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  1. A fost actualizata cu noua versiune ! S-a schimbat si procedura de licentiere care este mult mai simpla ! Verificati pe site ...
  2. Frumos vocabular ... Cat despre topic este doar o prezentare , daca vrei scriptul care face asta te costa ...
  3. Este un exemplu de promovare , trimite o invitatie si se deschide pagina ! Poti sa ai acces la mai multe chestii interesante din script , dar dupa ce trimiti acea invitatie !
  4. Promovare gratuita cu HostingFuze Network, deschide pentru mai multe detalii! Promovare gratuita cu HostingFuze Network, deschide pentru mai multe detalii! Atentie, este doar un exemplu de prezentare, acesta se poate personaliza dupa preferinta. Pentru mai multe detalii contacteaza-ma
  5. citeste bine readme,txt , si ai sa vezi ca -l poti pacali ... si functioneaza 100% ! Nu are nimic shell sau alte porcarii, puteti sa-l testatati !
  6. Poti sa primesti o licenta pe viata pentru un autoposter profesional daca urmezi pasii de la acest link : Facebook Sharer PRO | Admin Login Totul incepe cu versiunea demo si adresa de email a unui prieten de-al tau ! Trebuie doar s fii foarte activ si vei primi foarte multe bobnusuri atractive ! Succes,
  7. Ai nevoie de Import XML / CSV profesional ? Te pot ajuta daca ei gazduire de la HostingFuze Network ! iti ofer acest plugins gratuit !
  8. Pentru a testa anumite aplicatii pentru android , folosesc vps-uri cu android OS 4.4 . De sa testez direct pe telefon o aplicatie necunoscuta ? Mai bine folosesc un VPS cu rulare live sau instalata pe HDD ! Contacteaza-ma pentru detalii !
  9. Sunt cativa pasi de urmat pentru a pacali plugins-ul whmsonic sa fie functional ! 1. Pentru a valida licenta de whmsonic sa fie valida trebuie sa virtualizam domeniul whmsonic.com pe serverul unde este instalat sau trebuie instalat whmsonic ! - domeniul whmsonic.com raspunde ip-ului! adaugam o placa de retea virtuala : #nano ifcfg-eth0:1 add : # Please read /usr/share/doc/initscripts-*/sysconfig.txt # for the documentation of these parameters. DEVICE=eth0:3 BOOTPROTO=none NETMASK= TYPE=Ethernet IPADDR= BROATCAST= IPV6INIT=no USERCTL=no salvam placa de retea virtuala ! dupa ce am salvat verifivicam : #ping whmsonic.com PING whmsonic.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from whmsonic.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.021 ms 64 bytes from whmsonic.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.035 ms 64 bytes from whmsonic.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.035 ms ^C --- whmsonic.com ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2626ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.021/0.030/0.035/0.008 ms Acum ca avem ip-ul pe server descarcam copia site-ului whmsonic.com de aici : WHMSonic Nulled | Nulled Script Acesta fiind un backup al contului unde este domeniul whmsonic.com. Trebuie creat un cont cu aceasta arhiva din restore backup whm! O data cu terminarea acestui restore , alocam contului creat ip-ul deja adauga in sistem Trecem la urmatorul pas , verificarea : din ssh scriem : # wget http://www.whmsonic.com Trebuie sa se incarce un index.html unde gasim : <h1>your free whmsonic work! </h1><br /><br /> ...... Acum putem instala plugin-ul in caz ca nu este deja instalat ! cd /root/; rm -f installr.sh; wget http://www.whmsonic.com/setupr/installr.sh; chmod +x installr.sh; ./installr.sh La treaba ...
  10. mai bine incearca WHMSonic Nulled | Nulled Script Contacteaza-ma pentru install !
  11. vrei sa-ti dau un vps sa-l testezi .. si ai sa crezi ca nu este o prostie ... si ma rog ce prosii am eu ?
  12. Va rog sa testati acest whmsonic si sa lasati un review: Thanks, download : FileShare Download free-whmsonic.zip free-whmsonic.zip :: Free File Hosting - File Dropper: File Host for Mp3, Videos, Music, Documents. free-whmsonic.zip Download free-whmsonic.zip Download free-whmsonic.zip | Files.com
  13. Este valabila o noua versiune , downloadati din nou sau cereti update !
  14. new version and free downoad : https://resell-online.com/facebook-auto-poster-script/
  15. Facebook Sharer main features and benefits: Facebook Sharer PRO is able to post in ALL your Facebook groups and fan pages. 100% SAFE! The script uses a Facebook application that will post the messages using the secured Facebook API. With the spintax feature, each posted message is different and the script will post unique content. Facebook Sharer can post REAL SIZE IMAGES, LINKS WITH FULL PREVIEW, VIDEOS and TEXT MESSAGES When adding a new Facebook account, the script is able to detect and import all your associated groups. The script is able to detect the last post in any group and add a your pre-defined comment to that post. HIGH SECURITY: The script can post the messages randomly and it supports spintax. The posted content is unique. The script can post on your Facebook pages wall using your fan page name. The script automatically parses the links from each posted message and it will display the url/image preview. The title, the description and the meta tags of the external links are automatically posted. In admin panel, you can define the maximum number of messages posted and the pause between each post. Facebook Sharer can post REAL SIZE IMAGES, links to websites, videos and text messages. Instant posts feature - you can post multiple messages on Facebook directly from script's admin area. Admin panel to manage your Facebook accounts, message lists, fan pages and campaigns. Scheduled campaigns that will run whenever you want (each minute, each hour, every day, on specific date, etc). Facebook Sharer runs in background and it is totally anonymous. It runs on auto-pilot. Configure the campaigns once and the script will work and share your messages in background. Multiple message lists. You can add the messages one by one or import bulk messages from TXT and CSV files. The ability to post exiting content, text and links from exiting external RSS files. Automatically parse and upload images from external resources (Facebook, Photobucket or from any website). It can post the messages consecutively or randomly. It allows you to post your messages simultaneously using different Facebook accounts. It allows you to post messages in unlimited Facebook groups or fan pages. To post in multiple Facebook groups you will only have to create one campaign. Demo : http://fb.allmagroup.ro/demo.php Download : https://resell-online.com/facebook-auto-poster-script/
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