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Everything posted by Bebee

  1. You will need: Linux machine(Highly recommended) bash, perl, apache2, mysql, The knowledge to use the above You will get: 20-30min of fun An idea to make it better than this.. You will find 1000 of 1000 of wide open log viewers Millions of logfiles(pls dont abuse them....) DONT ABUSE THIS!! THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR ANYTHING I'LL TELL FROM NOW ON 1. Set up a web Log center. Use ur local apache and ur local mysql. Forbid access from outside (localhost only) 2. #Find a web Logger try Google("intitle:wLogs v1.0") for example and use the exploit perl script on it. It should throw out the full database of the targeted loger. 3. Now u can use the insert.pl script to insert the stolen db into ur own. u have to edit the script(fill in ur mysql username and paswd). this step may take time (depends on the size of ur db) 4. Take a look in ur own db, using the wLogs viewer or ur phpmyadmin. if u have more than 1 target, u may be intrested in the getLogs.sh script Mai jos aveti exploit.pl ,insert.pl, getlogs.sh: FileShare Download steal.zip Sursa
  2. edited ///////////
  3. Bebee


    Daca te fac la un cs mi-l dai mie?
  4. Epic... )))
  5. Sunt multi aici care doar auzit.. de numele tigarilor, si se feresc de alde maicasa ca dracu de tamaie. Unii fumeaza doar pentru ca fumeaza si prietenii lor, la inceput pari smecher, apoi cand vezi cum arzi banii pe tigari parca nu mai esti. Oricum,daca fumati, cumparati kent8,dunhill negru, si marlboro rosu celalate tigari sunt niste cacaturi.
  6. Mare dreptate ai.
  7. Cum pot sa dau de el..o adresa de yahoo,gmail ceva.
  8. Bebee

    posibil SQLi ?

    Te contrazic...e vulnerabil, fa ce vrei.
  9. Nu l`am facut eu..lol e descarcat de undeva.
  10. Sincer nu am vb si imi era lene aseara sa`l comppilez. Ms.. oricum nu trebuia sa faci atata panarama.. ca nu impresionezi pe nimeni.
  11. Am vazut ca au cerut multi asa ca... Download aici : FileShare Download Havij.zip Dezarhivati si copiati in folderu unde ati instalat havij. Apoi HF.
  12. FileShare Download pwn-isapi.cpp
  13. M*ie ma*a si tot neamu tau de copii retardati si oligofreni.
  14. Sti.. poti sa il descarci si sa il scanezi si singur pe nvt.
  15. Ce ai scris tu mai sus e la mintea prostului.. nu crezi asta?
  16. Download : FileShare Download 2.2.1.rar PM la mine pentru parola.
  17. password encrypt to: ZARA-128 --> TIGO-3FX --> ESAB-46 --> T-ASCII the chain ascii its scrambled . copy and past password in wordpad,notepad. pass ---> notepad or wordpad copy password and paste crypo. notepad/wordpad ---> crypo.com its possible you view only space (depending Brother) good ! just remove space. tips: all space non granted symbol no ascii non granted start at the end to remove space/no ascii good luck . * use only winrar for decompress the password dont works with another archiver. PASSWORD : Code: Mie imi da eroare la esab 46. Care ai reusit PM la mn, raman dator.
  18. Bebee

    Nou Tracker

    Mai faci si pretentii.. vrei doar utorrent si azureus dupa ce ca esti vai de capu tau )
  19. Bebee


    Unde gasesc si eu o telecomanda de asta?
  20. Are cineva.. vedem noi cum ne intelegem.
  21. Guess Who - Manifest (Videoclip Official cu versuri) / VPlay
  22. Aia cu tigara trebuie sa o incerc..
  23. Vezi daca ai probleme cu sursa, ori se incalzeste ori ai vreo siguranta arsa.
  24. Bebee


    Uitati-va in josul paginii..la penultimu topic de la cele mai penale posturi Asta e intrebarea mea pentru parlitu' asta
  25. Da, fac cam la o luna. Folosesc Acronis.
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