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Everything posted by mariusman22

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  19. mariusman22


    Gata merge...
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inurl:ages.php?id= inurl:material.php?id= inurl:clanek.php4?id= inurl:announce.php?id= inurl:chappies.php?id= inurl:read.php?id= inurl:viewapp.php?id= inurl:viewphoto.php?id= inurl:rub.php?idr= inurl:galeri_info.php?l= inurl:review.php?id= inurl:iniziativa.php?in= inurl:curriculum.php?id= inurl:labels.php?id= inurl:story.php?id= inurl:look.php?ID= inurl:newsone.php?id= inurl:aboutbook.php?id= inurl:material.php?id= inurlpinions.php?id= inurl:announce.php?id= inurl:rub.php?idr= inurl:galeri_info.php?l= inurl:tekst.php?idt= inurl:newscat.php?id= inurl:newsticker_info.php?idn= inurl:rubrika.php?idr= inurl:rubp.php?idr= inurlffer.php?idf= inurl:art.php?idm= inurl:title.php?id= inurl: info.php?id= inurl:pro.php?id= MD5 Hash Crackers Online: Spoiler (Click to Hide) http://www.md5crack.com/ MD5 Decrypter.com, MD5 Decryption, Free MD5 Decrypter, Security, MD5 Hash, MD5 Security. 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  24. Am avut o sursa buna iar un ventilator prost la acea sursa...cum vedeti ca numai functioneaza o scoate`ti si numai ii dati start la calculator pana nu luati una noua...asa ar trebuii fiiindca mai bine dati 60 lei pe una noua decat sa luati ventilator care face 20lei +30 lei ca iti cere pentru a ti`l pune. Problema este urmatoarea...o scoate`ti etc.. fiindca vi se vor arde si alte parti din calculator..din cauza cand dati start face scurt-circuit fiindca ventilatorul de la sursa nu porneste. Eu chiar azi am patit asa ceva Am schimbat placa de baza...placa video..rami.. fiindca mi s`a ars placa de baza...
  25. 5 nu vrei sau 3 chiar ?
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