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Everything posted by MazaBoY

  1. MazaBoY

    Fun stuff

    Pentru fete : https://www.facebook.com/antonyo.cuceritorul
  2. Nimic din toate astea nu mai conteaza,ce a facut acel om prea putin mai conteaza...daca voi credeti ca e bine ca a murit, ca a impuscat pe nustiu cine nimeni nu merita sa moara indiferent de ce a facut. Acuma pot ei sa faca testele lu peste` nu mai conteaza au murit 2 persoane.(fata care a murit era verisoara unui fost coleg,asa ca nu mai faceti gulme pe seama asta ca nu e frumos,ganditi-va daca erati voi in locul lor )
  3. Bateria are roulul de a tine salvate setarile bios-ului.Merge si fara,verifica la hard sa fie pus master jumperu .
  4. Trimite-mi un link pentru resetarea parolei g***********k@yahoo.com cum afli tu ce mail e acolo ?
  5. Daca ne vom unii cu Moldova si rusi se vor pune cu pula pe noi .
  6. Nu a mers
  7. MazaBoY

    Fun stuff

  8. Treaba nasoala si rusinoasa e ca nu iti arata acolo cand faci plata,prin paypal cat platesti...tu crezi ca platesti 0.40,dar defapt platesti 12 dolari .
  9. Link1: http://www.networksolutions.com/doma...kid=1513872000 Un mare cacat cica domeniu e 0,40 euro si iti ia din paypal €9.79 .Teapa nu recomand
  10. In ziua de azi nu prea mai exista prieteni adevarati.Mai devreme sau mai tarziu te va trada,chiar daca tu crezi ca e cel mai bun prieten al tau... PS: Dupa 15 ani de prietenie,am copilarit,am mers impreuna la femei,am mers impreuna la munca,ne-am ajutat mereu cand unu a dat de necaz si culmea dupa toate asta mi-a futut o teapa de 2000 de euro...True fucking story .
  11. In this small tutorial I'm showing the webmasters how to increase your server security by 50% in just 5 minutes. How is this possible? Most servers are getting hacked by unsecured SSH services, most of the time servers get brute forced to gain root access. Brute forcing is a hacking method by guessing the server root password, done by a script. How are we preventing this? We are going to disable root login, we are going to create a new user account. By disabling the root account, the brute forcer can't proceed because the username is unknown! How do I connect after applying this tutorial? Simply connect using the new username and password, after logged in you only have to execute 'su root' to switch to root. It will ask for the root password, once entered you are root in your server. Part 1 - Creating a new user. 1. Login into your server by SSH, using PuTTY. 2. Execute the following commands: useradd USERNAMEHERE passwd USERNAMEHERE USERNAMEHERE = Your desired login name for SSH. After executing the passwd command the console will ask you for a password. Be sure you use a secure password. (one capital, small letters, special chars and numbers. Example: RSTcenter881^359$) Now we have your new account. Part 2 - Changing the SSH settings. 3. Be sure you have nano install, if not execute the following: yum install -y nano 4.Now execute this: nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config Scroll down and find '#Port 22' and uncomment it. Change 22 to your desired SSH port. Pick a port number between 49152 and 65535, this is recommended. Then find the line '#PermitRootLogin yes' and uncomment it. Change yes to no. Close nano by Ctrl + X, then type Y and hit enter. Part 3 - Adjusting Firewall rules. 5. We need to open the port in iptables, this is done through these commands: iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport PORTNUMBERHERE -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport PORTNUMBERHERE -j ACCEPT service iptables save service iptables restart PORTNUMBERHERE = Your port number used in the SSH config. 6. Reload SSH config by executing: service sshd reload IMPORTANT: Before you close the current Putty console, please open up a new console and try to connect using the new settings. If it works then you can close the "old" console, but it you fail to login you can always revert the settings.
  12. There are a lot of ways to host your website using DropBox. Most simple way is to create a public folder and upload your static website and use the URL to test your website live. There are tools/websites that does this for you. 1. Brace.io Brace is the new way to host your website. We believe that website hosting shouldn't be complicated. With Brace, updating your website is as simple as saving files in Dropbox. Brace gives you two versions of your website, a Draft version and a Production version. The Draft is for iteration and collaboration. The Production version is optimized for performance and scale. Brace | The new way to host websites 2. DropPages DropPages is an web application that connects to your Dropbox account to create a site for you. The benefit of using DropPages is that it does not restrict any space usage like KISSr and gives you a subdomain (yourname.droppages.com) to access your site. Follow the steps below to create your website with DropPages. Welcome to My.DropPages - My.DropPages 3. PanCake Pancake is the easiest way to create and maintain a web page. All you need to do is create a text file, and save it into the special Pancake folder in your Dropbox account. We'll turn that file into a web page for you.The best part? Updating your page is as easy as opening the text file up in Notepad, TextEdit or your favorite text editor, making the changes you want, and saving the file. Your website gets updated automatically. Pancake.io 4. Kissr KISSr is a service that lets you host static websites using Dropbox as a web host. The advantage of KISSr over other competitors discussed in this article is that it lets you register and use a proper custom domain name instead of using sub-domains or long URLs. Just go to KISSr site, enter the name you want for your site (you’ll need to start with a sub-domain) and then click on the big Try it button. KISSr - Dropbox Web Hosting
  13. La mine se intampla , doar cand sterg cookie...probabil ai ceva probleme.
  14. MazaBoY

    Fun stuff

  15. Oust explica asta : Conspiratia zilei : De ce tex si-a schimbat numele in aelius (Lucius Aelius Caesar) ? Va spun eu Lucius ( 6 litere ) , Aelius ( 6 litere ), Caesar ( 6 litere ) = 666 ar putea fi o coincidenta ? Dar voi chiar mai credeti in coincidente ? ???? ?? ? ?? EDIT : Prietene stiu ca ai ciuda pe mine , dar verifica si la tine care sunt ultimele comentari si despre ce.Nu caracteriza un om, pe care nici macar nu il cunosti in realitate. Nu te injur, pentru ca nu ma cobor la nivelul tau de inteligenta, nici nu imi permit. Nu trebuie sa iti dovedesc tie, ce fac si ce stiu sa fac.Poate sunt hacker, poate sunt gabor,poate sunt de la sri, poate sunt mos craciunul tau care te urmareste...Nu conteaza ce fac eu,bafta. PS:Credeam ca esti un baiat matur, dar defapt esti ....
  16. MazaBoY

    Fun stuff

    http://stiri24.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/bomba.jpg BONUS : Conspiratia zilei : De ce tex si-a schimbat numele in aelius (Lucius Aelius Caesar) ? Va spun eu Lucius ( 6 litere ) , Aelius ( 6 litere ), Caesar ( 6 litere ) = 666 ar putea fi o coincidenta ? Dar voi chiar mai credeti in coincidente ? ???? ?? ? ??
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTKCx6PNFnw
  18. Frate forumul asta cu ce se papa ? IT baietel asta in caz ca nu ti-ai dat seama... Vrei trivia cu intrebari din mario, dute pe forumurile de specialitate.
  19. Da eu zic sa puna intrebari despre elodia plm ce zici , suna bine ? "Fuck you"
  20. Traieste asta ca un barosan pula mea.Bravo lui
  21. Utilizatorii din România, Fran?a ?i Marea Britanie sunt afecta?i de un atac informatic. 27.000 de adrese de e-mail sunt virusate în fiecare or?. Atacul vizeaz? serviciul de publicitate yahoo. Drago? Rou?, antreprenor online, a declarat la REALITATEA TV c? utilizatorii ar trebui s?-?i schimbe parolele imediat. "Schimbarea rapid? a parolei chiar dac? nu ai fost afectat", a spus acesta care a precizat c? este recomandat? schimbarea periodic? a parolelor. Sursa : http://www.realitatea.net/yahoo-atacat-de-hackeri-utilizatorii-din-romania-printre-cei-mai-afectati_1351282.html
  22. Bine ai venit , nu e mai usor ca prietena ta sa raporteze la facultate, ca nu mai are acces la adresa de mail.Face alta adresa, o da pe aia in loc de cea veche si gata ...Nu cred ca cineva ar putea sa mai salveze acel cont. True fucking story
  23. De unde esti ?
  24. Pentru toate fetili ><
  25. ma sincer topicurile de genu asta . mi se par penale
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