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There were alot of people that weren't sure if this day would ever come. Today Java SE 7 finally hit general availability, marking the first major Java SE release since the release of Java SE 6 back in 2006. Yes Java had stalled a bit under Sun and when Oracle moved to acquire Sun there was a lot of talk about whether or not Oracle could do better. Java 7 is not a monumental release to be sure but it does have lots of code cleanup items; the invoke dynamic which lets other languages use the JVM is pure gold. The future of Java isn't just about Java as a language but Java as a platform for dynamic languages. With the pervasiveness of Java today, expanding the use of the JVM for 'everything else' will be the key technology asset that keeps Java relevant for years to come. Speaking of relevancy, Java apps with SE 7 will now benefit from multi-core better thanks to fork/join. There is also a new filesystem API that will make it easier to access filesystem operations. Sure, Apache left the process...but IBM joined it more fully. No Oracle isn't perfect, but they've pushed out a release that Sun could not. Oracle has also done this release with a strong focus on open, via the OpenJDK. "This is the first release where most of the development was done in the open with OpenJDK," Mark Reinhold, chief architect of the Java platform group at Oracle said at an event earlier this month.. "It's true the development process has not been as transparent as we would have liked, but we're improving that." Oracle has delivered. Yes there is much work to do and sure Java SE 7 is only half what it once was going to be (and Java SE 8 is just around the corner with the other half), but that's part of this releases success too. The waterfall approach to software development, having to wait 4 plus years for a major release -- is not how to promote innovation. Oracle has taken a pragmatic approach, they've shown leadership and an ability to work with many in the community to get things done. So yes, the Sun still shines on Java, even though Sun is in Oracle's shadow. Sursa: Java SE 7 - A triumph for Oracle? - InternetNews. Download: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html Suna promitator!
Asta vreau! Si acum sa fie G-ul ala mai mare si sa inconjoare M si 2. Se poate? Ca in poza care am postat-o prima data. Ti-am dat +1 rep oricum
M2 e perfect, dar G-ul ala nu il poti face sa fie in continuare la 2? In acelasi mod in care e facut M si 2 ? Si sa fie aceasi culoare (tot negru)
Multumesc! +1 daca poti sa faci ca acel G sa fie in continuarea lui 2 asa cum am desenat eu (daca se poate numi desen ala )
Nu prea e ce am vrut eu dar merci oricum.
Am incercat sa ii dau resize dar vad ca nu merge...
done http://i51.tinypic.com/rsbms7.png
Poti sa faci si desen de la zero? Ceva de genu asta: doar ca pe alt fundal? Sau doar dupa "template-ul" care l-ai scris tu?
Authorities have arrested 14 people today in the United States in connection with hacking attacks by the Anonymous group of online activists, sources said. The arrests follow raids earlier in the day on homes in New York, California, New Jersey, and Florida, a law enforcement source told CBS News. The decentralized Anonymous collective has been targeting computer attacks on government and corporate Web sites, including Monsanto, Arizona Department of Public Safety, the City of Orlando, Sony, Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal, as well as government sites in Egypt, Turkey, and Tunisia. (See our chart of recent hacking attacks here.) More to come... Sursa: FBI arrest 14 in Anonymous hacking investigation | InSecurity Complex - CNET News
Cand alegeti o facultate ar fi bine sa luati in considerare vreo 2-3 lucruri. 1) Daca domeniul pe care il alegeti va place si este ceea ce ati vrea sa faceti daca nu tot restul vietii, macar o buna parte din aceasta. 2) Facultatea este diferita de liceu. De aceea te numesti "Student". Asta inseamna ca trebuie sa studiezi. Trebuie sa iti dai seama ca doar tu esti responsabil pentru viitorul tau si trebuie tratata aceasta problema cu maturitate. 3) Daca ai ales un domeniu care te pasioneaza si in care o sa inveti usor si cu interes atunci mai trebuie sa cauti o facultate care in urma absolvirii iti ofera o diploma care are o valoare cat mai mare in fata angajatorului. Altfel se uita la tine un agajator cand stie ca ai terminat politehnica si nu spiru haret. Daca alegi o anumita facultate doar pentru ca ai auzit tu ca este de viitor si ca se castiga multi bani, o sa fie un chin pentru tine anii aia petrecuti in facultate. O sa ti se para totul greu si fara sens. Oricum nu a zis nimeni ca la facultate e usor. Practic ar trebui sa alegi ceva ce iti place si care iti starneste interesul Pai asta ziceam ca e bine sa inveti din timp pentru ca daca nu iti va fi foarte greu. E bine sa iti fie deja formata gandirea si modelele de ganndire in rezolvarea unei probleme. Nu stiu in ce an sunt studenti prietenii tai dar anul 1 e cel mai usor in comparatie cu ceilalti , cel putin asa mi se pare mie.
In primul an de la automatica si calculatoare faci un curs numit programarea calculatoarelor care te ia cam de la 0 cu programarea(se face C). Dar daca nu ai facut din nainte ceva programare o sa iti fie foarte greu pentru ca facultatea nu e ca si liceul. Ti se preda cursul, iti faci laboratorul si cam asta e, daca intelegi sau nu e problema ta. Daca vrei sa dai la calculatoare ar fi bine sa inveti putina programare in timpul liber care il mai ai acum. In caz contrar ma tem ca o sa iti fie foarte greu sa rezisti la facultatea aia, daca nu chiar imposibil.
Ma voi nu intelegeti ca nu se da ban decat daca ai doar posturi de cacat si daca te apuci sa injuri sau sa aduci injurii in alte sectiuni mai importante ale forumului in afara de penale/off etc... ? De ce va tot agitati atat? Am stat cate putin pe RST in zilele astea si tot ce am vazut e cum x si y se plange pentru ca a luat warn sau pentru ca se introduc reguli noi. Nu crezi ca e un lucru bun sa se consulte utilizatorii in legatura cu actiunile acestea? Daca nu, ar fi aparut o gramada de topicuri cum ca nu le convine schimbarea. E cel mai bine asa...
In cazul in care se aplica aceasta metoda ma intreb pe ce criterii determina juratii daca x a avut dreptate sau nu si daca warn-ul este indreptatit atat timp cat in regulament nu sunt puse restrictii asupra limbajului sau discriminarilor. 7. Limbajul... no comment. O sa va dati seama si singuri cum merge treaba pe la noi. 10. Aici se fac discriminari de tot genul. Daca esti slab de inger nu ne mai vizita site-ul. Odata cu implementarea acestui "sistem" cred ca ar fi nevoie si de o revizuire a regulamentului vizand sectiuni care au legatura directa cu motivele pentru care un utilizator ar putea lua warn.
Microsoft Verve OS: a Type Safe Operating System
M2G replied to M2G's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Din cate am inteles(pe partea de securitate) vor sa creeze un sistem de operare care nu e vulnerabil la buffer overflow folosind acel limbaj type-safe. Codul sursa este public si se poate descarca de aici: Singularity RDK Am gasit si un video dar nu am apucat inca sa il vizionez. http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Going+Deep/Verve-A-Type-Safe-Operating-System -
Am avut aceasi problema, ajungea undeva pe la 100 de grade si se oprea. L-am curatat de praf si acum e totul ok. Sta pe la 40-50 grade. Sufla prin gaurile alea de aerisire sau eventul foloseste ceva cu presiune de aer(eu am suflat si a tinut )
A fost si cu basescu si chiar inainte de asta. Acum s-au gandit ca sa il omoare si pe eminem. Traian Basescu a murit - gluma hackerilor trimisa de pe adrese @antena3.ro
There’s a new operating system project at Microsoft, dubbed Verve. Read on in order to get information on Verve, a type safe OS developed by Microsoft Research. The Singularity project (an OS written in managed code used for research purposes) has provided several very useful research results and opened new avenues for exploration in operating system design. Recently, MSR released a paper covering an operating system research project that takes a new approach to building an OS stack with verifiable and type safe managed code. This project employs a novel use of Typed Assembly Language, which is what you think it is: Assembly with types (implemented as annotations and verified statically using the verification technology Boogie and the theorem prover Z3(Boogie generates verification conditions that are then statically proven by Z3. Boogie is also a language used to build program verifiers for other languages)). As with Singularity, the C# Bartok compiler is used, but this time it generates TAL. The entire OS stack is verifiably type safe (the Nucleus is essentially the Verve HAL) and all objects are garbage collected. It does not employ the SIP model of process isolation (like Singularity). In this case, again, the entire operating system is type safe and statically proven as such using world-class theorem provers. Here’s the basic idea (from the introduction of the paper): Typed assembly language (TAL) and Hoare logic can verify the absence of many kinds of errors in low-level code. We use TAL and Hoare logic to achieve highly automated, static verification of the safety of a new operating system called Verve. Our techniques and tools mechanically verify the safety of every assembly language instruction in the operating system, run-time system, drivers, and applications (in fact, every part of the system software except the boot loader). Verve consists of a “Nucleus” that provides primitive access to hardware and memory, a kernel that builds services on top of the Nucleus, and applications that run on top of the kernel. Here, Microsoft research scientist and operating system expert (he worked on the Singularity project) Chris Hawblitzel sits down with me to discuss the rationale behind the Verve project, the architecture and design of Verve and the Nucleus, Typed Assembly Language (TAL), potential for Verve in the real world, and much more. This is a conversational piece (no demos, no whiteboarding), but if you are into operating research and strategies for building type safe systems at the lowest levels, then this is for you. If you are interested, perhaps we could get Chris into our studio for a lecture or two on OS design. Sursa: Introducing Verve: a Type Safe Operating System | CodenameWindows
Din moment ce ai doar 2 GB RAM e inutil sa bagi x64...
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Se referea la fisiere, nu la programe. Daca ai un fisier si e folosit de un alt program nu il poti sterge. Trebuie sa sti ce program foloseste fisierul respectiv pentru a putea inchide procesul. De exemplu: incarca o piesa in winamp si dai play. Pe urma incearca sa o stergi sa vezi daca poti. In cazul acesta iti dai seama usor ca wiamp e programul care foloseste fisierul dar nu la toate programele e la fel de simplu.
In general nu poti sa stergi fisiere pentru ca sunt folosite de catre sistem sau de catre alta aplicatie in momentul in care vrei sa le stergi. Tu zici la pasul 2: Daca fisierul este folosit de alta aplicatie sau de sistem nu o sa poti sa il muti.
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