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Everything posted by albastrel

  1. Nu fac pentru bani, ms oricum. Ptr cunoscatori, metoda 1 (a fost pachuita de apple)! have Fun!
  2. Eu am dat indicii si metode, cum poti trece de icloud, daca esti nervos sau ai chef de scandal.... te rog, nu am venit sa ma rup in figuri sau sa fac probleme, am venit sa ajut oamenii daca tot stau de luni bune... pe IOS, atunci sa dau indicii si metode. Ms! Nu pot dezvalui nimic si nimeni nu o sa dea nimic concret... Pentru ca se pot face BANI si Apple le fixeaza asa ca trebuie sa va descurcati singuri!
  3. pai daca am scris (retea) in paranteza inseamna ca am ceva unde nu am scris retea inseamna ca nu merge reteaua Hai ca modific unde este Service, si unde merge doar activat dar no service:)
  4. @dixongsm astea ti se par abrambureli ? sau ca nu a venit mos craciun ? Sau poate nu stii cum sa faci... eu ti-am prezentat niste metode care la mine au mers. 1. Poti prin Server localhost albert, static.ips si gs + SSL (certificate apple generate in .php sau .xml) (retea si backup, no restore!).... 2. wifi crash localhost (buddy crash si buddy + delete setup.app) (DOAR ACTIVAT) 3. lib linux (retea, backup + icloud remove total) 4. usb lyzer (USB Descriptors) (DOAR ACTIVAT) 5. decrypt (key root) IPSW + delete setup.app + encrypt (key root "difera ca la decrypt"), pentru a merge restore iTunes + intra direkt menu! (DOAR ACTIVAT) 6. a aparut o noua metoda cu metasploit framework! (Momentan erroare lockdownd_activate(lockdown, record) is called)! Uite ca dovada iti dau buddyul de la crash! Ca e m-ai simplu de facut, dar te descurci sau va descurcati cu el! - <xmlui action="replace"><alert cancelButtonTitle="Unlock" /> <page> <navigationBar title="Crash" hidesBackButton="true"></navigationBar> <tableView> <section footer="Crash" /> <section footer=""/> <section footer= "Crash"/> <section> <buttonRow align="center" label="Try Again" name="tryAgain"/><alert buttonRow="Unlock" /> </section> <section> </section> </tableView> </page> </xmlui> -
  5. Deci... Ca sa poti trece de icloud (method) - 1. Poti prin Server localhost albert, static.ips si gs + SSL (certificate apple generate in .php sau .xml) (retea, activated si backup, no restore!).... 2. wifi crash localhost (buddy crash si buddy + delete setup.app) 3. lib linux (retea, activated, backup + icloud remove total) 4. usb lyzer (USB Descriptors) 5. decrypt (key root) IPSW + delete setup.app + encrypt (key root "difera ca la decrypt"), pentru a merge restore iTunes in DFU + intra direkt menu! Prin metodele astea sunt buguri chiar si la iphone 6, ipad etc. la orice ios chiar si ios 8! In rest te descurci... m-ai multe nu pot spune...
  6. @SSHD dar poate am uitat sa scot icloudul din telefon si am dat restore.... si uit si parola "asta inseamna ca l-am furat" ... chill
  7. @say3er. incearca sa ii dai network reset! fara sim
  8. Deci... Ca sa poti trece de icloud (method) - 1. Poti prin Server localhost albert, static.ips si gs + SSL (certificate apple generate in .php sau .xml) (retea si backup, no restore!).... 2. wifi crash localhost (buddy crash si buddy + delete setup.app) 3. lib linux (retea, backup + icloud remove total) 4. usb lyzer (USB Descriptors) 5. decrypt (key root) IPSW + delete setup.app + encrypt (key root "difera ca la decrypt"), pentru a merge restore iTunes + intra direkt menu! Prin metodele astea sunt buguri chiar si la iphone 6, ipad etc. la orice ios chiar si ios 8! In rest te descurci... m-ai multe nu pot spune...
  9. - Incearca cu alt cablu USB.. sau alt PC sau laptop - Itunes update - Ipsw exact ptr 4sul tau.
  10. Imei Change Iphone! 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 1. GirlShare - Download iPhone Fix & Unlock Tool.rar - iPhone Fix & Unlock Tool 2. GirlShare - Download IMEI PhoneTool.zip - IMEI PhoneTool 3. GirlShare - Download Free iPhone4 Fix.rar - Free iPhone4 Fix @ GirlShare - Download Cablaraie iphone IMEI ICLOUD.rar - Cablaraie iphone IMEI ICLOUD Temporary, full set for this game so Expensive, is roughly divided into 3 sets: - Volume 1: Change the World for IP4 pair to unlock - Volume 2: Replace pairs of 8824 + Flash to Change Imei Unlock, Remove iCloud Account - Volume 3: Guide to change Imei (most difficult for you) Volume 1: Replace pairs of the World BB machine lock or stick iCloud ID To do this, we need to have one particular type of cable (Not the usual USB cable) Who purchased the purchase, also homemade, here, sir: Please be initiated, Volume 1, by 1 article about my Cable mode 1 - Cable purchase at the device. You can use cable DKU5 music download, For 1110i, 1200 for processing. Zin fiber cable under the "Box" is the most sugarcane pulp earth, Plug in the holster, to wire, hardware, materials plant 1 tree plants evolved under. Have so or even hanging Com => Throw it into a corner for spider bites 2 - Cable beheaded Z3 => Question on Ip foot cable Zin => Checked Box as Com => Use temporary, to help plug cable, installation Driver 3 - "blockbuster" Sam made from old cable => Short Cut delicious and compact USB cable for use with the iPhone Laptop + Cable Zin, former head both 2 "Suspension" should be very soft and plugged, no holster (For connetor foot Zin ) * The doctor likes ... "Cam Mode" is modeled after 2, because most of what he has bladder Box, cable redundancy (Vygis, Z3, Octopus, UST pro, SPT ... OK all, because the standard Box pinout) Yes, now we go ... = >> After picking plugged duct bend, perforated pair from the Lock Zin (Code World network up too high) or a stick iCloud, you better paired World (Dig from the main fault, lose waves, trees, proper main, Car clamping groove falls, the rain ... Or ... Jumping Where the option). You just press the letter i on the active screen, see the IMEI, they work as decent HW. Have you carve, new paired successfully, and the machine had BB. The need to do now, just Change SN => Being the one hand you've got the IP4 "Zin" ... "World" ... By technology ... "Turpentine Unlock" Not to far away, lofty, see the SN in a certain order, in sync with what ... In the past, when up iOS6, why people can not always write SN, where to buy virtual serial patch .. . etc. ... Just know, you do the following steps, standard, precision, are all OK. 1 Plug IP4 was on PC International thay pair => Enter DFU mode 2 Open the Tool this up => It will automatically run, and push your IP4 status ... "pink screen" 3 At that time, you remove the USB cable from Ip => Plug the cable into Com buy or homemade excerpts above 4 Open tool up , and click the right-hand Tap (There are many ways to write, but you should use what little free tool, available to write this for simplicity) 5 When the tool opens, you select the COM port (the port is Cable mode) => Open Port => Tick on the Read ahead, click OK to test the connection is okay. If All OK, you will see SN, as shown below: 6 OK, now, for you to use free sites still check Imei => Enter the IP on Imei (By manually, or get read are OK Tool) Bottom line is Check => To get the Imei SN that. And ... If you're lucky, you'll have SN => Just Copy and Paste the following image into the box: (Tick Write Now the tool offline) => OK => All Done ... Congratulations! On your hands is IP4 ... "Turpentine International ..." Now, straight Itunes => Active only, and start using normal. Note that the pair stick to iCloud, then play and sync to finish, it was not too long ... okay, can not change what fate sir Basically, this is the end of episode 1, for international couples Unlock changer, bypass the iCloud ... change some Regions, haphazard changes in the tool, you automatically dabble okay, nothing where death but fear Volume 2: 8824 + CPU Flash "White" When the World was exhausted pair can not be bought, collected ... "Leap" Where do anymore, or do ... It's the amount of time you need to first solution, which is ... Xgold 8824 CPU After changing CPU 8824 + Flash "White" => OK If HW done, only the standard, you will have on hand 1 IP4 has Imei: 0049xxxx (note the tail number then, will vary between early 0049, Patch Serial virtual, and life after 0049, can change Imei ). The first you need to do next is sensitive stage ... It is ... Clone IP This note here is the info you try to change according to the 1 IP4 Zin, clean, able to control iCloud problem. Example: ZP / A, IOS7, is your login ID. This is also the reason that I've been warned to stop and check free Imei IP4 post on VFS! Why? With 1 Imei clean, Unlock, beautiful Region (ZA. ZP ... Vietnam), Find my IP OFF of you, along with the generosity, the brothers check fee teammates => Full Info => It is possible that IP4 prey for the 1 series "Clone" => And then one fine day => The machine Zin, native => Will become victims of iCloud, which ID belongs to ... someone. This has been tested, proven, Apple is not protecting the rights of the first login ID, the Imei it, whether you're running iOS 7.xx. or any version of IOS. Always synonymous, even if the "mother tongue" is running 5.xx or 6.xx => If a full reset or restore => Do you still ... Stick attack. By 1 icloud ID strange, does not belong to them. How to keep, how to not keep losing ... Depending on your abilities, your way. Waiver is presented. If the air cleaner on hand, you record the S / N and Imei, but if not, then somewhere steal, 1 Imei beautiful => way, the same tool puffiness ... Volume 1, and the first step, you need to change the S / N 8824 after replacing the pair. After you change the S / N => You need to change Imei Imei under clean machine, you just take the S / N to change in the step above. This synchronization is required, so that you can be an IP Active "Legal" ... By Itunes. If you've reached this level, it is only one step further, as you will complete the IP unlock, turn the machine lock 1, iCloud => List 1 IP "International" ... Resin, soldering ... Last step: Change Imei (8824 + CPU Pair Flash white) => 1 day Will post to the mood Encompasses both the "Change color" Fix compass ... Continuous ... Waiting ... Volume 3: Change Imei IP4 (Only for couples 8824 + Flash White, Imei 0049xxxxxx00) Games for anyones ... who finished level 2 (... Who can not ... Please ... Next ... or Retry level 1, 2 ... or ... Out ...!) As I said, this game is for the people, has passed level 2 ie 8824 + CPU has change Flash "White" success. And holding 1 ip 4 with imei 0049 ........ 00 Tool for change Imei (And for everythings ... if you know ...) This tool can write things ... If you know about it, and Commands ... Including S / N, Region, MLB ... But in general, except imei, other things that can write single Simple, by tool, to warn you should use it to write imei! If the IT people, or a little more understanding of Command, the problem becomes simple. Can you write a lot, just by Hyper Teminal on Win XP (Default) or Hyper Theminal for W7, or anything similar. But the limited ability of the PC, IT, to warn you should do the following 1 simply because the tool has one above. After a successful Level 2 (Write SN) => Do you leave the machine in EBL mode (pink screen) => Open tool up (Phone.exe) => Typing imei => Enter to check the connection => And if OK, you will see imei of ip4 as shown below: Here, you can perform a multitude of command, but the waiver is presented, and he does want to type, coppy and paste, then do it according to his ability, want to "Hero Keyboards", this is also the Assembly And with that we mentioned, the following command Imei, or sn ... to check the connection, it should command, and just enough to change Imei: BPC alone sir (Type bpc => Enter) Who genuine dongle , then just click on the tool BB mode, instead of this command. If all OK => You will see the following: (Note households where the children apply the pink!) The doctor made ??the correct child protection, in sequence from 1 to 5 step 3 Special attention! On Tool's current imei (0049xxxxx) => The doctor replaced by Imei zin, trying to write in Flash. Remember, the doctors only write only 01 times, if something boils wrong in this step, the physician will have bows $ => Buy (Reload) and replace the other Flash! Click 5 and complete. The doctor will not have a chance "Burn Test" next time ... One Time ... and only 1 time only, for New flash but the doctor was close to ... Fusebit is now locked!
  11. am si eu o mica intrebare... si daca l-ai axat pe contul store Cxx a luat UniqueID si IMEIul de la primul iphone 5 care era activat si s-a pus pe iphone 5 blocat icloud neactivat, explica-mi... cum s-a schimbat IDul, IMEIul, UDID si restul ?.... Dar m-ai e o intrebare... cum s-a deschis ? nu a ramas in logoul apple pe telefon? sau a intrat in setup? Eu de exemplu am schimbat lockdown de pe un 5 activat fara icloud pe un 5 blocat icloud si mi-a ramas prima data apple blocat cand l-am restartat am intrat cu SSH pe el prin WI-FI, a 2 a oara am schimbat la loc mi-a intrat iar in setup... logica mea este ca LOCKDOWN si LOCKDOWND fac toata treaba "asta e creierul". Dar nu inteleg cum s-a schimbat IMEIul etc... la tine?... si ti s-a deschis telefonul in menu...? care e logica? e aceelasi imei ? de pe 5ul ala activat?
  12. daca ti-a expirat tot la el? poti sa te duci la magazin sa il faci ? ia sa incerc poate ma iau si la bataie aia ) nu merge stai linistit.. ori il vinzi ptr piese ori la gunoi deasta se incearca sa se scoata icloudul..
  13. trebuie certificat 2014 SSL asta imi trebuie si o sa treaca si de telefon... ca sa poata sa isi ia certificatul telefonul... e logic adica asa cred eu..
  14. deblocat icloudul ? :S sau deblocat GSMul ? semnalul ? da merge am postat un video dar uite si aici
  15. copil iritat ? :S asa se vorbeste badarane ? un moderator ptr block pe aici ?
  16. Icloud menu > General > icloud > remove! Merge si pe 5 si 5s!! Omul din videoclip nu are jailbreak facut dar merge chiar daca ai si jailbreak facut... nu conteaza!
  17. hai ca fac si niste poze la ios 7.1.2 cu trecerea in interfatza itunes.. dar imi trebuie tot un decoder care are updatat SSLuri august 2014 ca sa poata trece si in telefon poate facem ceva..
  18. Doar cine stie sa decodeze .dmg apple iosul adica sa ii pun un Crash Setup! 058-4520-002 astsa m-ai exact, prv me!
  19. Eu pot sa iti trec de interfatza la itunes atat, icloudul momentan la 5, 5s inca nu sunt SSLuri.. ca sa poata trece si in telefon.. daca vrei iti dau un ip si ti-l trec prin system32/drivers/etc, poftim asta e 4 dar merge 4s 5 5s si ios 7.1.1 dar si ios 7.1.2 asta are 5.1.1 downgrade de la 7.0.4 ma gandeam ca trece cu ios mic dar nu..
  20. am putut sa trecem de Itunes platforma dar nu trece de telefon de la 4s in sus, inca se lucreaza...
  21. - daca este in menu si ai versiunea ios 7 pana la 7.1 te ajut sa ti-l scoti chiar si 5s - daca este in setup si ai 4 da te pot ajuta, daca ai 4s 5 5s momentan se lucreaza, dar tot ios 7 pana in 7.1 trebuie.
  22. si ti-a ramas in setup ? ce telefon ai ? :S
  23. A incercat careva? A trecut de interfatza la Itunes?
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