : # common just in the group 'reset'; print color($color) . $bit . color('reset'); } print shift(@comments); print "\n"; } # print "\n"; } # find common bits among all rows sub find_common { my @common = (1) x $bitlen; my @lastbit = (-1) x $bitlen; # go through all array refs passed in foreach my $bits (@_) { # go through all bits in the array ref for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$bits}; $i++) { my $bit = $bits->[$i]; # ignore comparing first bit (nothing to compare to yet) if ($lastbit[$i] != -1) { # if last bit is different if ($lastbit[$i] != $bit) { $common[$i] = 0; } } $lastbit[$i] = $bit; } } #print "@common\n"; return @common; } https://github.com/samyk/samytools Source github
  17. A Python-3 (CPython >= 3.5.0) Interpreter written in Rust 🐍 😱 🤘. Usage: Check out our online demo running on WebAssembly. To test RustPython, do the following: $ git clone https://github.com/RustPython/RustPython $ cd RustPython $ cargo run demo.py Hello, RustPython! Source: https://github.com/RustPython/RustPython/blob/master/README.md
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