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Urmărit general, prins pe Facebook de o „femeie atractivă”
NOVATu replied to Fi8sVrs's topic in Stiri securitate
profilul lui idiotul asta... si mesajul de la gabori ''Freeland Police Department CAPTURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' -
PandaBotNet SEO Network free--Traffic -Newww
NOVATu replied to otty's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
Fati cont la ei,si dupa ce esti in,clik Panda Bot Network Settings and Reports.shi acolo ai toate setarile. Problema este ca,target keyword=> website trebuie sa fie in primele 10 pagini google search. Daca ai RDP de ce nu 24h din 7 zile.+ Fiddler Web Debugger,sa vezi cine ce shi cum. -
PandaBotNet SEO Network free--Traffic -Newww
NOVATu replied to otty's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
Sal testam,sa vedem ce este de el.Deja al rulez de vreo 2 ore,sa fac ceva puncte.Da precum vedeti in imagine:Website owner opted in to hide his/her website Asa ca am deschis Fiddler Web Debugger,fara nici o alta aplicatie deschisa,sa capturez ceva traffic. Deci exemplu: Pe prima pagina no1,ies astea pe google.es Clientul respectiv cu keyword:international oddities,iese pe pagina 4 Am intrat pe pagina sa vad ce si cum,tot aia de pe prima pagina erau ''internationaloddities.com''.Deci in concluzie sa inteleg ca vor sa-si mentina pozitia no1 in google search,rank-andul pe al doilea. Bun asa am sa-l rulez pe un RDP cam o saptamana,sa vad pe ce nishe se bat astea. -
Bun tutorialul,cum am doua bloguri pe Tumblr cu imagini,sunt curios daca mar avantaja. Dezavantaj^ ar fi ca:''Removing private metadata from images using Photoshop'' ^Daca esti amabil sa analizezi si poza asta,editata cu Adobe Photoshop CS6.Sunt chiar curios daca are efect,cuvinte cheie:Search Engine; SEO for Images; Optimization for Images. Metadata online la aceasta poza: Edited Sau aici:
Ai shi my 2 cents de la mine,ptr familia ta.Stai acasa ''scursura ce esti'' ca nu ai curaj sa incepi o noua etapa in viata ta.Adik sa pleci la munca in strainatate pe bani mai multi.Anca my 2 cents...,ptr tine, roman de cacat shi invidios.Jos timisoara....,sus ROMANIA.
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Am citit si eu thread-ul cap coada,deci in concluzie ca sa aveti success cu PPD... Imaginatie va trebuie... Exemplu de caz: 40.000 euro in doar 2 luni de zile... nice ,prea frumos sa fie adevarat,dar este adevarat. Citat: adica Si iata aplicatia inexistenta article source http://www.abc.es/tecnologia/moviles/20130720/abci-estafa-espiar-whatsapp-201307200954.html
Zippyshare link..
Aoleu....ce aveti.Eu ma-m referit la deviantart.com. La 500px merge,merge si cu codul lui @gecko,si ca sa nu mai deschid al topic am pus si eu intrebarea aici.... Deci la deviantart.com,se poate sau nu ?
Album Ripper Cautam ceva pe net,cum sa descarc full image de pe deviantart.com,si am dat de site-ul asta. Am probat cu un album de pe deviantart,dar nu mi le descarca full image. Sper sa va fie folositor Album Ripper Rip and zip albums from various sites Compatible with albums found on:
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Merge codul. Dar ai ideie cum se poate descarca (full image) si din Un exemplu de poza care nu o poti descarca full: Image Size 14.7 MB Resolution 5472×3648 Si una care se poate descarca Image Size 8.3 MB Resolution 2736×3613
2 Carderi romani, condamnati in SUA Doi hackeri români au fost condamnati, miercuri, la 7 si, respectiv, 15 ani de închisoare pentru participarea lor la o vasta retea de piratare a datelor bancare pe Internet, a anuntat Departamentul american de Justitie, citat de AFP. În total, aceasta retea a reusit sa afecteze o multime de magazine, dintre care 250 de restaurante Subway, si sa fure datele bancare ale peste 100.000 de detinatori de carduri, pentru un prejudiciu estimat la peste 17,5 milioane de dolari. Adrian-Tiberiu Oprea, în vârsta de 29 de ani, extradat de România, si Iulian Dolan, în vârsta pe 28 de ani, au pledat vinovat pentru complot la frauda informatica si acces fraudulos la un sistem securizat. Primul a recunoscut printre altele ca a realizat transferuri bancare frauduloase. Conform documentelor judiciare citate de un comunicat al ministerului, cei doi români, alaturi de un compatriot în vârsta de 27 de ani, au piratat între 2009 si 2011 sute de calculatoare din Statele Unite pentru a fura numere de carduri bancare si de plata din magazine mari, precum si date asociate apartinând cetatenilor americani. Conform aceleiasi surse, cei doi au piratat de la distanta sute de puncte informatice din magazinele americane, unde datele bancare ale clientilor erau stocate electronic. Oprea, seful echipei, si Dolan, consilierul sau apropiat, au aflat prin intermediul Internetului care sunt punctele de vânzare vulnerabile, înainte de a le lua în posesie si a instala un software care înregistra si stoca toate datele. Apoi ramânea doar ca aceste date bancare sa fie transferate electronic catre diverse locatii de stocare implementate de Oprea. Acesta a încercat ulterior sa foloseasca datele furate pentru a face plati neautorizate sau pentru a le transfera complicilor pentru a fi folosite în acelasi mod, conform comunicatului. Source:
este de la ei,si daca tot ati place ''pula lu hector'' ia linkul intreg: si data viitoare nu o mai arde cu....XXX
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Connectify Dispatch Incl Serial Info Connectify Dispatch is easy-to-use Windows software that lets you combine multiple Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G, and Ethernet connections into one super-fast connection. Try Dispatch along with our software router, Connectify Hotspot PRO, absolutely risk-free! Multiple Connections, Maximum Speed For the first time, you can connect to the coffee shop Wi-Fi and your 4G mobile device simultaneously, using both Internet connections for their combined speed, and increased reliability. With Connectify Dispatch, you can even use two different Wi-Fi networks at the same time. Just connect a secondary USB Wi-Fi card (in addition to your laptop’s on-board Wi-Fi card) and Dispatch does the rest. At the click-of-a-button, you’ll be cruising the web at warp speed, using the combined throughput of both wireless networks. Even if you lose connectivity on one of those networks, Dispatch keeps you online, moving all of your traffic onto the working connection until both networks become available again. But thats only one scenario, with Dispatch you can connect to as many Internet connections as you have adapters for. Tethered smart phones, ethernet and wired connections, 3G and 4G mobile broadband adapters, Wi-Fi and MiFi - you name it, Dispatch can use it. The more connections you have, the faster you’ll go! Automatic Failover Using multiple connections, Connectify Dispatch always gives you the most reliable Internet access possible. Furthermore, Dispatch allows you to select priority levels for your available Internet connections. By setting a connection to "Backup" Dispatch will only access it in the event that you lose connectivity on all of your "Primary" Internet connections. This way, you can easily designate a metered 3G or 4G modem, tethered device, or other expensive mobile broadband connection to be used only when absolutely necessary or in case of emergency. Accelerate Large BitTorrent Downloads BitTorrent makes use of many network sockets by design, so it is a perfect application for Connectify Dispatch. With each Internet connection you add, Dispatch can increase the speed of your torrent downloads significantly. Share your Super-Fast Dispatch Connection with Connectify Hotspot Connectify Dispatch is even more powerful when you use it alongside our flagship software router, Connectify Hotspot PRO. Just start a Connectify Hotspot while aggregating Internet connections with Dispatch, and in an instant you’ll be sharing your Dispatch “super connection” over Wi-Fi with all of your friends, co-workers, and other devices. Home Page - Connectify - Turn your PC into a Wi-Fi Hotspot and Get Faster Internet Install Notes: 1] Install The App 2] Block The App in Fire-Wall (sau editati host file si adaugati asta updates.connectify.me) 3] Enter Email and Serial 4] Register urself & Enjoy!! Virus Total Download Link O sa revin cu un review,peste 2-3 zile...
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W3 Total cache settings So we will give you W3 Total Cache settings which are the best. Because of the recent updates like Penguin and Panda , the loading time of websites plays a critical role in a website’s search engine rankings. There are several ways to speed up a website. Caching, database caching, object caching, minifying. The real beauty of W3 Total cache is that it makes it easy to do it all at one place. 1.) First of all install W3 Total Cache and activate it. 2.) Now after activation deactivate the Preview mode. To deactivate it , just click “Performance” on the left side of your WordPress dashboard and click “disable” button on the Preview section. Now we will do the rest of the process step wise. General Settings Enable Page Cache, use “Disk : Enhanced”. If it’s showing up in your options then you can also select Opcode : Alternative PHP cache as it’s the best. Enable Minify, set it to “manual”. Use “Disk”. If it’s showing up then you can also select Opcode : Alternative PHP cache as it’s the best. Enable Database Caching. Use : “Disk”. If your wp-config is not writable due to some security plugin then set it to writable for optimal working of Database Cache. Enable Object Caching. Use : “Disk”. It’s great for sites with heavy traffic. Enable Browser Cache. It helps in leveraging browser caching. Enable Verify rewrite rules, and if you have a Google Page speed API, then it’s your choice to enable Dashboard Widget. Optionally you can enable “Optimize disk enhanced page and minify disk caching for NFS“. It helps on some shared hosting setups. Advanced settings W3 Total Cache settings For Page Cache Enable Cache front page. Enable Cache feeds: site, categories, tags, comments. Enable Cache SSL (https) requests. Enable Cache requests only for www.yoursitename.com host name. Enable Don’t cache pages for logged in users. For Cache Preload Enable Automatically prime the page cache. Set update interval as 907 seconds or something close. Select number of pages 15 (increase or decrease depending on hosting). Enter your sitemap URL. And enable Prime post cache on publish. For Advanced Set Maximum lifetime of cache objects: 180060 seconds. Set Garbage collection interval: 3600 seconds. W3 Total cache settings for Browser cache Enable set Last-Modified header, set expires header, set cache control header, set W3 Total Cache header and enable HTTP (gzip) compression. Set all the cache control policies to : Cache with Max-age. For CSS & JS Set expires header lifetime : 31536000 seconds (over 1 year). Enable set Last-Modified header, set expires header, set cache control header, set W3 Total Cache header and enable HTTP (gzip) compression. For HTML & XML Set expires header lifetime : 7200 seconds. Enable set Last-Modified header, set expires header, set cache control header, set W3 Total Cache header and enable HTTP (gzip) compression. For Media and other files Set expires header lifetime : 31536000 seconds. Enable set Last-Modified header, set expires header, set cache control header, set W3 Total Cache header and enable HTTP (gzip) compression. W3 Total Cache settings for Minify. Enable rewrite URL structure and disable minify for logged in users. Set error notification to Admin notification. For HTML & XML Tick on enable, inline CSS minification, inline JS minification and line break removal. For CSS Tick enable, preserved comment removal and line break removal. Now go to your website in some other browser and right click and view source. Find the CSS files, and add their urls one by one in the CSS minification box. Do this to see whether something breaks the layout on minification or not. For Advanced Update external files every : 216000 seconds and same for garbage collection. For JS This is the most difficult part of setting up W3 total cache settings. It requires some trial and error. Do it if the above steps were not enough. Tick on enable, preserved comment removal and line break removal. Now got to the source of your site as before and find only those js files which are hosted on your website. Now add their urls one by one and check every time whether something is breaking your site or not. NOTE : Customscript.js and the themes js files like themename.js should not be minified as mostly they are the ones which cause errors. W3 Total Cache settings for User agent groups. Just enable it and don’t change anything. NOTE : If any setting is not there in this guide then leave it to the default value. Source: The ultimate guide to W3 Total cache settings | Inspire2rise
Visual Composer for WordPress will save you tons of time working on the site content. Now you’ll be able to create complex layouts within minutes! Sales page Demo page Download nulled
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Ok,mercy mult pentru raspunsuri. O sa raman la ei,hostway.com
Da am vazut ca este si hostway.ro unde este in euro adica 12€ in loc de 12,95$.Dar la acelasi pachet/te nu specifica FlexCloud™. Este diferenta intre .com si .ro? De bani nu este problema,ca nu platesc eu.Doar intrebam daca face fata pachetul la cea ce am scris mai sus. Mai astept pareri.
Da ce parere aveti despre hostingul de la hostway.com.Am tot cautat pe net un hosting mai decent si am ramas la hostway packetul FlexCloud™ Site $12.95/mo. Ca o curiozitate cu ce se diferentiaza FlexCloud fata de alte hostinguri shared. Ar face hostingul asta fata la cerintele astea: Proiect Reprezentare firma (constructii spania,pe plan local) CMS Wordpress Theme Striking-Premium-Corporate-Portfolio-WP-Theme-ThemeForest (bineinteles o sa fie cumparata) Dar ca sa pregatesc siteul in localhost am gasit o versiune nulled,daca va intereseaza aveti linkul mai jos: Striking-Premium-Corporate-Portfolio-WP-Theme-ThemeForest Version - July.6th ‘12,ultima versiune este, In general O sa fie poze(Portfolio),multe poze pe category(subcategory),reprezentand fiecare categorie specifica constructiei(zugraveli,decoratiuni,etc...),plus o categorie de actualitate(Lucrari in Curs si Finalizate,deci multe poze. Pe langa prezentare in general al firmei(home page),o sa mai fie pagini cu prezentari specifice constructiei(electricitate,instalatii sanitare,etc....). Plus fata de concurenta(static website),website-ul o sa aiba si blog(am pana acum pregatite 20 intrari) Deci se merita packetul asta,pentru cerintele astea.?
Fiddler Web Debugging Proxy Monitor HTTP/HTTPs traffic from any browser Decrypt HTTPS web sessions Decrypt and decompress web sessions site source site download link Un video tutorial ''How to get past HWID protection on any program!'' cu fiddler
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Clyde's Social Bookmarking Bomber SbBomber
NOVATu replied to NOVATu's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
Scuze... Pass rar ''blackhat'' fara ghilimele. -
Clyde's Social Bookmarking Bomber SbBomber
NOVATu replied to NOVATu's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
Video-ul este vechi si nu este al meu,la-m pus ca sa vada lumea ce face toolul. Pentru captcha,in afara de serviciile cu plata,poti sa incerci si cu ''Captcha Sniper X3'' cracked,sau GSA Captcha Breaker demo. Download the FREE 5 day demo version right now si CptSnpX3 cracked (nevoie net framework 4.5),ruleaza in sandbox sau vmware