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Everything posted by lucatoni

  1. Merci baieti Am rezolvat cu o resoftare !
  2. nu. Daca aveam mergeam direct la service Am intrebat aici poate ma ajuta cineva . Un update prin Kies ar rezolva problema ?
  3. Salut Am un Samsung GT S5670 cumparat din magazin nou si de azi dimineata imi face probleme ! Mai exact se aprinde si ramane blocat in logo-ul Samsung sclipeste asa si o zi daca il las. Ce ma sfatuiti sa-i fac ? I-am scos cartela SIM tot la fel nu vrea deloc s-a boot-eze . Nu mi-a facut niciodata probleme . Help
  4. Am fost la un service ,ma consta 70 Lei. E scump parerea mea nu se merita mai pun 30 si imi iau altul daca imi pica si pe asta il tin poate o sa mai scada pretul. 70 Lei pe o rasnita ce naibi...
  5. Salut. Am un Nokia C2-01 codat pe Orange Spania.Telefonul este aproape nou. Se poate decoda free prin IMEI ? Sau prin cablu de date ? Daca nu se poate prin metodele de mai sus cat ar costa decodarea?
  6. Attack on users who visited the Council of Foreign Relations website discovered. On Saturday, Microsoft published a security advisory warning users of Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 that they could be vulnerable to remote code execution hacks. The company said that users of IE 9 and 10 were not susceptible to similar attacks and recommended that anyone using the older browsers upgrade. Still, customers who still run Windows XP can not upgrade to IE 9 and 10 without upgrading their OS. Microsoft's confirmation comes after reports from several security groups that the attack sprung from the Council of Foreign Relations website, creating a “watering hole attack” that left people who visited the site through older versions of the browser open to further attack. The company has released a workaround for the problem, and said that it is working on a patch for IE 6, 7, and 8, but did not give a time period as to when those patches would be released. The Council of Foreign Relations told The Washington Free Beacon that it was investigating the situation and working to prevent security breaches like this down the line. According to The Next Web, the CFR website was compromised with JavaScript that served malicious code to older IE browsers whose language was set to “English (US), Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), Japanese, Korean, or Russian.” The code then created a heap-spray attack using Adobe Flash Player. While some reports claim that the attack was traced to Chinese hackers, this is unconfirmed. Computerworld describes the hack as highly targeted, however: “In a watering hole campaign, hackers identify their intended targets, even to the individual level, then scout out which websites they frequently visit. Attackers next compromise one or more of those sites, plant malware on them, and like a lion waits at a watering hole for unwary wildebeests, wait for unsuspecting users to surf there.” Computerworld also points out that this vulnerability is similar in timing to a vulnerability that occurred December 28 last year, which Ars reported as having compromised a long list of technologies, including Microsoft's ASP.NET. Microsoft then published a workaround for ASP.NET website admins in the wake of the discovery of the exploit Sursa: Microsoft says IE 6, 7, and 8 vulnerable to remote code execution | Ars Technica
  7. " Tot ce e bun tre' sa dispara din aceasta tara" Imi pare rau pentru tine @tex si sper sa iesi cat mai repede din arest chiar daca nu ma cunosti , nu te cunosc eu iti urez multa sanatate si putere sa rezisti la toate incercarile prin care treci acolo . Stim cu toti ca esti baiat destept nu trebuie sa te invatam noi ce sa faci. Am incredere in justitia din Romania si sper ca judecatorii vor lua decizia corecta! FREE TEX! - Lucatoni
  8. @io.kent, Salut mosule ! Bine ai revenit!
  9. @Nytro ne dai emotii cu modificarile tale
  10. Norton ofera 6 luni Trial la Norton Antivirus 2012 si reducere 50% la Norton 360. Mi-a luat ceva timp sa gasesc pagina asta Download aici Facebook Web Page Dual
  11. Nu m-am exprimat corect oricum am inteles ca nu se poate . Sunt aici sa invat cum si tu la randul tau ai invatat de la altii.
  12. Welcome Back Sincer imi pare rau pentru @tex sper sa iasa cat mai curand din arest ,nu sunt pupincurist omul chiar se pricepe la administrat servere Dar uite ca ia scapat unele chestii mai putin legale ce se petreceau in gradina lui , putina atentie pe viitor nu strica si bineinteles un REGULAMENT nou din parte administratiei RST sa numai avem suprize neplacuta. ps. Domeniul rstcenter.com este blocat pentru transfer la alta firma de hosting ?
  13. R.I.P Michael Jackson
  14. Radem noi dar incurand o sa ramanem fara nici un serviciu bun de file sharing si cum la noi nu iti permiti sa dai 50lei pe un film de exemplu o sa ramanem pe dinafara .
  15. 434
  16. tare
  17. Eu cred ca si-a facut ea conturi si a dat reply pe acolo altfel nu imi explic.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVeIddmN5oQ
  19. lucatoni


    Bine ai venit @dealx
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRszoJhxrB8
  21. lucatoni


    Bun venit @wdq
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X7ok_0fIkQ
  23. Azi mi-am luat un modem Huawei second hand si m-am gandit sa-l decodez Am reusit si m-am gandit sa imprasesc cu voi poate unii cauta/vor avea nevoie. http://sites.google.com/site/dogber1/blag/huawei-unlock.py Modele: Huawei: E156, E155, E1550, E1552, E156G, E160, E160G, E161, E166, E169, E169G, E170, E172, E176, E1762, E180, E182E, E196, E226, E270, E271, E272, E510, E612, E618, E620, E630, E630+, E660, E660A, E800, E870, E880, EG162, E880, EG162, EG162G, EG602, EG602G Vodafone: K2540, K3515, K3520, K3565, K3520, K3565 #!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2010: dogbert <dogber1@gmail.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # import hashlib, getopt, sys def info(): print "huawei-unlock.py: calculates unlock codes for Huawei modems" print "Copyright (c) 2010 dogbert <dogber1@gmail.com>" print "For information and updates, visit http://dogber1.blogspot.com" print "" def usage(): print "Options: -i*, --imei=* IMEI of the device" print "" print "Example: huawei-unlock.py --imei=351234567891239" print "" def testIMEIChecksum(digits): _sum = 0 alt = False for d in reversed(digits): assert 0 <= d <= 9 if alt: d *= 2 if d > 9: d -= 9 _sum += d alt = not alt return (_sum % 10) == 0 def checkIMEI(imei): digits = [] if len(imei) != 15: print "IMEI too short/long" return False for i in imei: digits.append(int(i)) if not testIMEIChecksum(digits): print "IMEI checksum invalid" return False return True def getCode(imei, salt): digest = hashlib.md5((imei+salt).lower()).digest() code = 0 for i in range(0,4): code += (ord(digest[i])^ord(digest[4+i])^ord(digest[8+i])^ord(digest[12+i])) << (3-i)*8 code &= 0x1ffffff code |= 0x2000000 return code def main(): info() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:", ["help", "imei="]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" usage() sys.exit(2) imei = "" interactive = False for o, a in opts: if o in ("-i", "--imei"): imei = a elif o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() if imei == "": imei = raw_input("Please enter the IMEI of the device: ") interactive = True if checkIMEI(imei): print "Unlock Code: %d" % (getCode(imei, hashlib.md5("hwe620datacard").hexdigest()[8:24])) print "Flash Code: %d" % (getCode(imei, hashlib.md5("e630upgrade").hexdigest()[8:24])) print "done." if interactive: raw_input() if __name__ == "__main__": main() Obtineti codul de deblocare al modem-ului plus Flash Code ,cu Flash code poti schimba dashboard . Sursa : Dogbert's Blog: Unlocker for Huawei Modems
  24. Daca este disponibil FTTB in zona care se afla @Nokia94 suna la 1930 si alege Voce 0 la pachetul tau. Adica 0 minute incluse .
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