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M2G replied to pyth0n3's topic in Tutoriale in romana
Presupunem ca user2 trebuie sa primeasca o cheie publica de la user1. Cum garanteaza user2 ca cheia primita a venit intradevar de la user1 si ca nu e un MITM la mijloc care modifica pachetele? Ma intereseaza in principal modul in care sunt trimise cheile de la o entitate la cealalta astfel incat sa se asigure si pastreze autenticitatea si integritatea. -
Materiale noi: Index of /Users/M2G/new/ - 17 books on Direct X Programming Index of /Users/M2G/new/17 books on Direct X Programming/ - 42 Cryptology Books PDF Index of /Users/M2G/new/42 Cryptology Books PDF/ - Deitel - XML How to Program Index of /Users/M2G/new/Deitel - XML How to Program/ - Perl books Index of /Users/M2G/new/Perl/ - PrepLogic CISSP Index of /Users/M2G/new/PrepLogic CISSP/ - SMFE-Community Index of /Users/M2G/new/SMFE-Community/ - jQuery eBooks Collection PDF Index of /Users/M2G/new/jQuery eBooks Collection PDF/ - open security training - videos Index of /Users/M2G/new/open security training - videos/
as promised... Le puteti lua oricand de aici: Index of /Users/M2G/new/open security training - videos/
Explicat foarte bine! Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4:
- 1
Ca sa vedeti ca si cei mai putini inzestrati pot face lucruri minunate.
M2G replied to a topic in Cosul de gunoi
La multi ani! Desii cred ca e abia maine, nu azi.
Stiu, mi-au fost profi. Rasa de asemenea explica bine. Sa te feresti de Gavrea, Pop si Rosca. Asta dupa ce intri, nu acu.
Mircea Rus e tare, sa te duci la el. Preda bine! Mitrea la fel.
Daca tot cereti conturi macar sa le folositi, nu sa le tineti de forma sau sa nu faceti ratie si sa luati disable. Am 3 momentan si nu prea am ce face cu ele. Luati-le care apucati dar macar folositi conturile. code 1: 816644b6f1b71e7ccd55faa7b4db9b7d code 2: 9d6418f12ddbd601e3b8cc033e9e3280 code 3: eeac5da031c287ffcf1479e661d91ff6
Sistemul National de Monitorizare a Comunicatiilor prin Satelit - MONSAT
M2G replied to cybercop's topic in Stiri securitate
Nu are nici o legatura ce am scris eu cu ce imi zici tu. Normal ca acele noduri nu-s un furtun la care isi pun toti providerii un robinet si trag de acolo. Chiar nu conteaza ce firma detine acel capat, ziceam de Mangalia asa ca si fapt divers in caz ca nu stie lumie si ma indoiesc ca sunt multi care stiu asta. Nu am nici un interes sa le documentez eu. Daca scriam eu un articol probabil faceam asta. Dupa cum am mai zis, cand se vrea sa se faca spionaj se face si fara sa stim noi. Defapt de cele mai multe ori asa se face. Informatia la care are acces mass-media e una de fatada. -
Sistemul National de Monitorizare a Comunicatiilor prin Satelit - MONSAT
M2G replied to cybercop's topic in Stiri securitate
Cu toate ca aceste lucruri sunt o amenintare la securitatea si anonimitatea utilizatorilor intr-o retea si violeaza dreptul la intimitate, probabil ca nu multa lume stie ca internetul nu functioneaza pe baza satelitiilor ci pe baza unor cabluri trase pe sub oceane. Chiar daca vi se pare intuitiv ca transferul de informatie prin internet sa se propage ca si in cazul telefoniei sau transmisiei video, nu e chiar asa, internetul are la baza o retea de cabluri maritime avand cateva noduri prin cam aproape fiecare tara cu iesire la mare/ocean. Stiu ca m-am uitat odata si la noi in romania este un nod in Mangalia daca nu ma insel. Submarine Cable Map Submarine communications cable - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nu zic ca nu este o problema importanta si ca probabil se face data mining in acest scop chiar in momentul acesta. Nu cred ca am putea stii niciodata ce se afla "in spatele cortinei" si cate efecte perturbatoare exista. Unele chestii scrise in articol mi se par cel putin nedocumentate. Daca intradevar un asemenea sistem ar vrea sa fie implementat si ma indoiesc ca nu este deja, noi nici macar nu am fi constienti de existenta lui. Incercati sa acordati o atentie mai mare acestor articole si a incercarii de manipulare (daca nu manipulare atunci cel putin o corectare de directie in gandire sau luare de decizii dar asta pana la urma tot manipulare este) injectata de mass-media. -
NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration De cand cacat sunt dovezi pe serverele NASA cum ca Google ar folosi noile versiuni ale browserului pentru a ajuta la implementarea ACTA. Din cate tin minte Google a fost printre primele companii care au zis NU ACTA. Azi-maine aud ca un "hacker" a spart nasa si a gasit informatii despre locul unde se afla acul in carul cu fan. //Cel mai probabil Google face data mining de pe urma queri-urilor introduse in Chrome dar informatiile astea le vor folosi pentru a imbunatatii algoritmii de cautare si de a face anumite sugestii. Sunt elemente de AI, data mining si algoritmi de invatare. Cititi si despre algoritmi genetici. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_algorithm
Va pun aici cateva carti si resurse despre criptografie. Sunt cateva chiar interesante cum ar fi: Algoritmul MD5, cateva mailuri care cred ca sunt din al doilea razboi mondial si in care este prezentat progresul unor echipe in decriptarea anumitor mesaje(cred ca se refereau la enigma, nu m-am uitat foarte atent), mai e schita de la enigma si multe altele. Se pune accentul pe criptografia aplicata in multe dintre ele si se dau exemple faine. Spor la studiu! Applied Cryptography -0471117099.chm A Codes and Ciphers Primer.pdf An Introduction To Cryptography 2nd Ed. - 1584886188.pdf Applied Cryptanalysis Breaking Ciphers in the Real World - 9780470114865.pdf Applied Cryptography Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, 2nd Edition.pdf Basic Cryptanalysis, Field Manual 34-40-2.pdf Codes - The Guide to Secrecy From Ancient to Modern Times - 1584884703.pdf Codes and Ciphers Julius Caesar, the Enigma, and the Internet - 052181054X.pdf Codes and Cryptography - 0198532873.djvu Codes, Ciphers, and Secret Writing - 0486247619.pdf Contemporary Cryptography - 1580536425.pdf Cryptanalysis - 0486200973.pdf Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias - 0262621517.pdf Cryptography - A Study of Secret Writings.djvu Cryptography - A Very Short Introduction 0192803158.pdf Cryptography and Security Services - Mechanisms and Applications - 9781599048376.pdf Cryptography for Dummies.chm Cypherpunk breaks CIA's crypto code in 1990 statue.txt Decrypted Secrets Methods and Maxims of Cryptology - 3540245022.pdf Disappearing Cryptography 2ed. - 1558607692.pdf Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security - 038723473x.pdf Encyclopedia of Cryptology - 0874367727.chm Famous Unsolved Codes and Ciphers.txt Handbook of Applied Cryptography.pdf Information Hiding Techniques for Steganography and Digital Watermarking - 1580530354.pdf Introduction to Cryptography (Buchmann) - 0387950346.pdf Introduction to Cryptography (Maurer) - 9783540492436.pdf Modern Cryptography - 1931769125.chm New Classes of Codes for Cryptologists and Computer Scientists - 1599730286.pdf Paper Enigma.pdf Public Key Cryptography.pdf Technical Appendix - Brute-Force Cryptanalysis.txt The Code Book.pdf The Influence of ULTRA in the Second World War.rtf The Mathematics of Ciphers - Number Theory and RSA Cryptography - 1568810822.djvu The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm.rtf The Second Cryptographic Shakespeare - 0961791713.txt Transcript of Kryptos Sculpture.txt US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1).rtf User's Guide To Cryptography And Standards - 1580535305.pdf Download: [rstcenter.com] crypto papers and books - Ge.tt Mirror mirror on the wall: http://docs.rtfm.us/Users/M2G/new/42%20Cryptology%20Books%20PDF/
if (aiSarit()) { aiPrimit().checkPM(); System.out.println("Cu placere!"); }
Am o invitatie. Sariti!
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- 1
Eu le-am urcat, acum depinde de tex cat de repede or sa apara pe site.
Ms, o sa il urc pe docs.rtfm.us sa ramana acolo. begood edit : lasa un link dupa ce le urci
Asta e mai mult o cerere si nu se prea incadreaza in topicul pentru wireless pentesting. Iti sugerezi sa te uiti peste regulamentul forumului, ai voie sa faci o cerere decat dupa 10 posturi. Cu toate astea era bine daca dadeai un search pe forum pentru ca sa mai discutat chestia asta. https://rstcenter.com/forum/43667-dictionar-parole-romana.rst (romanian wpa password dictionary (download torrent) - TPB) https://rstcenter.com/forum/49623-dictionar-de-parole-date-de-nastere-incepind-din-1950-pina-2012-a.rst DEX.txt download - 2shared Informa?ii | DEX online Mai multa grija cu regulamentul. In rest, iti zic aici bun venit sa nu mai fac inca un post la prezentari.
Bitch please: Google Begins Testing Its Augmented-Reality Glasses - NYTimes.com
Sursa: Defocon 16 - Toying With Barcodes
Rulezi din programul tau comanda
Nu merge sa trimiti spoof de pe smtp-ul google. App, versiune noua curand + inca o surpriza daca am unpic de suport.
The online text-file repository Pastebin, which is frequently used by the likes of ********* to spread instructions and dump leaked and stolen data, is to start proactively monitoring its content for illegal material. The move was revealed by proprietor Jeroen Vader, who told the BBC on Sunday that he was "looking to hire some extra people soon to monitor more of the website's content, not just the items that are reported". "Hopefully this will increase the speed in which we can remove sensitive information," Vader said. The interview quickly resulted in an angry response from some of *********'s regular Twitter accounts. "All aboard the Censor Ship!", one account declared, shortly before tweeting a link to a Pastebin document that allegedly contained data from a NATO hack. Another account reacted by making recommendations on how to post material to multiple Pastebin-like sites at once, to avoid "centralised pasting" and the censorship risks it carries. Because it appears to be largely uncensored, and because it allows ********* posting, Pastebin has for some time been the repository of choice for such material. It has been used to host not only the results of hacking operations, but also some of the instructions for perpetrating those operations. This is not the only purpose of Pastebin — its plain-text nature makes it an ideal way for programmers to share large amounts of code — but it is the use that has brought it to wider attention in recent years. Vader told the BBC that Pastebin already has a facility for reporting illegal material, and more than 1,000 removal requests are made each day. He said these requests are all monitored, as "trying to automatically filter out such pastes [that contain email lists and other personal information] is a pretty impossible task". He said hiring staff to proactively monitor trending pastes would flag up popular material that might not be legal, but that also has not been complained about. Pastebin has come under repeated attack in recent months, with distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) offensives taking it offline for brief periods. "In the last three months not a single day has gone by that we didn't get some kind of DDoS attack, but in February there were some really long attacks going on. The longest one went on for more than 48 hours," Vader said. The Pastebin proprietor pointed out that no one had claimed responsibility for any of these attacks, but that he had heard that "many hackers like to test their DDoS skills on Pastebin". Hackers rage as Pastebin reveals monitoring plans | ZDNet UK