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Everything posted by nedo

  1. Nu ati prins esenta clipului. Tipul nu spune ca linux e mai bun sau mai prost decat windows. Clipul acesta, si intreaga serie a acesor clipuri nu fac altceva decat sa expuna problemele pe care Linux-ul le are, si care ar trebui rezolvate sau imbunatatite. De asemenea daca urmariti pana la sfarsit o sa vedeti ca aduce argumente si de ce unele chestii sunt ok cum sunt asa.
  2. Inainte sa comentati titlul topicului, priviti clipul de mai jos. Nu, nu este un video in care cineva propovaduieste alt sistem de operare, este un clip in care sunt prezentate problemele existente in sitemul de oparare linux, si in distributiile existente. Mi s-a parut un clip interesant si, pe alocuri, amuzant. Vizionare placuta.
  3. Daca vrei sa fii om cat de cat calumea, trimiti frumos banii inapoi, si datele pe care le ai despre acest individ le trimiti celor de la Craig si cu asta ai rezolvat problema, tu iesi cinstit, ai facut ceva care sa il opreasca sa faca ceea ce face(atat cat iti sta tie in putere) si cu asta basta. De ce sa risti ca si tu sa ai belele? E mai bine sa fii atat cu constiinta cat si cu reputatia curata. Crezi ca daca el da tepe de genul asta, o sa il opreasca sa faca ce face daca ii dai tu teapa cu cati ti-a platit pentru acele mail-uri? Din moment ce Stfean/vladimir si-a spus punctul de vedere, nu vad rostul ca acest topic sa fie lasat deschis intrucat nu genereaza decat spam. TC Daca mai ai ceva de adaugat vladimir, iei legatura cu unul din moderatori, sau cu mine si il redeschid. Pana atunci ramane asa. Le: Daca vrei sa ii donezi la o casa de copiii, fie alege una din zona ta, fie ai alternativa de a ii trimite catre o fundatie ce ajuta copiii cu probleme(materiale/sociale/de sanatate).
  4. din cate stiu, pe udemy(doar acolo m-am uitat mai mult pe cele cu plata, poate si din cauza faptului ca site-ul te cam indeamna, fara sa vrei sa te uiti si la cele cu plata), incep cam de la vreo 20-30$ pana la cateva sute de dolari. Probabil ceva similar si pe celelalte care au cu plata.
  5. Da, exista Coursera Khan Academy(astia nu dau nici un fel de recunoastere de incheiere a cursurilor, iar cursurile pot fi accesate oricand. Open Coursware. Asta este romanesc.Nu ofera prea multe cursuri. Alison Au atat cursuri gratuite cat si platite pe mai multe domenii, poti primi atat un mail, cat si acreditare/diplima(daca o platesti). Code Academy Este centrata pe programare, nu stiu sigur daca elibereaza "acreditari/diploma" Security Tube Axat strict pe pentesting. Ofera acreditari(contra cost). Udemy Ofera o gama variata de cursuri, toate ofera un fel de "acreditare"(gratuit sub forma de mail, platit sub forma de diploma). EDXAsta si coursera ofera cursuri furnizate de catre universitati mari din SUA, ofera acreditare sub forma de mail, si diploma daca se plateste.
  6. Fiecare decodor foloseste 1 sau mai multe tipuri de cartele(smart-carduri). Fiecare tip de smartcard are un anumit tip de codare si are scrise pe el niste chei de decodare. La noi, acum cativa ani se foloseau nagravision si conax(upc probabil inca foloseste conax, iar rcs inca foloseste nagravision). Daca stb-ul nu poate sa citeasca smartcard de tip conax, degeaba bagi cartela in el, mai mult, majoritatea sistemelor de genul asta au un model de subscribtii, pe baza caruia cartela primeste sau nu cheile de decriptare pentru perioada in curs. Asa ca sunt slabe sanse sa poti sa faci ceva cu echipamentul in starea actuala, daca nu este platit abonamentul. Daca vrei sa faci modare sau alte smecherii, cel mai indicat forum pe la noi este rdi-board. Iti sugerez sa iti faci cont si sa intrebi acolo/citesti acolo una-alta. Ai sa gasesti mult mai multe informatii decat ai putea gasii aici.
  7. Topic inchis, utilizatorul este banat si nimeni nu a venit cu un nou link de download sau o noua versiune a aplicatiei.
  8. Inchis la la solicitarea OP.
  9. Project Panama would provide a native interconnect between code managed by the JVM and APIs for non-Java libraries Advocates of open source Java are moving forward with an effort to let Java programmers access non-Java APIs, including many interfaces used by C programmers. Called Project Panama, the proposal is being floated on an opnjdk open-source Java mailing list and picking up support. "The main benefit of this proposal is that it will open up the world of native libraries -- written in C or similar languages -- to Java developers without requiring them to write anything but plain Java code," said Panama proponent Charles Nutter, who co-led the development of the JRuby language. "You just specify what library to load, what function you want to access, and its parameters and return value and the API should do the rest." The project is intended to provide for native interconnect between code managed by the JVM and APIs for libraries not managed by the JVM. The challenge will be making the API flexible enough to handle a range of native library types, including C, C++, Windows, Linux, and Solaris, without making the API too difficult to use, said Nutter, who works as a principal software engineer at Red Hat. Good tools will be needed for generating Java code for binding libraries, to accommodate subtle, platform-specific differences, he added. Project Panama provides an alternative to JNI (Java Native Interface) for interfacing Java code to code written in unmanaged languages, said Forrester analyst John Rymer. "It seems to be in line with the current emphasis on APIs. In this case, folks who write in C/C++ can provide API access to their applications for Java code." The proposal, he said, describes technical mechanisms and conventions required for this to work. JNI serves as a Java intermediary that other languages can use to expose an API to Java code, Rymer noted. "The way I read the Project Panama proposal, the team will seek a more streamlined intermediary -- perhaps direct calls. We'll have to see how this all works out." Sursa articol aici.
  10. Microsoft’s Windows operating system is built upon years and years of code that is continuously rolled forward to maintain interoperability between platforms. But, after doing this for many years, there comes a time when you must go back and re-work the code to modernize it and make Windows a more streamlined operating system. Thanks to a new job posting, Microsoft is doing exactly that and it’s not a trivial task. The post says that the application will be working in top-level UI surfaces that “are so ubiquitous that even your Mom will understand what you work on”. Another way of saying this is that this role will be responsible for working on the visual interface of Windows that you are likely looking at right now as your read this post. The job posting goes on to say: It shouldn’t be a big surprise that Microsoft is working on updating the legacy code but what’s notable here is the replacement of this code with new frameworks. If and when this is implemented successfully, it will help to increase the speed at which Microsoft can update its OS at the core level, which is something that is likely slowing down its rapid release cycle at this time. Is this work part of Windows 9, it would seem likely, but we won't know until that platform launches sometime in 2015. Sursa articol aici
  11. When the D-Wave 2 was first released last year, it was accompanied by a tidal wave of hype. The machine was a self-proclaimed quantum computer, commercially available to anyone with $15 million to spend, and attracting the attention of everyone from NASA to the NSA. One of the computer’s buyers was Google, which launched a new lab to test the device's powers more rigorously than they’d ever been tested before. This October, the lab announced a major discovery, providing stronger evidence for quantum effects within the D-Wave 2 than anyone had previously found. As D-Wave had claimed, its device really was quantum-powered — and Google’s big research bet seemed to be paying off. But today, the D-Wave 2 is facing its first big stumble. A study in Science found that the quantum device is no faster than conventional computing, calling into question the entire premise of Google's lab and D-Wave's machines. Led by scientists at ETH Zurich, the research team matched up the quantum machine against conventional computers on a set of problems intended to suit the quantum machine's strengths. (The project also got a crucial assist from Microsoft Research, which tested out the classical simulations on its high-powered computer clusters.) Once the results were in, the team found no clear advantage on either side. The D-Wave machine might be quantum-powered, but it didn't run any faster because of it. THE TEAM FOUND NO CLEAR ADVANTAGE TO THE QUANTUM COMPUTER The research was hoping to find what’s called "quantum speedup," the property that lets a quantum computer perform tasks faster than a conventional one, with more and more advantage as the problems grow more complex. The speedup is quantum computing's big advantage: with it, a quantum computer could tackle mind-bogglingly complex problems that would take a conventional computer years or even centuries. Without it, you're left with a lot of expensive hardware and no clear advantage. "It's hard to show that the speedup isn't happening," says Matthias Troyer, who co-authored the Science paper. "But if you don't find the speedup, you can't show that the machine is better than a classical device." Continuare si sursa articol aici
  12. SUMMARY: A new Supreme Court decision will cut down the number of computer-related patents, but will not, as some had hoped, eliminate software patents altogether. The Supreme Court declared Thursday that a patent related to a centuries old financial concept was invalid since it was an abstract idea, even though the concept was implemented through a computer. The court’s unanimous ruling serves to narrow the type of “inventions” that can be eligible for patents, and amounts to a minor victory for the technology industry and other companies that have long claimed about software-related patents. The case itself involved a patent for escrow services held by Alice Corp, a shell company regarded by many as a patent troll. The patent’s validity was challenged by CLS Bank, which runs a currency transaction network, and which argued that Alice’s patent simply described a settlement mechanism that banks have used for centuries. “We conclude that the method claims, which merely require generic computer implementation, fail to transform that abstract idea into a patent-eligible invention,” wrote Justice Clarence Thomas. Thomas also cautioned against allowing patents that relied on “the draftsman’s art” to turn abstract notions into monopolies on ideas. The ruling appears to call into question the validity of thousands of patents which describe a familiar idea, but rely on a “method” of implementing it with a computer. Although the decision does not unequivocally declare software patents to be invalid, it expresses deep skepticism of “simply appending conventional steps” to an abstract idea in an effort to make it patent-eligible. Sursa si continuare articol aici
  13. Mutat topicul la market. Data viitoare fi mai atent te rog.
  14. Am unit cele 2 topicuri intrucat ambele vorbesc despre aceeasi prezentare.
  15. There is no need for any clue. You have the decrypt solution in hi's post: binary rxbot and POF file It is advisable to not post stuff like this, if you can't follow some simple indications, then most likely you don't have the knowledge to use something like this. @ restul, daca nu stiti sa decriptati urmarind niste indicatii destul de simple, atunci este mai bine pentru voi sa nu incercati sa va jucati cu asa ceva. Este spre binel vostru.
  16. nedo


    Bine ai venit. Iti sugerez sa treci intai pe la regulament si sa il citesti de cateva ori. Dupa asta iti sugerez sa treci pe la categoria "Cosul de gunoi" ca sa vezi ce anume NU agreem si ce anume ti-ar putea aduce pedepse. Spor la invatat si sedere placuta.
  17. 1. Administratorul despre care acel om, in necunostiinta de cauza vorbeste, este Tex, nu nytro. Nytro este cel care a redeschis forumul dupa ce serverele respective au fost confiscate. 2. Motivul pentru care serverele au fost confiscate si pentru care Tex a fost anchetat, a fost ca el a zis sa fie baiat bun si a dat anumitor utilizatori, presupusi de incredere, acces la niste servere, servere pe care respectivii le-au folosit la frauda bancara, lucru pe care Tex nu l-a stiut. 3. Cel care a postat lucrul acela a omis sa posteze si raspunsul lui nytro, care era urmatorul. 4. Tex a fost exonerat de toate acuzatiile, din pacate insa serverele nu a fost inca restituite(din cate stiu). 5. Am inchis topicul pentru ca un astfel de topic sigur va genera o gramada de offtopic.
  18. Solicitare rezolvata, inchis thread la solicitare utilizator.
  19. Se pune prea mult accent pe statut. Intr-o comunitate intri din 2 motive, daca esti om serios. Ca sa fi ajutat(in cele mai multe cazuri asta e motivul initial), si ca sa ajuti.(Cel putin eu asa vad lucrurile). Nu cred ca am vazut vreo regula sau ceva anume care sa solicite 50 de posturi pentru a ajuta comunitatea intr-un fel sau altul. Totusi trebuie sa intelegi o chestie. NU NE INTERESEAZA LUCRURILE ILEGALE.(asta pentru ca mi se pare ciudat felul cum ti-ai facut prezenta simtita pe acest forum). Poti ajuta comunitatea in mai multe feluri: - postand tutoriale - postand unelte creeate de tine sau unelte private pe care le-ai gasit prin colturile intunecate ale netului - ajutand membrii care au intrebari - respectand regulamentul - postand stiri noi de securitate(nu toti cei de pe forum sunt abonati la site-uri de stiri de securitate ca sa vada tot ce apare) - facand programe/scripturi utile(daca ai cunostinte in programare) - postand packuri cu resurse utile(cum face spre exemplu kabron cu resurse pentru design) Astea sunt cateva idei care mi-au venit in cateva minute. Sunt sigur ca exista si alte lucruri cu care poti ajuta aceasta comunitate. Deci daca ai ceva util de postat, aratat, impartasit cu noi, fa-o, sunt sigur ca nimeni nu iti va reprosa nimic, bine-inteles cu singura exceptie postata mai sus, SA NU FIE CEVA UTILIZAT IN ACTIUNI ILEGALE(SI IN SPECIAL CELE BANCARE). Succes.
  20. Acest tutorial este adresat in mare parte incepatorilor care doresc sa compileze aceste librarii fara batai de cap. Pentru a putea efectua acesti pasi aveti nevoie de urmatoarele: - Mingw32 si msys, compilator si mediu de dezvoltare cli ce pot fi descarcate de aici. - Perl ce poate fi descarcat de aici. - Libraria Openssl ce poate fi descarcata de aici, descarcati ultima versiune a arhivei(de obicei cea marcata cu rosu). Pentru a o dezarhiva sugerez sa folositi 7zip deoarece winrar se pare ca da rateuri la arhive tar.gz - Libraria libcurl ce poate fi descarcata de aici. Pentru acesst tutorial vom face cateva presupuneri: - Ati instalat compilatorul si msys la adresa C:/MinGW/ respectiv C:/MinGW/msys/ - Folderul in care se gaseste compilatorul(executabilul mingw32-g++/mingw32-gcc/mingw32-make) este C:/MinGW/bin - Folderul in care se gasesc headerele este C:/MinGW/include - Folderul in care se gasesc librariile statice(nume_librarie.a) este C:/MinGW/lib Incepem cu libraria OpenSSL(la data creeri acestui tutorial aceasta era la versiunea 1.0.1h) Dupa ce dezarhivam libraria ar trebui sa ramanem cu un folder numit openssl-1.0.1h. Copiem acest folder in folderul C:/Mingw/msys/home/Nume_userul_vostru/. Pornim msys(C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/msys.bat). Schimbam directorul de lucru din cel in care porneste msys in /home/openssl-1.0.1h. Aici executam comanda urmatoare: ./config --prefix=/mingw --openssldir=/openssl shared --prefix=/mingw seteaza ca si compilator utilizat mingw --openssldir=/openssl seteaza folderul in care fisierele rezultate in urma compilarii se vor salva. Acest folder se gasi in mod normal la aici: C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/openssl. shared seteaza daca libraria va fi compilata sub forma de dll, sau sub forma de librarie statica(*.a) Dupa ce procesul de configurare se inchieie rulam pe rand comenzile "make" si "make install". Dupa ce termina si a 2-a comanda(make install) va trebui sa copiati din folderul C:/MinGw/msys/1.0/mingw cele 3 foldere, bin, include, lib in folderul C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/openssl. Acest pas va fi necesar pentru a putea compila libraria libcurl. Pentru a putea folosi ,mai usor, libraria aceasta in programele noastre este recomandat sa copiati cel putin folderele bin, include si lib din folderul c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/openssl in folderul C:/MinGW/ suprascriind folderele bin, include si lib din acest folder. Compilarea librariei libcurl(la data creeri acestui tutorial aceasta era la versiunea 7.30.0) Dupa ce dezarhivam libraria, ar trebui sa avem un folder numit curl-7.37.0. Copiem acest folder in folderul C:/MinGw/msys/1.0/home/Nume_userul_vostru. Mutam directorul de lucru din /home/openssl-1.0.1h in /home/curl-7.37.0. Executam comanda ./configure --with-ssl=/openssl/ --with-ssl va seta ca libraria sa se compileze cu includerea librariei openssl si ca aceasta librarie se gaseste la adresa /openssl// . Dupa ce configurarea se incheie executam pe rand comenzile "make" si "make install" Dupa ce "make install" termina de executat, daca nu au existat erori, vom gasi fisierele noastre in folderul C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/local. De aici copiem folderele bin, include, lib si share in folderul C:/MinGW/ suprascriind folderele deja existente. In acest moment putem folosii librariile acesta pentru programele de care avem nevoie. Pentru cei ce doresc cateva alternative, acestea exista. Pentru Openssl avem urmatoarele: PolarSSL si un tutorial despre cum sa il compilati aveti tot pe pagina lor aici. Aceasta implementare este disponibila atat sub liceenta open source cat si sub licenta platita. Network Security Service(NSS) un proiect ce apartine fundatiei Mozila, ce include pe langa SSL/TSL mai multe metode de criptare a datelor utilizate in transferul de date.Aici aveti cateva informatii despre compilarea si utilizarea acestei librarii. O alta alternativa open source(in mare parte, foloseste licenta LGPL 2.0) este GNUTLS. Aici aveti un tutorial ce ar trebui sa va ajute la compilarea acestei librarii. Pentru LibCurl avem urmatoarele alternative: WinInet este o alternativa ce functioneaza strict pe sistemele de operare windows, pentru cei ce nu au o problema cu asta.Pentru aceasta "librarie"/Api aveti nevoie de minim Windows XP sau Windows Server 2003. LibWWW este o alta alternativa, de data aceasta open source. Daca aveti intrebari nu ezitati sa le puneti. Sper sa va ajute. Surse de inspiratie: Stack Overflow BowmanSolutions
  21. Partea cu descarcarea in notepad, functioneaza si in Notepad++, testat de mine. Totusi nu inteleg DE CE functioneaza. Este o functionalitate dorita?
  22. For more than three years now, Microsoft has held to the line that it has loads of patents that are infringed by Google's Android operating system. "Licensing is the solution," wrote the company's head IP honcho in 2011, explaining Microsoft's decision to sue Barnes & Noble's Android-powered Nook reader. Microsoft has revealed a few of those patents since as it has unleashed litigation against Android device makers. But for the most part, they've remained secret. That's led to a kind of parlor game where industry observers have speculated about what patents Microsoft might be holding over Android. That long guessing game is now over. A list of hundreds of patents that Microsoft believes entitle it to royalties over Android phones, and perhaps smartphones in general, has been published on a Chinese language website. The patents Microsoft plans to wield against Android describe a range of technologies. They include lots of technologies developed at Microsoft, as well as patents that Microsoft acquired by participating in the Rockstar Consortium, which spent $4.5 billion on patents that were auctioned off after the Nortel bankruptcy. The list of patents was apparently produced as part of a Chinese government antitrust review relating to Microsoft's purchase of Nokia. Microsoft described the results of that review in an April 8 blog post, writing that the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) "concluded after its investigation that Microsoft holds approximately 200 patent families that are necessary to build an Android smartphone." To suggest the lists are the "conclusion" of the Chinese government is unusual phrasing. It's unlikely anyone other than Microsoft itself would have the expertise and resources needed to sift through its thousands of patents and decide which ones they believe read on Android. More likely, Microsoft was compelled to produce the list to appease Chinese regulators, who feared that the software giant could become more aggressive with its patents after the Nokia purchase. It seems equally likely that Microsoft wouldn't be too thrilled about the patents being published on a public webpage. In fact, the English-language version of the MOFCOM site about the merger doesn't have the patent lists. Articol complet aici
  23. Apparently, hackers wanting to control PCs are wasting their time with elaborate botnets and vulnerability exploits -- all they may really need is some pocket change. A study found that between 22 to 43 percent of people were willing to install unknown software on their PCs in return for payments ranging from a penny to a dollar, even when their OS flagged the app as a potential threat that required permission to run. While you might think that respondents would naturally be a bit suspicious, that wasn't usually the case. As researcher Nicolas Christin notes, just 17 people out of 965 were running virtual machines that limited the possible damage; only one person went in fully expecting trouble, according to exit surveys. It's no surprise that you can get someone to compromise security if you say the right things. Just ask Kevin Mitnick, who breached networks by getting logins from overly trusting workers. However, the study also suggests that it would make more financial sense for hackers to pay targets directly rather than to pay for a botnet. Since people don't seem to attach much monetary value to their security, criminals could pay roughly what they do now to steal data while avoiding the use of unreliable bots and equally sketchy bot sellers. The study isn't a big one, so it's difficult to know if the results would be consistent on a larger scale. Also, people looking at tasks in Mechanical Turk are already eager for money; it may be tougher to pay for control of a PC when the offer comes out of the blue. Even if the voluntary infections would be lower in practice, though, the finding is a friendly reminder to always treat unfamiliar code with caution, no matter how much profit you'll make by installing it. [image credit: Zack Jones, Flickr] Sursa articolaici
  24. Nowadays I can safely say the OO fad, at least for the slice of the programming world I deal with, is over. Not that we're not using classes anymore (and why should we not), but most good studios don't think OOP and thanks to a few programmers who spoke up (more amusing reads in the "The rest and the C++ box of chocolate" section here) people are thinking about what programs do (transform data) instead of how to create hierarchies. I can't remember last time someone dared to ask about Design Patterns at a coding interview (or anywhere). Good. Better yet, not only OOP has been under attack, but C++ as well. Metaprogramming via C++ templates? Not cool. Boost? Laughed at. I wouldn't be surprised if Alexandrescu even thought policies are crazy... And not only we subset C++ into a manageable, almost-sane language (via coding standards and linters), but more and more people are even going back to a C-like C++ style. So it begs the question. If we're so unhappy about OO and even recognize many of the faults of C++, where is the replacement? Why are we still all using C++? I wrote a big, followed post on programming languages back in 2011 and I haven't updated it yet because I don't feel too much has changed... Articol complet aici. Mi s-a parut un articol foarte interesant.
  25. Introducere in threaduri WinApi(C++) Ce sunt threadurile? Threadurile sunt fire de executie separate care exista in interiorul unei aplicatii. Firele de executie multiple, permit unei aplicatii sa faca(sau sa dea senzatia ca fac) mai multe lucruri in acelasi timp. Acest efect este atins prin permiterea fiecarui fir de executie o anumita perioada de lucru in procesor. In majoritatea limbajelor de programare moderne(care in general incorporeaza concepte de programare orientata pe obiect), threadurile sunt portretizate sub forma de obiecte, threadurile respective avand caracteristici, si metode de utilizare. In contrast, threadurile din WinApi sunt mult mai bazice. In esenta un thread in WinAPi este doar o simpla functie, ce se executa separat de threadul principal. Acest lucru, pe langa ca le face un pic mai complicat de folosit le face insa si mai versatile, permitand programatorului sa creeze pe baza facilitatilor respective, alte reprezentari ale threadurilor. Cam atat cu introducerea, deci hai sa mergem mai departe cu un pic de cod. #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; DWORD WINAPI trdFnk(LPVOID lpParam) { for(int i = 0; i< 100;i++) { cout << i << endl; } } int main() { int data = 0; DWORD identificatorTRD = 0; HANDLE trdHdl = CreateThread(NULL, 0, trdFnk, &data, 0, &identificatorTRD); if(trdHdl == NULL) { cout <<"Eroare la creere thread, iesim." << endl; return 0; } WaitForSingleObject(trdHdl, INFINITE); return 0; } Continuarea aici deoarece continutul este prea mare si se duce naibi formatarea si mai stau inca 3 ore sa o aranjez si aici . Sper sa va placa.
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