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Everything posted by ringo95

  1. Crezi ca ti-as da asa ceva?
  2. hellhacker2 Las-o balta fratioare, de cand DDr3 e peste DDr5?? o fi 6xxx da e mai bun ca acel 7xxx Latime de banda mai mare!
  3. 6 posturi? parerea mea ban!
  4. Youtube Likes nu merge.
  5. Winsock Packet Editor First you should know what is WPE and how can it be used. Wpe is packet editor. It means it can record/modify/block data (packets) sent from/to your wow client. Image should make it clear: Some info from official WPE PRO page: Winsock Packet Editor (WPE) Pro is a packet sniffing/editing tool which is generally used to hack multiplayer games. WPE Pro allows modification of data at TCP level. Using WPE Pro one can select a running process from the memory and modify the data sent by it before it reaches the destination. It can record packets from specific processes, then analyze the information. You can setup filters to modify the packets or even send them when you want in different intervals. WPE Pro could also be a useful tool for testing thick client applications or web applications which use applets to establish socket connections on non http ports. Cannot download/unpack WPE PRO properly? Official page has answer too: Many anti-virus programs detect WPE Pro as a Virus or Trojan, however it is not. Some anti-virus programs will even go so far as deleting the file from your computer when you extract or, not let you run the program. To get past this, you'll simply need to disable your anti-virus program when you plan to use WPE Pro. DOWNLOAD: Multiupload.nl - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
  6. Let me google that for you Pandora Radio, Last.fm - Winamp Forums
  7. Back Track 5 R3
  8. reupload?
  9. Poti sa mai faci o alta intrebare?
  10. ringo95

    program ?

    salut, Exista vre-un program, prin care sa afisez doar o parte a desktopului prin cablu VGA de la laptop? Exemplu: un video proiector connectat la laptopul meu, pe video proiector sa apara numa un colt al desktoopului?
  11. Fa-mi si mie un tutorial despre cum sa flodez un server. (wow,cs,lol etc.)
  12. REupload! ?
  13. am gasit, Abby fine reader! recomand!
  14. Salut, Exista vre-un program ce sa citeasca dintr-o poza scrisul?
  15. ringo95


    yoyois* te deranjeaza ca acum invat? ce-i cu aroganta asta pe tine?
  16. ringo95


    salut Ce trebuie sa scriu in havij dupa UDMR.ro - Uniunea Democrat? Maghiar? din România - Pagina nu a fost g?sit? ca sa pot injecta?
  17. Pisalogu dracu, sa se fi petrecut asa ceva la mine in liceu, scoteam toti ungurii afara cu calcaturi pe cap!
  18. Cine imi spune una dintre metode, pm me... va sustin in totalitate!
  19. Nu merge, sau nu stiu eu sa-l folosesc.
  20. As cumpara vesta antiglont INTERCEPTOR OTV level NIJ III A -USA -cu panouri balistice kevlar KM2 1000 ron - Okazii (124969074) + Aparatoare piept - 203279 +Aparatoare genunchi - 203277 + Aparatoare brate - 203278 Cotiere neopren - 203259 + Casti blindate — cumpara Casti blindate, Pret , Imaginea Casti blindate, de la Cavalier enterprises (pvt), Ltd.. Casti blindate pe All.biz Isl?m?b?d Pakistan + Cagula - 207173 + Manusi tactice - 223271 + Ciorapi - 211088 + Toc de pistol pentru glezna - 230244 + Toc de pistol - 230250 + Port grenade - 226098, 226108 + AK74 Bulgarian Rifle Waffen Werks + 10 x Wolf Ammunition For Sale AK47 + 2x Amazon.com: Crosman 3576 Semi-Auto CO2 Powered Pellet Revolver with 6-Inch Barrel: Sports & Outdoors Si as impusca toti unguri din Covasna!
  21. Salut, cum pot descarca de aici FileBandit (sau alte Site-uri similare) fara sa termin un "survey"?
  22. great job boss +1 chiar cautam!
  23. reupload pls... linku e invalid
  24. FF si IE nu merge
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