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  1. s-a efectuat tranzactia, am observat ca acidrip are ban, as ruga un moderator sa stearga thread-ul, sau macar sa cenzureze numele domeniului, multumesc
  2. up. mai este valabil anuntul? sunt interesat, te-am contactat si prin pm si pe Y!m, nici un raspuns
  3. ultima versiune este BackTrack 5 R3 lansata pe 13 August 2012. http://www.backtrack-linux.org/ probabil te referi la Kali Linux
  4. loading...


    ^ google search romanian wpa password dictionary (download torrent) - TPB wordlist.txt - grimwepa - WEP and WPA Password Cracker - Google Project Hosting
  5. https://www.google.ro/?gws_rd=cr#fp=82ea42cf5fb128e8&q=+locoumakaslec74:guuacait+
  6. eu nu primesc codul de confirmare
  7. www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRAM8MpqIeA
  8. loading...

    +18 ani..

    inchide cineva topicul?
  9. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <!-- saved from url=(0062)http://draler@shellmix.com/homex/draler/public_html/index.html --> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>404 Not Found</title> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body{background: #0000aa;font: normal 12pt courier;color: #fff;margin: 100px;} p{margin: 30px 100px;text-align: left;} a, a:hover{color: inherit;font: inherit;} .menu{text-align: center;margin-top: 50px;} --> </style> <script language="Javascript"> var phrases = new Array( "Oh what the hell?! Man, you've got to be kidding me.", "Look what you've done!", "The requested document is no where to be found. You've crashed me, you bastid!", "There is no DOMAINS/ here.", "What is wrong with you?", "Now I'm depressed. You see, I'm just a web server...", "-- here I am, brain the size of the universe, almighty and powerful...", "then you come along looking for a simple web page,", "and then it doesn't even exist, and you crash me! Where does that leave me?!", "Man, I'm so depressed I could just cry. And then where would we be, I ask you?", "It's not pretty when a web server cries.", "I'm so depressed... I think I'll crawl off into the trash can and decompose.", "I mean, I'm gonna be obsolete in what, two weeks anyway?", "What kind of a life is that?", "Two freaking weeks, and then I'll be replaced by a .01 release...", "that thinks it's God's gift to web servers...", "just because it doesn't have some tiddly little problem,", "with serving jerks like you.", "Why request a page that doesn't even exist?", "Please just go away.", "I can't deal with you any longer.", "I get more depressed the longer you stay here.", "I can't believe how cruel you are, going and crashing me like that.", "*cries*", "...", "...", "Why are you still here?", "...", "...", "Fine, stay if you want, but I'm not talking to you anymore.", "...", "Bye." ); var speed = 60; var index = 0; var text_pos = 0; var str_length = phrases[0].length; var contents, row; function type_text() { contents = ''; row = Math.max(0, index-7); while(row<index) { contents += phrases[row++] + '\r\n'; } document.getElementById('server').value = contents + phrases[index].substring(0, text_pos) + "_"; if (text_pos++ == str_length) { text_pos = 0; index++; if (index != phrases.length) { str_length = phrases[index].length; setTimeout("type_text()", 1500); } } else { setTimeout("type_text()", speed); } } window.onload = type_text; </script> </head> <body> <p> A problem has been detected and site.com has been shut down to prevent damage.<br><br> The problem seems to be caused by the following file: /<br><br>PAGE_FAULT_404_NOT_FOUND </p> <p> If problems continue, send us an <a href="https://site.com/forum/sendmessage.php">email</a> to notify us, save any open work you may have and restart your computer, then try again later. </p> <p> Technical information:<br><br> *** STOP: 0x00000050 (0xFD3094C2, 0x00000001, 0xFBFE7617, 0x00000000)<br><br> *** / - 404, DateStamp 4dcff1cd<br><br> *** DOS 3.11 Error 3x43434C1 IO.SYS <br><br> *** FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 0x11, 0x00</p> <p> <textarea id="server" rows="8" cols="80" style="overflow: auto; border: 0; background: #0000aa; color: #fff;" wrap="soft"></textarea> </p> <div class="menu"> <a href="http://www.hackerpage.com/">Home</a> | <a href="https://site.com/forum/sendmessage.php">Contact</a> </div> </body></html>
  10. pentru pax http://www.trilulilu.ro/muzica-hip-hop/08-carbon-reversul-medaliei-2012-extremlym abis
  11. dati un scan cu virus total, malwr.com sau anubis.iseclab.org
  12. hai sa aruncam cu bani in stanga si dreapta cand avem erectie PS_LX: am votat! ON TOPIC
  13. cum se numeste melodia care incepe inainte sa fumeze din joint?
  14. ps: parca era un thread deschis pe aici "cum se numeste melodia?" pe la offtopic
  15. please pleas il vreau si eu, daca nu il dai, il iau de pe sloboz-32.biz eu n-am capacitate, eu dau capace on topic: posteaza site-ul oficial, SURSA! in mm edit in Hirstosii m.
  16. https://rstcenter.com/forum/rst-market.rst
  17. se poate implementa in settings un buton cu/fara password care sa afiseze ip-urile logate pe rst pe fiecare user in parte? sdcuzati exprimarea edit: sa vad cu ce ip-uri m-am logat data si ora
  18. cum corectez aceasta eroare? Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_SL in /home/hosting/domain/site.ro/cpanel.php on line 89
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