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Everything posted by mrjasdf
Romania, te iubesc! - Hackerville [Emisiune Full]
mrjasdf replied to Silviu's topic in Stiri securitate
ba nu mai scapam de iarna asta bag pla cat ii de frig- 116 replies
- emsiune
- hackerville
(and 2 more)
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nu mai bine mai pui 3 mil si iei Laptop Lenovo G580AR cu procesor Intel® CoreTM i5-3210M 2.50GHz, Ivy Bridge, 4GB, 500GB, nVidia GeForce 610M 1GB, FreeDOS, Glossy Brown ?
Prostia se plateste. Nu zic ca ma bucur pentru ca l-a prins dar...sincer isi merita soarta. Credea ca daca devine "faimos" il angajeaza vreo companie mare si va castiga N-spe mii de euro.
Frate... adminii devin deja chiar ... penibili.. daca au un amarat de forum cu 3k useri se cred zei. Inainte de a posta: - daca e cazul vezi mai intai ce zice prietenul Google - Daca cautam tot pe google. La ce plm mai intram aici ? - fii atent la limbajul folosit, vorbeste frumos si cat mai corect gramatical - Suntem la scoala ? Acu' iti zic si ce sa postezi.
Comunism EDIT : Copii: Postati in plm numa ce vor "jmecherii" astia ca va alegeti cu ban. Le da-ti pm cu topic-ul si ii intrebati daca ii intereseaza sau nu.
Cum zicea si tovarashu sorelian " Mai ramane varianta cu reaver ....daca are wps activat. "
O_o Din.....database? Nu e wordpress nu phpbb etc. are panel de admin. web server operating system: Windows 2003 web application technology: ASP.NET, Microsoft IIS 6.0, PHP 5.3.8 back-end DBMS: MySQL 5.0.11 Cu ce te ajuta sa stii de unde e ?
md5($salt) ? hai frate faci misto... stiu doar ca e md5
iti dau eu cate root-uri vrei daca imi dai un mail pe comcast.
Hash: 7f8bcdd1fa96ab9a999b9174d2454186:ed Tip Hash: md5 Informati aditionale1: limba: engleza Informati aditionale2: min/max caractere= ?? Informati aditionale3: caractere speciale = ??
si in ce e criptat linkul ?
anul trecut. am vazut o.O care-i faza ? Poate unii vor sa-l foloseasca... sari asa ca ciobanu' fara sa gandesti putin
Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub. The key fingerprint is: 52:cb:47:3a:3c:fa:d2:63:77:58:1c:a1:2a:35:21:a6 root@vps9e1ad6 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key already exists, skipping. /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key already exists, skipping. /usr/sbin/sshd -t -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config [+] If this or something similar is shown to you: <FATAL: Creating listener failed: port 22 probably already in use!> [+] Type fuser -n tcp 22 and then kill the pid with kill -9 <pid> [+] /usr/sbin/ifconfig root@vps9e1ad6:~/sshsniff# desnfread -bash: desnfread: command not found root@vps9e1ad6:~/sshsniff# Desnfread -bash: Desnfread: command not found
Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub. The key fingerprint is: 52:cb:47:3a:3c:fa:d2:63:77:58:1c:a1:2a:35:21:a6 root@vps9e1ad6 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key already exists, skipping. /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key already exists, skipping. /usr/sbin/sshd -t -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config [+] If this or something similar is shown to you: <FATAL: Creating listener failed: port 22 probably already in use!> [+] Type fuser -n tcp 22 and then kill the pid with kill -9 <pid> [+] /usr/sbin/ifconfig root@vps9e1ad6:~/sshsniff# desnfread -bash: desnfread: command not found root@vps9e1ad6:~/sshsniff# Desnfread -bash: Desnfread: command not found
La modelele alea de router are optiune sa downloadezi configuratia. si parola wpa e in plain text ;-)
scanneru' cred ca are peste 5-6 ani. A fost bun...si putini il aveau , pana s-a trezit unu sa-l posteze pe darkc0de
Virtual private server (VPS) is a term used by Internet hosting services to refer to a virtual machine Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2008 R2, formerly known as Terminal Services in Windows Server 2008 and previous versions, is one of the components of Microsoft Windows (both server and client versions) that allows a user to access applications and data on a remote computer over a network, using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Da, atat pentru el cat si pentru mine VPS = RDP. totti93 Join Date Aug 2008 Ce ai facut atatia ani aici ?
Si cat costa? 25 $ ?