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Everything posted by nacks

  1. Eu am primit pentru doua SQLi: Yahoo! has awarded you a $326 bounty for 6******8
  2. ... are you fucking kidding us
  3. 05-11-2013,*01:04 PM - te ai uitat cand a fost postat ? ... Oferta a fost valabila f putin !
  4. ... Decisions on future award payouts will be made at a later date. We apologize for any inconvenience, and we sincerely appreciate your report(s). Thank you, AT&T Bug Bounty Team Asta am primit pe 24.09.2013 si de atunci ... liniste !
  5. Cand ati primit mail de la ei ? ... am si eu raportat cate ceva la ei, dar momentan nu am primit nimic. Am vazut doar ca m au adaugat in HOF si ... atat ... MS
  6. Cel mai bun la acest moment - Dic?ionar explicativ al limbii române | DEX online
  7. Am primit si eu raspuns: Thank you for reporting a security vulnerability to Yahoo, we truly appreciate your commitment, energy, and dedication to make Yahoo a safer place on the web. As you may know we are in the process of updating our vulnerability reporting program, as detailed here <http://yahoodevelopers.tumblr.com/post/62953984019/so-im-the-guy-who-sent-the-t-shirt-out-as-a-thank-you>. If you have not already done so, please provide your name and best email address and we will get back to you shortly regarding a reward. Regards, Yahoo Security Contact
  8. Care este timpul de raspuns ? Am si eu 3 trimise de luni (14.10) si inca nu am un raspuns. MS L.E: pana la modificarea adusa acestui program, primeam un raspuns in maxim 24h.
  9. ... sa ne spui si noua daca primesti ceva ... sa stiu daca mai trimit ceva spre ei ... MS
  10. Nu mai functioneaza aceasta metoda.
  11. Eu asta primesc acum in momentul in care apas "Get Codes" L.E: am framework ... a mers pana acum ...
  12. Eu astept de mai bine de o luna sa mi trimita "some new gear" asa cum mi au spus, iar acum imi trimit ceva de genul: *****, Please allow some more time for your package to reach you. Regards, Yahoo! Security Contact ... deci nici macar de atat nu sunt in stare, dat fiind ca am raportat 3 XSS si inca o eroare intr o aplicatie ...
  13. Target: YAHOO URL: ***.yahoo.com Tested on: Win7 – Mozilla Firefox 23.0 PoC: Raportat ... L.E: Persistent + o eroare ciudata ","emails":["******@yahoo.com","******@gmail.com"],"tz":"Europe/Istanbul"}; }(this));
  14. nacks

    (XSS) avast.com

    Pai cu gandul la asta am postat la Bug Bounty ...
  15. Target: AVAST URL: ***.avast.com Tested on: Win7 – Mozilla Firefox 22.0 PoC: Raportat ...
  16. Thanks for passing on this information. We take genuine security threats seriously at Cisco, and have ensured your report has reached the right place for review and inspection. Thanks, Jin Yang Information Security Investigator Computer Security Incident Response Team Asta am primit pana acum ... MS
  17. Am si eu raportat la ei doua XSS'uri de aproximativ o luna, dar nu sunt reparate inca. (nu cred ca pentru XSS dau ceva) ON: Buna treaba ! si buni cei 200 $ !
  18. Da un ochi aici daca mai ai nevoie: F-Secure Antivirus 2013 – un an licenta GRATUITA Sursa: FaraVirusi.com
  19. nacks

    (XSS) yahoo.com

    S au mai schimbat lucrurile ... te rasplatesc in functie de nivelul vulnerabilitatii sau de numarul vulnerabilitatilor trimise. Intr un mail primit acum ceva timp se observa acest aspect: I want to locate your past reports so I can determine what gift to send to you. Regards, Yahoo! Security Contact
  20. nacks

    (XSS) yahoo.com

    Asa cum spuneam, am revenit cu video POC: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzHN5kiVpmE&feature&hd=1
  21. Te 'loghezi' ca root si daca nu dai restart la server il ai cat vrei tu
  22. Iti bati capul cu prostii (a gresit Nytro ca te a lasat sa citesti) ... incearca altceva
  23. nacks

    (XSS) att.com

    Da, stiu ca trebuie sa platesti pt a te inscrie in acel program ... MS de sfat
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