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Hertz last won the day on May 15 2018

Hertz had the most liked content!

About Hertz

  • Birthday 11/25/1993

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Exact din aceeasi categorie literara: http://www.wechall.net/hu/forum-t798/please_help_me_with_this.html
  2. www.pentesteracademy.com/course?id=5 www.pentesteracademy.com/course?id=22
  3. https://www.ripstech.com/php-security-calendar-2017/
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/science/brain-flapping/2017/nov/17/no-there-hasnt-been-a-human-head-transplant-and-may-never-be-sergio-canavero "And that’s not to take into account immune rejection, the fact that we don’t really know how to “fix” damaged nerves yet (let alone connect two unfamiliar halves) and the issue that everyone’s brain develops in tune with their body. The latter point means the “interface” between the two is relatively unique. You put the head of musician on the body of a builder, it may well prove to be like trying to play an Xbox game on a PlayStation. Except, infinitely more traumatic." Hahaha!
  5. ^ cand discuti cu un client online, in primul rand tii cont de nume. In cazul de fata poti sta linistit!
  6. 5000 - 17000 RON, depinde cate stii, unde te angajezi si cat de bine te vinzi.
  7. Acel "as->i <- scrie" s-a reflectat in scaderea pretului.
  8. Daca aveti cunostinte orientate in directia IT, de predilectie securitate, nascuti in perioada 1997 - 2003, dati de veste legat de concurs. Nu e foarte multa lume la juniori, deci e o oportunitate mare de invatare si poate chiar calificare in finala.
  9. @Byte-ul http://www.cybersecuritychallenge.ro/
  10. Pai din ce am vazut pe site-ul lor, nu e nimic updatat de anul trecut, iar in restul tarilor s-au derulat deja calificarile. Totusi, avand in vedere ca finala e in Noiembrie, mai e timp.
  11. Tre' sa ai ceva colesterol sa rezolvi problema asta
  12. Mai e ceva dupa statuie? Edit: nevermind
  13. Nu e nicio smecherie la mijloc? Vad ca si .com-urile sunt tot la 1 euro.
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