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Posts posted by u0m3

  1. 41 minutes ago, Nytro said:

    Nu stiu cine sunt, nu am auzit de ei, dar din moment ce e gratuit si ei nu au nimic de castigat (doar din donatii), mi se pare o idee OK.

    Ma refeream la partea cu inchisul FL. Cat despre acest nou tracker, mult succes. In opinia mea concurenta mana progresul.

  2. Felicitari. Nu mi-a trecut prin cap sa caut pe Google the code of holy bible.


    Also, poti extrage foarte usor arhivele din poze folosind binwalk. Doar aveti grija ca e cam entuziast si le si dezarhiveaza si cand sunt parolate, rezultand intr-un mic fiasco uneori.

    • Thanks 1
    • Upvote 1
  3. Se pare ca nu esti atent: ce vrei tu sa faci (indiferent ca are ca scop obtinerea unui interviu/job sau ca serveste in cadrul unei farse) se cheama Fals in acte si este ilegal


    Art. 470. - (1) Falsificarea unui înscris oficial prin contrafacerea scrierii ori a subscrierii sau prin alterarea lui în orice mod, de natură să producă consecinţe juridice, se pedepseşte cu închisoare strictă de la un an la 4 ani.



    Daca tu ai chef sa ajungi la inchisoare e treaba ta, dar ce te face sa crezi ca vrem sa fim, careva de pe aici, colegi cu tine?

    • Upvote 1
  4. Versiunea Python2 dupa cum am promis. Imi cer scuze legat de calitatea codului.

    #!/usr/bin/env python2
    import cookielib
    import urllib
    import urllib2
    import re
    import time
    import logging
    # Config
    fl_username = 'FileList_username'
    fl_password = 'FileList_password'
    # Globals
    cj = None
    opener = None
    # URLS
    fl_login_url = 'https://filelist.ro/takelogin.php'
    fl_gift_url = 'https://filelist.ro/gift.php'
    # MISC
    match_regex = r"You won (?P<prize>.*)!|You already claimed a gift in the last 24 hours! Please check back again in (?P<hours>\d+)h (?P<minutes>\d+)m (?P<seconds>\d+)"
    def login(username, password, unlock=1):
        # type: (str, str, bool) -> [None, False, True]
        global opener
        log = logging.getLogger('main.login')
        login_data = urllib.urlencode({
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'unlock': unlock
        response = opener.open(fl_login_url, login_data)
        if response.code == 200:
            body = response.read()
            if body.find('User sau parola gresite.') == -1:
                log.info('Successfully logged in.')
                return True
                log.info('Failed to log in. Wrong username or password.')
                return None
            log.warn('Failed to log in. Request answered with non-200 code.')
            return False
    def get_gift():
        global opener
        log = logging.getLogger('main.get_gift')
        response = opener.open(fl_gift_url)
        if response.code == 200:
            if response.url.find('login.php') != -1:
                log.info('We need to login again.')
                return False
                log.info('We have received the gift page. Returning contents for parsing')
            return response.read()
            # How did we get here? And where is HERE?
            log.warn('We have reached an unexplored zone of space-time.')
            return None
    def main():
        global cj, opener
            format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
        log = logging.getLogger('main')
        cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(
        do_loop = True
        log.info('Setup complete. Entering loop.')
        while do_loop:
            ret = get_gift()
            if ret is False:
                log.info('We were not logged in. Logging in.')
                login(fl_username, fl_password)
            elif ret is None:
                log.error('For some reason we need to exit the loop.')
                do_loop = 0
                match = re.search(match_regex, ret, re.IGNORECASE)
                if match:
                    prize = match.group('prize')
                    wait_hours = int(match.group('hours'))
                    wait_minutes = int(match.group('minutes'))
                    wait_seconds = int(match.group('seconds'))
                    if prize is not None:
                        wait_hours = 24
                        wait_minutes = 0
                        wait_seconds = 0
                        log.info('Congratz! You got %s' % str(prize))
                            'We need to wait %d hours %d minutes %d seconds' % (wait_hours, wait_minutes, wait_seconds)
                    wait_time = (wait_hours * 60 + wait_minutes) * 60 + wait_seconds
                    log.info('Sleeping for %d seconds' % wait_time)
                    # How did we end up here?!?!?!?!
                    log.error('Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore!')
    if __name__ == '__main__':


    • Upvote 4
  5. Cu ocazia aniversarii a zece ani de FileList, au decis sa lanseze mai multe surprize, unda dintre acestea fiind:


    10th anniversary gift! Începând cu 04 septembrie până în 11 septembrie inclusiv, o dată la 24 de ore puteți da click pe cadoul din stânga paginii și veți primi un cadou din partea site-ului. Cadoul este similar cu gift box-ul din Shop și puteți câștiga: Upload, FLCoins, Invitații, FLTokens, VIP.

    Toate bune si frumoase, doar ca, daca esti tampit ca mine si ai gasit prima data giftbox-ul la ora 5 dimineata (sau pentru oamenii normali, esti ocupat) si nu ai cum sa verifici la 24 de ore, vei pierde din premii*.

    Si cum suntem cu totii 0xH4X0R1 pe aici am decis sa fac un mic script in PowerShell (daca am chef/rabdare il voi face si in Python) care sa se ocupe de problema:

    function Get-FileListLogin
            [String] $Username,
            [String] $Password,
            [Int] $Unlock = 1
            $requestBody = @{
                username = $Username;
                password = $Password;
                unlock = $Unlock;
            $webRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://filelist.ro/takelogin.php' -Method Post -Body $requestBody -SessionVariable session -Verbose;
            if ($webRequest.StatusCode -eq 200)
                Write-Debug -Message 'Loggin succesfull. Returning session variable.';
                return $session;
                Write-Debug -Message "Failed to login $($webRequest.StatusCode): $($webRequest.StatusDescription).";
                return $false;
    function Get-FileListGift
            $webRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://filelist.ro/gift.php' -Method Get -MaximumRedirection 0 -WebSession $Session -Verbose;
            if ($webRequest.StatusCode -eq 200)
                Write-Debug -Message 'Request succesfull. Returning raw content.';
                return $webRequest.RawContent;
            elseif (($webRequest -ge 300) -and ($webRequest -lt 400) -and ($webRequest.Headers.Location -eq '/login.php'))
                Write-Debug -Message 'Request failed. You need to login.';
                return $false;
                Write-Debug -Message "Request failed with code $($webRequest.StatusCode): $($webRequest.StatusDescription). Returning request response.";
                return $webRequest;
    function Invoke-FileListGetGift
            [String] $Username,
            [String] $Password,
            [Int] $Unlock = 1
            $doLoop = $true;
            $session = $false;
            while ($doLoop)
                if ($session -eq $false)
                    $session = Get-FileListLogin -Username $Username -Password $Password -Unlock $Unlock;
                $ret = Get-FileListGift -Session $session;
                if ($ret -eq $false)
                    $session = $false;
                elseif ($(Get-TypeName -InputObject $ret) -eq 'HtmlWebResponseObject')
                    Write-Debug -Message "'Get-FileListGift' returned a 'HtmlWebResponseObject'.";
                elseif ($(Get-TypeName -InputObject $ret) -eq 'String')
                    $sleepSeconds = 0;
                    if ($ret -cmatch '(?i)You already claimed a gift in the last 24 hours! Please check back again in (?<hours>\d+)h (?<minutes>\d+)m (?<seconds>\d+)s.')
    	                $hours = $matches['hours'];
                        $minutes = $matches['minutes'];
                        $seconds = $matches['seconds'];
                        $sleepSeconds = ((($hours -as [Int])*60 + ($minutes -as [Int]))*60 + ($seconds -as [Int]));
                        Write-Host -Object $matches[0];
                    elseif ($ret -cmatch '(?i)You won (?<prize>.*)!')
                        $sleepSeconds = 24*60*60;
    	                Write-Host -Object $matches[0];
                        Write-Debug -Message "Whoops! Page did not say we won nor did it say we need to wait... Strange... Here is the content:";
                        Write-Debug -Message $ret;
                    Write-Host -Object "Sleeping for $sleepSeconds seconds...";
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleepSeconds;
                    Write-Debug -Message "This should have never reached. Get-TypeName -InputObject `$ret -FullName = $(Get-TypeName -InputObject $ret -FullName)";


    Mod de utilizare:

    • Copy - Paste la cod intr-o fereastra de PowerShell apoi rulati Invoke-FileListGetGift.
    • Salvati codul intr-un fisier *.ps1 apoi din PowerShell ii faceti source: adica scrieti in consola ". .\NumeFisier.ps1" (atentie la punctul din fata - e ca la bash) apoi rulati Invoke-FileListGetGift.

    Daca doriti sa vedeti mesajele de debug setati $DebugPreference = "Continue" in consola din care rulati apoi apelati Invoke-FileListGetGift.

    • Upvote 9
  6. Abstract:
    Microcode is an abstraction layer on top of the physical components of a CPU and present in most general-purpose CPUs today. In addition to facilitate complex and vast instruction sets, it also provides an update mechanism that allows CPUs to be patched in-place without requiring any special hardware. While it is well-known that CPUs are regularly updated with this mechanism, very little is known about its inner workings given that microcode and the update mechanism are proprietary and have not been throughly analyzed yet.

    In this paper, we reverse engineer the microcode semantics and inner workings of its update mechanism of conventional COTS CPUs on the example of AMD’s K8 and K10 microarchitectures. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to develop custom microcode updates. We describe the microcode semantics and additionally present a set of microprograms that demonstrate the possibilities offered by this technology. To this end, our microprograms range from CPU-assisted instrumentation to microcoded Trojans that can even be reached from within a web browser and enable remote code execution and cryptographic implementation attacks.


    Linkhttps://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity17/technical-sessions/presentation/koppe (via https://twitter.com/x0rz/status/903668526333997057)


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