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Everything posted by kNigHt
Ownerii ce detin compania ce va detine Google sunt ownerii Google, deci e de asemenea gresit spus ca Google a fost "mancat" de o alta companie. S-au restructurat putin.
Salut cronix, Hai sa cadem de acord la o terminologie: Sa ii zicem la program (cel facut de Byte-ul) "password recovery client", la aplicatia web (cea din thread-ul acesta) "web panel", iar calculatorul pe care ruleaza web panel-ul "web server". Te rog reformuleaza intrebarea, folosind termenii de mai sus, pentru a intelege ce vrei sa-mi spui. Multumesc.
Imi place panel-ul ala. Are gusturi bune.
In "application/config/db.php", lasa 'coailii_' la 'db_prefix'. Adica 'db_prefix' => 'coailii_'
Incerci sa accesezi trueipus.com/coai, dar tu nu ai directorul "coai" in webserverul tau. Trebuie sa dai extract la arhiva.
Salut 123a, Descrie concret ce anume nu reusesti si o sa te ajutam.
Then please wait for the new version, I will fix this issue (~1 week).
Verifica sa ai PHP 5.3+. Anyway o sa fixez problema asta in urmatoarea versiune, vad ca multi se plang de ea.
Cand accesez api imi apare Error: Iti apare "Error" fiindca nu trimiti niciun parametru catre API accesand link-ul pur si simplu. Pe URL-ul ala trebuie sa vina niste date. Tu netrimitand nimic, tehnic nu a fost introdus nimic in baza de date si script-ul il interpreteaza ca o eroare. E in regula sa-ti apara asa. Cand accesez user/login imi apare imi apare This webpage is not available ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED: Eroarea asta o primesti de la Chrome cand incerci sa accesezi un domeniu invalid.
Tracker invites - 6xFL | 3xIPT | 10xMyA | 1xTL | 2xSFZ
kNigHt replied to kNigHt's topic in Free stuff
Bine boss, scuze- 27 replies
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(and 3 more)
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Tracker invites - 6xFL | 3xIPT | 10xMyA | 1xTL | 2xSFZ
kNigHt replied to kNigHt's topic in Free stuff
Sent- 27 replies
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- consecutive
(and 3 more)
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Tracker invites - 6xFL | 3xIPT | 10xMyA | 1xTL | 2xSFZ
kNigHt replied to kNigHt's topic in Free stuff
Sent- 27 replies
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- consecutive
(and 3 more)
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Tracker invites - 6xFL | 3xIPT | 10xMyA | 1xTL | 2xSFZ
kNigHt replied to kNigHt's topic in Free stuff
Te rog sa oferi doua speedtest-uri consecutive, cum am precizat in conditii. Merci.- 27 replies
- conditions
- consecutive
(and 3 more)
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Tracker invites - 6xFL | 3xIPT | 10xMyA | 1xTL | 2xSFZ
kNigHt replied to kNigHt's topic in Free stuff
Trimite-mi un PM cu adresa ta de email, te rog- 27 replies
- conditions
- consecutive
(and 3 more)
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Tracker invites - 6xFL | 3xIPT | 10xMyA | 1xTL | 2xSFZ
kNigHt replied to kNigHt's topic in Free stuff
Invitatia a fost trimisa. Nu uita sa mentionezi persoanei invitate sa caute si in folderul Bulk/Spam, si daca gaseste acolo invitatia, sa o marcheze ca "Not spam". Sa ai grija de cont.- 27 replies
- conditions
- consecutive
(and 3 more)
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Tracker invites - 6xFL | 3xIPT | 10xMyA | 1xTL | 2xSFZ
kNigHt replied to kNigHt's topic in Free stuff
Please provide two consecutive speedtests, as I mentioned in the conditions.- 27 replies
- conditions
- consecutive
(and 3 more)
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Tracker invites - 6xFL | 3xIPT | 10xMyA | 1xTL | 2xSFZ
kNigHt replied to kNigHt's topic in Free stuff
Sent a IPT invite. Please take care of your account.- 27 replies
- conditions
- consecutive
(and 3 more)
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Tracker invites - 6xFL | 3xIPT | 10xMyA | 1xTL | 2xSFZ
kNigHt replied to kNigHt's topic in Free stuff
Please provide the two consecutive speedtests, as I mentioned in the conditions. Thank you.- 27 replies
- conditions
- consecutive
(and 3 more)
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Hi, I am offering invites on the following trackers: FileList: FileList :: Login Invites left: 5 Conditions: 2 consecutive speedtests, bandwidth better than 30mbps IPTorrents: https://iptorrents.com/ Invites left: 0 Conditions: 2 consecutive speedtests, bandwith better than 10mbps MyAnonamouse: My Anonamouse :: Login Invites left: 9 Conditions: 2 consecutive speedtests, bandwith better than 5mbps TorrentLeech: Login :: TorrentLeech.org Invites left: 1 Conditions: 2 consecutive speedtests, bandwith better tan 20mbps, seedbox proof SceneFZ: http://scenefz.net/ Invites left: 2 Conditions: 2 consecutive speedtests, bandwidth better than 20mbps - Please don't mention your emails into the reply, in order for you to protect your privacy. I will ask you for your email in a PM if you meet the conditions. - Old members have priority. - Puteti sa raspundeti in romana. Have a nice day!
- 27 replies
- conditions
- consecutive
(and 3 more)
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In Search of The Most Dangerous Town On the Internet
kNigHt replied to razvandragos29's topic in Stiri securitate
Skill-urile lor de marketing si branding sunt extraordinare, le depasesc pe departe pe cele de IT, cu siguranta. Nu stiu de ce spera toti sa se angajeze la NASA, ar trebui sa se angajeze la Coca-Cola sau BMW, ar face o gramada de bani. -
Da, pai incerc sa fiu obiectiv si sa plec de la prezumtia ca are un rost accesul la toate datele astea, dar nu gasesc niciun argument valid...
Aveti idee de ce trebuie sa trimiti la Microsoft ce-ai facut toata viata pentru a activa Cortana? Inteleg ca trebuie sa aiba acces la toate informatiile tale, dar de ce sa le stocheze ei?