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UnixDevel last won the day on March 9

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  1. man , da haide sa le cautam pbx-ul si sa il dam peste cap
  2. Este mai mare probabilitatea cu o vesta pe tine sa iti deschida cineva usa
  3. da confirm , am vazut leak-ul acum 2 saptamani pe Anonymous Egipt
  4. UnixDevel

    Morgue 666

    telegram tati , daca vrei sa inveti ceva .
  5. osint tool web Uite de exemplu poti gasi pe internet tot felul de leak-uri de database-uri .Mi sa intamplat recent sa am nevoie sa stiu mai multe despre o adresa de email si linkedin. Am ajuns si automatizat chestia cu pupeteer js & ghunt . O interfata web la care sa ai access la un api pentru tool-uri ca sherlock, ghunt, si mai sunt tool-uri ar fi o chestie.
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  7. Bun si flipper la ceva . A facut multi pusti sa faca reserch in cum functioneaza unele chestii.
  8. https://hackaday.com/2023/02/21/youtube-as-infinite-file-storage/
  9. interesant podcastul . thanks for sharing . Eu ascult cand fac sport.
  10. incearca sa iti tragi https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett pe local si cauta , imposibil sa nu gasesti cursurile
  11. Summary According to BleepingComputer, a ransomware attack that occurred starting 0n February 11 forced 100 hospitals across Romania to take their systems offline. BackMyData ransomware, which took credit for it, belongs to the Phobos family. The malware embedded an AES key that is used to decrypt its configuration containing whitelisted extensions, files, and directories, a public RSA key that is used to encrypt AES keys used for files’ encryption, and other information. Persistence is achieved by creating an entry under the Run registry key and copying the malware to the Startup folder. The ransomware encrypts the local drives as well as the network shares. It deletes all Volume Shadow Copies and runs commands to disable the firewall. Full Article https://cybergeeks.tech/a-technical-analysis-of-the-backmydata-ransomware-used-to-attack-hospitals-in-romania/
  12. neah , am scos to din ispa si il antrenez pe contentul respectiv
  13. m-am luat tare de LLM-uri, antrenez ceva pentru bmw
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