Salutare.Postez acest link ,poate este util cuiva.Se pot afla username si parola de la routerele adsl de tip sky,modelele DG834GT;DG934G;F@ST2504. Have Funk!
I had to do a network scanning for WAN devices using NMAP through a proxy server and client was using ISA server as their proxy server to achieve there is a tool knows as ProxyChains which allows to run any program through HTTP or SOCKS proxy how to install and configure proxychains root@bt:~#apt-get install proxychains (if ur using any debian distro) root@bt:~#nano etc/proxychains.conf Than you will see the proxylist where we can add our proxies: [ProxyList] # add proxy here … # meanwile # defaults set to “tor” socks4 9050 now add ur ISA server proxy server IP like below [ProxyList] # add proxy here … # meanwile # defaults set to “tor” 8080—>ISA server IP Socks4 9050 save and exit root@bt:~# proxychains nmap -sV WANIP Have Funk!
Nu ai pentru ce.Se intampla cumva sa aiba cineva cartile astea: Nmap Network Scanning—The Official Nmap Project Guide to Network Wireshark Network Analysis: The Official Wireshark Certified Network Analyst Study Guide ?
Salutare.A aparut o noua carte pentru nmap.Sper sa va placa. Have funk. ISBN-10: 1449902529 ISBN-13: 978-1449902520
Aveti aici un program pentru decompresia firmwareului cat si pentru extragerea lui din echipamentele zyxel. Have funk.
Salutare.Un programel util pentru linux care te protejeaza impotriva scanarilor de tip OS fingerprinting. Enjoy it!
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