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Ai putea sa faci pe mai multe culori si utilizatorul sa poata folosi ce culoare vrea Ex: default -alb/negru si bagi diferite culori asa va prinde
Ce vrei sa spui prin chestia asta fiindca din ceea ce ai zis nu se intelege nimic omule...
@FrosBerG https://rstforums.com/forum/74434-cerere-invitatii-pe-tracker-ul-scenefz-net-41.rst nu ai vazut topicul facut Sticky? era necesar sa creezi un topic aiurea... ====================================================== Copy & Paste ha ha ha )
Negru, acum vorba lui M2G depinde de design, eu am ales negru fiindca imi place mai mult
Mai bine zis pentru prostie oricum asteptam sa vedem dovada daca e adevarat (slabe sanse) felicitari daca nu ...
tu l-ai descarcat macar? cum poti sa spui ca nu merge...
@MrGrj tutorialul nu e al meu nu ai vazut sursa?
Dick Terror asta ca sa vin cu o completare pentru ce a zis @J
Si eu tot La Moeciu v-as sfatui e minunat am fost de 4 ori acolo.
Nu stiu de ce mie chiar mi-a mers... ai bagat Your Key is: 7AUZ-PVI8-93MO-8PU5 sau ti-ai facut tu cont/logat si ai primit un cod fiindca acesta e folosit...?
Ce mai conteaza acum ce si cum... important e ca noi nu am primit nimic Uite faptul ca vorbim noi despre ei e un castig in plus (un post in plus o reclama in plus) in fine... On:// Buna treaba bre Usr, sa vad ce "prind" si eu. revin cu edit daca dau de ceva interesant.
Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), a pro-hacker group supposed to be aligned with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has again gain media attention by compromising a number of popular news websites and displayed a Thanksgiving popups informing people that they've been hacked. The Forbes, The Independent, The Chicago Tribune, The Daily Telegraph, The London Evening Standard, broadcaster CNBC, PC World and the US National Hockey League were among those popular websites affected by the group. This time they apparently targeted a third-party widget that is used by all those compromised websites. It is being reported that the hacker group found a way into registrar GoDaddy to compromise DNS records for the Gigya, a customer identity management platform used by all the sites. Although all site visitors were not affected by the attack, but some visitors using a line of Javascript were redirected to SEA web pages with the message "You’ve been hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army." The visitors to the site were shown the above image. The Telegraph admitted it had been "compromised" and blamed a "third party" (which is Gigya) widget used by the website, the Telegraph tweeted after being hacked. The SEA group is the same hackers group popular for its advance phishing attack and using the same technique they also hacked into the Official Twitter account of Microsoft News, Xbox Support, Skype and also defaced the Microsoft, Skype Official Blog pages in the past. Source
The popular ride-sharing service Uber has been hit by various controversies lately, but now the things gone even worse for the company when a security researcher made a worrying discovery this week and claims, "Uber’s app is literally malware." The ride-hailing company is in disputes of handling privacy of its customers data. A Phoenix-based security researcher Joe Giron found that a surprising amount of users’ data is being collected by the company’s mobile application for Android. Researcher, who runs a cyber security firm in Arizona, just reverse-engineered the code of Uber’s Android application and come to the conclusion that it is a malware. He discovered that the app "calls home" and sends data back to the company. But this excessive amount of access to users’ data is not the sort of app data a taxi company should have access to in the first place. It really seems strange and unnecessary to collect. Now one thing strikes in our mind that today a large number of Smartphone applications have access to users’ app data, so what’s the difference between others and Uber’s way of accessing your data?? Here we present you a long list of everything the Uber Android app can have about its users, revealed by a thread on Ycombinator: Accounts log (Email) App Activity (Name, PackageName, Process Number of activity, Processed id) App Data Usage (Cache size, code size, data size, name, package name) App Install (installed at, name, package name, unknown sources enabled, version code, version name) Battery (health, level, plugged, present, scale, status, technology, temperature, voltage) Device Info (board, brand, build version, cell number, device, device type, display, fingerprint, ip, mac address, manufacturer, model, os platform, product, sdk code, total disk space, unknown sources enabled) GPS (accuracy, altitude, latitude, longitude, provider, speed) MMS (from number, mms at, mmss type, service number, to number) NetData (bytes received, bytes sent, connection type, interface type) PhoneCall (call duration, called at, from number, phone call type, to number) SMS (from number, service number, sms at, sms type, to number) TelephonyInfo (cell tower id, cell tower latitude, cell tower longitude, imei, iso country code, local area code, meid, mobile country code, mobile network code, network name, network type, phone type, sim serial number, sim state, subscriber id) WifiConnection (bssid, ip, linkspeed, macaddr, networkid, rssi, ssid) WifiNeighbors (bssid, capabilities, frequency, level, ssid) Root Check (root staus code, root status reason code, root version, sig file version) Malware Info (algorithm confidence, app list, found malware, malware sdk version, package list, reason code, service list, sigfile version) The ride-driving company might have some legitimate reason to make use of most of this collected information in the app, perhaps for fraud detection or an intelligence-gathering tool. But, the problem is that the information is being sent and collected by Uber’s servers without any knowledge or permission of the app user. Neither the extent of the data the Uber app collects seems to go beyond the data set shown on its permissions screen. Uber responded to the issue and said in a statement to Cult of Mac, Source
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DAVOSET is a tool for committing distributed denial of service attacks using execution on other sites. Changes: Added new services into full list of zombies, made a list of web sites which require "http" for target URL and removed non-working services from full list of zombies. Download
Cred ca nu e publica, am cautat si momentan nu am gasit nimic... am sa revin cu edit daca gasesc ceva.
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Oamenii ca tine mai rar... Sa luam un joc ex: http://www.mmobomb.com/giveaway/villagers-and-heroes-harvest-pack apoi dai Get you Key iti faci un cont, te loghezi si aia e... Key saved! You can come back later and get it. Your Key is: 7AUZ-PVI8-93MO-8PU5 =============================================== # LOGIN # REGISTER Required Information ============================== Username (Nume/Nick): aici iti bagi numele Email (adresa ta de email): aici pui emailul merge sa bagi si random ca nu e cu verificare Allow users to email me (Permite userilor sa imi dea email): aici daca vrei ca ceilalti useri sa iti poata da email Choose password (Alege parola): aici bagi parola Verify password (Verifica Parola): aici mai bagi o data parola aleasa Poftim ti-am facut si tutorial...
nu stiu ce sa zic... asteapta sa vezi daca primesti banii inapoi.
Nu cred ca ai cum sa iei bre teapa eu am decodat un samsung la ei...
eMAG devine „Moș Crăciun“: a vândut din greșeală produse la 1 leu.
Aerosol replied to TheOne's topic in Stiri securitate
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