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Everything posted by SirXulescu
Fa lejer 90 $ pe luna cu 4 ore pe zi de munca.
SirXulescu replied to xanderloco's topic in Off-topic
Invitation code? -
Ti-am trimis si P.M! Mersi.
Da,e clar daca nu ai antivirus Windows Defender-ul il sterge,daca nu antivirusul !
Fear : . Rezolvare? 09:01:56.056 Accepted SOCKS5 connection from to 09:02:02.002 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:02:02.002 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:02:21.021 Accepted SOCKS5 connection from to 09:02:24.024 Accepted SOCKS5 connection from to 09:02:28.028 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:02:28.028 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:02:29.029 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:02:29.029 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:02:29.029 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:02:30.030 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:02:30.030 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:02:30.030 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:02:36.036 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 653, received: 178. 09:02:48.048 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:02:48.048 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:02:49.049 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:02:49.049 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:02:50.050 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:02:50.050 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:03:04.004 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:03:04.004 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:03:07.007 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:03:07.007 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:03:09.009 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:03:09.009 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:03:11.011 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:03:11.011 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:03:12.012 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:03:13.013 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:03:14.014 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:03:14.014 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol. 09:03:26.026 Closing SOCKS5 connection from, sent: 0, received: 0. 09:03:26.026 SOCKS5 connection from failed: Client connection closed before completion of protocol.
Schimba culoarea fontului din # code,te rog
Nu e nevoie de sigle ale marcilor de masini,am impresia ca e copilaresc tot.
@ wicked. Multumesc frumos,insa as dori sa fie ceva mai sugestiv,adica lumea daca vede logo-u sa se gandeasca "Ba stai asa,ca uite firma asta vinde piese de masini,hai sa vad cum sunt preturile etc." Ceva sa PROPAGE cat mai adanc si wide ideea ca Wibe Auto vinde piese de masini. Mai incearca te rog frumos. Iti multumesc mult.
Ardamax Keylogger 3.8.9 + Serial (licenta merge si nu are virusi)
SirXulescu replied to ovidelu47's topic in Programe hacking
# ovidelu47 ,key-ul e OK insa nu iti ofera destule privilegii ca sa folosesti functia de Remote installation. -
# kozi iti multumesc frumos,insa o alta varianta stiu eu,ceva sa aiba gen o tema mai sugestiva,adica sa se inteleaga din imagine ca este vorba de piese masini,nu masini,etc. Adica o masina dezmembrata fara marca pe ea,in genu http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/forum/attachments/f17/2174d1250928326-can-someone-please-make-me-autoparts-logo-part.jpg nu chiar asa de complicata insa sa aduca mintea clientului fix unde vreau eu. Te rog eu daca ai timp. Multumesc + rep Si,kozi se poate si .psd-urile? Kozy nici-o veste de la tine ?
It's ba-ack. Exploit revives slain browser history bug
SirXulescu replied to Pugna's topic in Stiri securitate
Schimba culoarea fontului,ma dor ochii,daca stau sa-l citesc pe tot,+Like -
Cred ca am postat in sectiunea gresita prima data,sau stiu eu .. Am si eu o rugaminte la voi: Aruncati-va privirea peste postul asta de aici si desigur,ajutati-ma daca puteti: http://rstcenter.com/forum/44342-cerere-logo.rst
Brazzers +1 P.M
@sip Mersi.
Din cate stiu eu Ardamax-ul are doar 3 field-uri unde adaugi KEY,ce ai pus tu aici contine vreo 6. PROVE : L.E Acum nu stiu daca la versiunea 3.1 trebuie 6 field-uri,o sa verific si revin cu EDIT. L.E 2 Da vad ca pe versiunea 3.1 asa este o sa pun aici kitul de instalare. Download Ardamax 3.1 + serial : HERE Scan : Multi-Engine Antivirus Scanner - Services - NoVirusThanks.org
Hai ma unu cu un invite,ceva prin loguri change cont RO 6 luni gm + 500 shels vin vreo 30 $
Este un cont mai vechi,nu am mai jucat de ceva timp dota.Numai am ce face cu el,s-au investit bani in el. Mai jos aveti detalii ale contului in momentul de fata. Sper sa nu para un post idiot,ma gandesc ca poate cine stie cum se gaseste vreun jucator de Dota care doreste. Printuri mai jos: Pretul este 6 e cosmote/eu zic ca merita Pretul la 1050 shells este USD 20.00 /adica 6 luni gm=cat are el acum pe el + 490 shels pe cont.
Strici afacerea !
P.M eu numai folosesc avira.
Azi va prezint o promotie care va prelungi suita Dumneavoastra de securitate de la Avira la 6 luni. Mai jos voi posta linkul unde veti putea sa va achizitionati licenta. Pagina Promotie: http://goo.gl/UBuQP SURSA : De toate ! => http://www.detoate.org/2011/avira-premium-security-suite-10-6-luni-gratuite/ S-a dus promotia !
lalalalala nu merge
sonyx un filelist uploader,prin loguri?