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Everything posted by nSnoopy

  1. Am si eu o invitatie daca doreste cineva sa lase e-mail pe PM
  2. DarkComet este mult mai usor de folosit/stabil/cu mai multe functii decat prorat DarkComet RAT - official website
  3. Din poza se pare ca este un binder, nu inteleg de ce ai pus in titlu "BH Binder/Crypter" sau vrei sa faci un crypter care sa contina si binder?
  4. Nu conteaza.. eu de obicei folosesc in jur de 300 de ip-uri
  5. The Italian ********* Hackers took down the Vatican's website (Vatican.va) on Wednesday in retaliation for the "corruption" of the Roman Catholic Church. On an Italian-language website ********* accused the Catholic Church of being responsible for various misdeeds throughout history including the burning of heretics during the inquisition. In their statement the group noted: “Anonymous decided today to besiege your site in response to the doctrine, to the liturgies, to the absurd and anachronistic concepts that your for-profit organisation spreads around the world.” “This attack is not against the Christian religion or the faithful around the world but against the corrupt Roman Apostolic Church.” Meanwhile, late on Tuesday hackers associated with LulzSec took down and defaced more than 25 websites belonging to Panda Security, claiming the security firm had been "earning money working with Law Enforcement to lurk and snitch on ********* activists." The feds charged Ryan Ackroyd (aka kayla), Jake Davis (aka topiary or atopiary), Darren Martyn (aka pwnsauce, raepsauce, or networkkitten), and Donncha O'Cearrbhail (aka palladium) in Manhattan Federal Court with computer hacking conspiracy for the hacks of Fox, Sony Pictures, and PBS. Sursa: http://thehackernews.com/2012/03/*********-takedown-several-vatican.html
  6. Ala cu ochelarii de soare nu cred ca are mai mult de 16-17 ani si facea parte din Lulzsec Oricum nu prea foloseste multa lume panda.. Doar panda cloud av este bunicel
  7. Chinejii astia copiaza tot originalul DuBrute este facut de rusi(DUBrute - UBrute - Portal)
  8. Momentan din RO nu am prins nici-un RDP dar am prins din USA,Australia,Italia,Germania,China,Vietnam,India,Iran,Palestina,UK,USA,Thailanda,Taiwan,Quatar,Russia
  9. Eu am prins
  10. Ultima versiune este 2.1 DUBrute - UBrute - Portal
  11. users.txt admin administrator administrateur test user User Administrator Admin Owner owner client Client master Master root r00t support demo manager Passwords.txt admin Admin adminadmin admin123 admin123456 123admin root r00t password Password passw0rd p4ssw0rd letmein 0 1 12 123 1234 12345 123454 123456 1234565 1234567 12345678 123456789 1234567890 administrator Administrator test test123 123test user User changeme webmaster scan newsletter administrador p@ssw0rd 123123 Password1 ruby server internet windows terra staff home
  12. Nu este de la DUBrute, este de la listele tale cu usere si parole(Nu a gasit combinatia)
  13. DarkComet RAT Remover will detect any kind of instance of darkcomet running in memory even if an hacker try to obfuscate the loader to be undetected by common Antivirus softwares, also it detects registry threats and keyloggers logs. [+] Detect DarkComet Even if crypted. [+] Detect DarkComet Even if visualized. [+] Detect DarkComet Even if injected in a remote process. [+] Detect DarkComet Even if Protected / Packed. [+] Detect Registry Changes by DarkComet. [+] Detect Keylogger logs. This tool was specially made for what happened in syria. Download here: DarkComet RAT Remover | Unremote Security
  14. Este o versiune mai noua deci are ceva in plus fata de vechea versiune
  15. 2EG39X866X // 4AU1-0X2L-BRXP-3GVB 5AQ860XQP1 // E53J-4AHG-X347-9T94 5AC583PWL0 // 8K7X-R2MT-2NUV-9F4C 3BJ481DHVD // WDEC-J4EN-CREB-YD0F 5CW96E8U4R // QM7W-GKAV-H30E-C89F 4BG532572W // DAQ9-6D3L-ML53-J3EV 4EU197EXA6 // LH5E-TVJD-D8PN-ACP5 1EA66AAQLL // TQP4-X51B-PVFF-RDL3 5AR31U6P6V // X04J-VP6K-M8X3-P8FE 1DH28AB3MM // DK4C-51UT-DPLA-C9VV 4DW7925W67 // 1PP1-H985-Q6M9-EGAX 3AP73R43AX // R9F3-3TT4-3R3L-V6WA 1BR53DK47V // DYK8-323B-A1P9-K4GH 3CW99MWDJD // YDRB-A9MH-XJ4P-WM78 5DD18X5QKU // FT5E-BQ4B-0LB2-HP17 1CC14G8NKC // 0UWK-T0X7-4NXT-H1WD 5CX72PB7KK // UK88-LJRN-D3HK-JQVD Nu stiu daca mai merg toate eu am folosit unu si mi-a mers din prima
  16. Momentan 4.2 este cea mai stabila versiune @tuxiqul cine crezi ca iti da ceva FUD si FREE ?
  17. UPC Fiber Power 60 mbps
  18. Mai bine descarcati de pe site-ul official Extreme GPU Bruteforcer
  19. EDIT un moderator sa il mute la trash.. scuze
  20. Ai bagat prea multe ip-uri eu cu 30.000 de ip-uri nu am avut probleme
  21. Hacking =) Mai bine spui Ratting
  22. nSnoopy

    ajutor, virus

    Nu sunt "ascunse" sunt injectate in alte processe gen: explorer.exe / svchost.exe (astea sunt cele mai folosite)
  23. da...
  24. La serverele de cs numai selectezi http flood selectezi ssyn si pui acolo portul la server(27015) apoi timpul si gata:) Dar ca sa dai jos un server de cs iti trebuiesc mai multi boti
  25. Crezi ca ii intereseaza pe aia de la politie de un site amarat despre cs ? Nu cred! Nu ai cum sa ascunzi ip-urile botilor Pt ca ai dat jos un site despre cs vine politia la usa? Sa fim realisti
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