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Everything posted by em

  1. F?r? loop în loop oameni buni!
  2. Nu sunt în tem? cu consolele. Astea nu pot fi piratate?
  3. Pe lang? prezent?ri, de care sunt 100% sigur c? vor fi de calitate, consider c? la un asemenea eveniment networking-ul/partea de socializare/b?utu de bere este destul de important?. Acolo se leag? prietenii/idei/proiecte. Încurajez pe cei are nu ?i-au luat bilet s? î?i cumpere acum, Andrei a b?gat oferte de Black Friday.
  4. Site-ul este întrerupt intentionat. ?i PS4 la 1000 de lei e o ofert? bun?.
  5. Mhm, why the tax? Mereu am considerat c? informa?ia trebuie s? fie liber?. În?eleg nevoia de a taxa oamenii care vin acolo (trebuie acoperite cheltuieli). Dar streamul nu.
  6. Ideea e super. Dar hai s? ne limit?m la o func?ie cu antetul ?sta void replace(char* i_string);
  7. OK. Nu ave?i voie for în for. Programul va merge foarte lent. Uite cum e definit strcpy Strcpy implementation in C - Stack Overflow Ve?i avea un while într-un for. Dac? e scriu ?i eu o implementare ?i vedem la final care e mai rapid?. Pe un string de 10000 de caractere.
  8. Adic? nu ai voie for în for. strcpy e fix un for .. vezi in headere
  9. Aici http://s1.emagst.net/layout/ro/newsletter/2014_11_21_BlackFriday/
  10. Salut, Bun? solu?ia. Nu am compilat dar arat? bine. Problema e c? strstr are un for în interior. Conform cerin?ei mele nu ai voie cu for în for E?ti aproape.
  11. Eu ?i la un SSL normal am avut nevoie dup? scan de pe buletin.
  12. Coaie e?ti nebun? Adic? ?stia o s? dea SSL la to?i oamenii f?r? verificarea identit??ii? Mai e ?i moca? Nu îi dau timp de via?? prea mare. O s? îmi iau ?i eu în sfâr?it SSL pentru carder.ro
  13. S? se fac? o func?ie care înlocuie?te " " cu "spatiu" într-un string. Restric?ie : f?r? copii ale stringului. Spa?iu O(1). Complexitate O(n). (adic? nu ave?i voie for în for - pentru oamenii care nu au ajuns a?a departe) Exemplu
  14. Recently I found myself in need of a roommate and, like many others, reached out to the Craigslist universe. Looking back at the post titled ‘Super Awesome Roommate Needed’, it included more details about the extroverted and energetic roommate (me) than it did about the actual place they would be renting. I had a few takers, but no one that I was interested to live with. Facebook Ads Prank - Sword Swallower A few weeks later I received a rather substantial email from someone who had found my full name from the land records, googled me, and even contacted a mutual friend to investigate the match. In his email he explained his “research process” and why he thought we would be awesome roommates and drove the point home by explaining his love for Doctor Who – an addiction we shared. Most people would think this was creepy, but I loved it … because it was exactly what I would have done. We met for coffee and hit it off immediately. I didn’t know this until months later, but he was joking with his friends that “Brian decided I was moving in before I had decided I was moving in.” About a week later he did indeed become my new roommate. He and I became fast friends and life was rather wonderful. We were both self-employed and often worked from home together in our own little co-working space. We occasionally would hang out with friends together and one day he decided to have some fun with me. He pulled a rather elaborate prank, leading me to believe something that wasn’t true, and reported the deception to our friends in real-time… for over two weeks. When I found out I smiled, bowed my head, and said “very well played … but I hope you know there will be retaliation, and it’s not going to be half-assed – it’s going to be just as calculated.” He looked mortified – and rightfully so. Full story here. Sursa: ak4d3a
  15. @Nytro, Nu am putut ajunge. Ceva impresii de la eveniment?
  16. em

    Categorie Donatii

    Sunt de acord cat timp acolo vor posta doar oamenii care au lucruri de dat. Nu accept sa mai vad pe forum oameni care cer $1 sau un laptop ca sa termine facultatea.
  17. em


    Hi, Welcome to RST. I will remind you that advertising to reverse.su is forbidden here. (You are not allowed to sell services similar to VIP members) - you won't be punished this time, this is not stated in the English version of the rules - for the moment. Moreover, just a reminder, CC fraud (even discussions about it) is forbidden here. Hope you get along fine with people here, they usually reject strangers at start. Cheerz, -em
  18. Salut, Am analizat mai demult traficul Skype (aia e prezentarea mea. multumesc @tromfil ca ai citat-o). Cacatu incerca pe toate porturile TCP, apoi UDP. Daca mirosea filtrari incapsula totul in http. Daca filtrai http, incerca https. Dupa doua ore cu iptables m-am lasat batut. Acum sa revenim la prezentarea mea. Dupa ce am vazut cum merge Skype, m-am gandit sa creez un layer care sa emuleze chestia asta. In aplicatiile tale, in loc sa incluzi sys/socket.h includeai rst/socket.h Si orice aplicatie care folosea solutia asta comunica prin tunele care se modifica dinamic in timp (in functie de ce face firewall-ul), e pretty cool. Ca further work, m-am gandit sa fac un modul de kernel (ca sa nu mai fie nevoie de recompilarea de aplicatii).
  19. Salutare toofast, Daca vrei SSL moca, eu folosesc startssl! F?r? nici un fel de ?mecherii sau renewal fee's, eu am pe unele site-uri de 3 ani. E mai greu de configurat pe server ini?ial, ?i nu prea dau certificate dac? e?ti pe shared hosting. S? completezi cu datele reale, altfel î?i cer buletin. Dac? mai ai întreb?ri, shoot.
  20. Salutare, Pentru cei care nu ?tia?i, fiecare post are un buton de report (în partea de jos, un semn de exclamare). Prin butonul de report voi trebuie s? transmite?i informa?ii *relevante* despre infrac?iune. De acum în colo dac? mai v?d reporturi cu "sper c? îi dai ban", "?sta e prost f?cut gr?mad?", "dac? nu îi da?i warn sunte?i nesim?iti" o s? v? dau ban pe 666 de zile. ?i ?luia care i-a?i f?cut report nu o s? îi dau, s? muri?i de ciud?. Un report util poate fi a?a: "post inutil", "injurii", "limbaj de Polonic" etc.
  21. @Htich Cum te-ai gandit tu ca eu vand conturi adsense? De unde ti-a venit ideea asta? Chiar sunt curios.
  22. Salutare, Datele personale la tepari se pot pune. -em
  23. Salut, Câteva oferte pentru studen?i (se acceseaz? în general cu mailul de facultate). EX: github cu repo private, SSL moca, hosting. https://education.github.com/pack/offers
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