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Everything posted by Lozls

  1. Welcome
  2. Welcome - [sper sa ai toti dinti in gura]
  3. ' Stiu sa dau DEDEOS , ma invita si pe mine cineva la TV ? '
  5. Merge perfect, Thanks for share
  6. Lozls


  7. Winston, ( TBC scrie pe voi)
  8. inportant e ca are hack metyn2
  9. Lozls


  10. Sunteti in echipa?
  11. Nu ai gresit cu nimic doar ca nu te lua de om ca scrie cu diacritice si alea, daca lui ii place sa scrie române?te. Si cred ca la faza cu "zeu" te referi la asta
  12. Nu toti au 3 la Romana ca tine
  13. Inauntru http://imageshack.us/f/826/pcmeuuuu.jpg Carcasa Processor Intel Core i7 6 gb ram 1TB Hard
  14. nu stiu daca programu merge sau nu, dar se pare ca nu se dezarchiveza complet.. incearca sa pui alta parola la archiva.. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/asdsade.png
  15. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/fakeno.png clar
  16. Edit: Anonymous Attacker Package.rar download - 2shared
  17. First one is - ********* external attack, allows you to execute udp flood web attack, into websites, this tool was made as external of LOIC, the following package contains : #********* External Attack - A console application made in C# that allows you to flood the websites with ********* style , and sending 4096 packets each second. The program delays some seconds for each packet that it makes, so it flood effectively without lagging your own connections. Cool for DDoS attacks. #********* DNS Extractor - Extracts the dns and ip servers of the following website, Developer included this program, cause in the target ip of AEA - ********* external attack you need to use an IP. Virustotal: Download:
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