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Everything posted by M2G

  1. A aparut versiunea noua care poate sa fie criptata. Il puteti descarca de pe site-ul oficial. DarkComet-RAT [Official Website]
  2. O sa apara in curand o versiune cu cateva buguri rezolvate. In special, o sa se incerce sa se faca mai usor de criptat.
  3. Nu l-am testat dar din cate stiu e cea ai buna si stabila versiune de pana acum. Nu e FUD! Folositi un crypter.
  4. Product Name : DarkComet-RAT v4.0 Product Version : v 4.0 Coded in : Delphi XE (Client.exe) and Delphi 2007 (Server.exe) Product Author : DarkCoderSc MD5 Hash : 0d03b4d373004ad9ea461174cddaef71 Sha1 Hash : 9c2050d3db70e2e36845bc870070132eb8eaca08 Public release : 20/08/2011 at 17:35 DarckCoderSc zicea ca aceasta versiune este recodata si ofera o stabilitate foarte buna chiar si cu multi clienti conectati in acelasi timp. Have fun! DarkComet-RAT [Official Website]
  5. Researchers have found a weakness in the AES algorithm. They managed to come up with a clever new attack that can recover the secret key four times easier than anticipated by experts. In the last decade, many researchers have tested the security of the AES algorithm, but no flaws were found so far. In 2009, some weaknesses were identified when AES was used to encrypt data under four keys that are related in a way controlled by an attacker; while this attack was interesting from a mathematical point of view, the attack is not relevant in any application scenario. The new attack applies to all versions of AES even if it used with a single key. The attack shows that finding the key of AES is four times easier than previously believed; in other words, AES-128 is more like AES-126. Even with the new attack, the effort to recover a key is still huge: the number of steps to find the key for AES-128 is an 8 followed by 37 zeroes. To put this into perspective: on a trillion machines, that each could test a billion keys per second, it would take more than two billion years to recover an AES-128 key. Note that large corporations are believed to have millions of machines, and current machines can only test 10 million keys per second. Because of these huge complexities, the attack has no practical implications on the security of user data; however, it is the first significant flaw that has been found in the widely used AES algorithm and was confirmed by the designers. The AES algorithm is used by hundreds of millions of users worldwide to protect internet banking, wireless communications, and the data on their hard disks. In 2000, the Rijndael algorithm, designed by the Belgian cryptographers Dr. Joan Daemen (STMicroelectronics) and Prof. Vincent Rijmen (K.U.Leuven), was selected as the winner of an open competition organized by the US NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology). Today AES is used in more than 1700 NIST-validated products and thousands of others; it has been standardized by NIST, ISO, and IEEE and it has been approved by the NSA for protecting secret and even top secret information. The attack is a result of a long-term cryptanalysis project carried out by Andrey Bogdanov (K.U.Leuven, visiting Microsoft Research at the time of obtaining the results), Dmitry Khovratovich (Microsoft Research), and Christian Rechberger (ENS Paris, visiting Microsoft Research). Sursa: Researchers identify first flaws in the Advanced Encryption Standard //Edit: PDF cu cercetarea: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/cryptanalysis/aesbc.pdf
  6. O alta solutie ar fi sa intri pe Google si sa scrii ceva care iti returneaza ca rezultate site-uri cu mult text. De exemplu, faci o cautare dupa "referat ecosisteme" si ajungi aici: ECOSISTEMUL Presupunand ca parola e sulea, selectam din acel text litera "s", click dreapta si copy. Repetam operatia pentru toate celelalte litere care sunt cotinute in parola. In felul acesta keyloggerul ar trebui sa afiseze "referat ecosisteme" tastat in fereastra browserului. Cred ca e o metoda mai simpla si mai buna decat sa tot tastezi parola gresit sau sa apesi tab+shift de k ori.
  7. Rog pasionatii de Java sa ma contacteze prin PM daca vor sa ia parte la proiecte. Deocamdata sunt doar eu cu em si speram sa livram ceva functional si util in maxim 2 saptamani. Chiar daca stiti sa construiti doar o interfata, sa puneti cateva elemente pe un GUI, e ok. Astept!
  8. @ICEBREAKER101010 Ti-am trimis tie invitatia pentru ca wildchild se pare ca nu si-a mai facut cont. Verifica PM.
  9. Nu stiu programare funtionala pentru ca nu am facut inca la faculta dar cred ca iti pot da o idee. Daca zici ca sort functioneaza doar cu numere ai putea sa transformi caracterele in coduri ascii si apoi sa le sortezi. Dupa sortare faci conversia din codurile ascii inapoi in caractere. Doar o idee, hope it helps.
  10. Da, nu mergea din cauza ca nu exista o clasa main si prin linia Main body = new Main(); asta se cerea defapt. Codul probabil a fost luat din cele trei clase si pus in una singura sub forma de clase interioare. Un program Java, atunci cand ruleaza are nevoie de functia Main() (La fel ca la c/c++). Deoarece se instatia o clasa care nu exista nu avea cum sa compileze si zicea ca nu gaseste fucntia Main(). dupa cum se vede functia Main() se afla in clasa Encoder. De aceea trebuie instantiata cu Encoder body = new Encoder (); (dupa cum zicea si michee). Oricum am decriptat jar-ul si am postat mai jos sursa ca sa nu mai fie probleme. Clasa Main$encodeHandler: import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JTextArea; public class Main$encodeHandler implements ActionListener { public Main$encodeHandler(Main paramMain) { } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (this.this$0.types.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { String sourceString = this.this$0.source.getText(); String encodedString = Main.hexUrlEncode(sourceString); this.this$0.source.setText(encodedString); } if (this.this$0.types.getSelectedIndex() == 1) { String sourceString = this.this$0.source.getText(); String encodedString = Main.hexHtmlEncode(sourceString); this.this$0.source.setText(encodedString); } if (this.this$0.types.getSelectedIndex() == 2) { String sourceString = this.this$0.source.getText(); String encodedString = Main.decimalHtmlEncode(sourceString); this.this$0.source.setText(encodedString); } if (this.this$0.types.getSelectedIndex() == 3) { String sourceString = this.this$0.source.getText(); byte[] b64Buffer = sourceString.getBytes(); String encodedString = Main.base64Encode(sourceString); this.this$0.source.setText(encodedString); } } } Clasa Main$CharEncoder: class Main$CharEncoder { String prefix; String suffix; int radix; public Main$CharEncoder(String prefix, String suffix, int radix) { this.prefix = prefix; this.suffix = suffix; this.radix = radix; } void encode(char c, StringBuilder buff) { buff.append(this.prefix).append(Integer.toString(c, this.radix)).append(this.suffix); } } Clasa Main: import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder; public class Main { JComboBox types; JTextArea source; static final CharEncoder hexUrlEncoder = new CharEncoder("%", "", 16); static final CharEncoder hexHtmlEncoder = new CharEncoder("", ";", 16); static final CharEncoder decimalHtmlEncoder = new CharEncoder("", "", 10); public static void main(String[] args) { Main body = new Main(); body.setUpGui(); } public void setUpGui() { String[] typeStrings = { "Hex-URL", "Hex-HTML", "Dec-HTML", "Base64" }; JFrame frame = new JFrame("Blixna's XSS Encoder"); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); JButton go = new JButton("Encode!"); this.types = new JComboBox(typeStrings); this.source = new JTextArea(10, 30); this.source.setLineWrap(true); JScrollPane pane = new JScrollPane(this.source); pane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(31); pane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(20); panel.add(pane); panel.add(this.types); panel.add(go); go.addActionListener(new encodeHandler()); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.setSize(360, 220); frame.setResizable(false); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(3); frame.setVisible(true); } public static String hexUrlEncode(String str) { return encode(str, hexUrlEncoder); } public static String hexHtmlEncode(String str) { return encode(str, hexHtmlEncoder); } public static String decimalHtmlEncode(String str) { return encode(str, decimalHtmlEncoder); } public static String base64Encode(String str) { byte[] buf = str.getBytes(); String encoded = new BASE64Encoder().encode(buf); return encoded; } private static String encode(String str, CharEncoder encoder) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) encoder.encode(str.charAt(i), buff); return "" + buff; } public class encodeHandler implements ActionListener { public encodeHandler() { } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (Main.this.types.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { String sourceString = Main.this.source.getText(); String encodedString = Main.hexUrlEncode(sourceString); Main.this.source.setText(encodedString); } if (Main.this.types.getSelectedIndex() == 1) { String sourceString = Main.this.source.getText(); String encodedString = Main.hexHtmlEncode(sourceString); Main.this.source.setText(encodedString); } if (Main.this.types.getSelectedIndex() == 2) { String sourceString = Main.this.source.getText(); String encodedString = Main.decimalHtmlEncode(sourceString); Main.this.source.setText(encodedString); } if (Main.this.types.getSelectedIndex() == 3) { String sourceString = Main.this.source.getText(); byte[] b64Buffer = sourceString.getBytes(); String encodedString = Main.base64Encode(sourceString); Main.this.source.setText(encodedString); } } } private static class CharEncoder { String prefix; String suffix; int radix; public CharEncoder(String prefix, String suffix, int radix) { this.prefix = prefix; this.suffix = suffix; this.radix = radix; } void encode(char c, StringBuilder buff) { buff.append(this.prefix).append(Integer.toString(c, this.radix)).append(this.suffix); } } }
  11. +1 si eu sunt cu Java.
  12. Daca ai luat sursa sa o compilezi intr-un IDE cum e NetBeans sau Eclipse trebuie doar sa adaugi sursa sa selectezi fisierul cu click dreapta si alegi "Run File"
  13. @wildchild Trimis, ai codul in PM! //LE: Daca tot am trimis invitatia ar fi bine sa iti faci si contul
  14. Cu alte cuvinte, cand le-ai spart serverul te-or si futut?
  15. Doar se gandeste sa o vanda cu 25000 dar defapt o vinde cu 23000 din care isi ia o inghetata cu 3000 => 20 000 Nu a ramas cu nimic. Si cum naiba cumpara alea 2 o gaina? O impart in jumate? LA calculul asta: 11.500 + 11.500 = 23.000 + (inghetata)3.000 = 26.000 Inghetata trebuia scazuta, nu adunata. Adica 11.500 + 11.500 = 23.000 - (inghetata)3.000 = 20.000 pentru ca din profitul lui de 23 000 isi cumpara o inghetata adica cheltuie 3000, nu castiga 3000
  16. 1.1 Windows 7 profesional x86 1.2 Ubuntu 11.04 x86 2.1 L-am luat gratuit prin MSDNAA 3.1 Daca nu il aveam free foloseam unu piratat. 3.2 Am vrut sa incerc si un sistem Linux 4. De ce sa dai bani pe el cand poti sa il ai piratat si care sa faca tot ce face unul cu liceenta (inclusiv update-uri)?
  17. Am gasit un java decompiler bun. Testat! Scoate sursa din fisierele .class si o afiseaza fara erori din cate am testat eu. Enjoy! Download: Windows version: Free.fr - Pages personnelles: Trop de slots demandes Linux version: Free.fr - Pages personnelles: Trop de slots demandes Mac version: Free.fr - Pages personnelles: Trop de slots demandes Plugin pentru Eclipse pe site-ul oficial: JD-Eclipse | Java Decompiler
  18. Am dat search si nu am gasit, sorry.
  19. Chapter 1: What is SQL Injection? Chapter 2: Testing for SQL Injection Chapter 3: Reviewing Code for SQL Injection Chapter 4: Exploiting SQL Injection Chapter 5: Blind SQL Injection Exploitation Chapter 6: Exploiting the Operating System Chapter 7: Advanced Topics Chapter 8: Code-Level Defenses Chapter 9: Platform-Level Defenses Chapter 10: References Download: http://rs59.rapidshare.com/files/293360186/1597494240.pdf
  20. Download: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
  21. Pe bune, tu daca iti citesti postul intelegi ce ai scris?
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