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Everything posted by ENCODED



    A inviat mortu
  2. atatia copii pe aici care habar n`au ce vb despre acest subiect ... penibil ...
  3. cred ca o sa le iau la rand sa vad toate filmele astea , sper sa le gasesc ! multam de lista !
  4. e plind de astfel de scripturi pe site`urile de WAREZ ...
  5. photoshop (fireworks) + Jasc Animation Shop
  6. se cauta RH16
  7. aberatiii , aberatii , aberatii ...
  8. Doamne cati ratati pe lumea asta , mie mila


    da`mi unu moca cu CSS


    E interesant
  11. Basarabia pamant romanesc !!!
  12. da , pakat ka nu mergea jmecheria si era o caldura afara si o seteee
  13. cand vroiam sa`l aruncam pe NOS in apa )))
  14. da , s`au schimbat multe in decursul anilor ...
  15. da pe moka sal ajuti nu poti ?

    Asta da spam

    l`am prim si eu si creka si juma de planeta
  17. ahahahaha caterinca
  18. ala e flama din dreapta
  19. Rambo ii zice
  20. OWNED! alta data sa mai faci afaceri cu gaze moarte
  21. When the number of computers in existence and their processing capacity exceeds that of all mankind, a point of technological singularity is encountered. A massive economic and systematic crisis hits the entire world. Nobody knows the exact cause, and all solutions to fix it, are failing. We are about to lose our position as a dominant specie on the planet, in favor of something we have created... computers. You play the role of Brian Spencer, a young computer programmer working for a company he started with a couple of friends, which has developed the technology from where it all started. When you are being framed for crime, it's up to you to prevent computers from becoming the next dominant specie, and clear your name, using your hacker skills. The concept behind Hacker Evolution: Untold is to create a game that challenges the gamers intelligence, attention and focus, creating a captivating mind game. Solve puzzles, examine code and bits of information, to help you achieve your objectives. Features: • Modding capability to allow the creation of custom levels • The included mod editor, allows you to create new game levels easily (PC only) • Complex levels and game play to guarantee the best experience • Complex command console with over 20 commands and tools Requirements (PC version): • Windows ME/XP/2000/2003 or Vista • Microsoft DirectX 8.0 (http://www.microsoft.com/directx/) • Pentium® 1 GHz processor or faster, 512Mb RAM, 200Mb free disk space • 32Mb DirectX 8.0 compatible video card • Microsoft compatible keyboard and mouse Requirements (Mac version): • Mac OS X 10.4 • 1 GHz processor or faster, 512Mb RAM, 200Mb free disk space • 32Mb video card 60.47MB Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/210185038/Exosyphen.Studios.Hacker.Evolution.Untold.v2.01.0035.Retail-ROGUE.rar.html

    dj logo

    interesanta ideea , ai putea sa`l bagi intr`un chenar stilizat , si sa`l faci putin 3D
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