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Everything posted by wtf123

  1. eu primesc: Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_header() in /home/u776442194/public_html/tests/index.php on line 1
  2. Cu bani aia platesti pe cineva sa-ti dea jos site-ul ,server-ul respectiv. Edit: Nu neaparat prin DDOS.
  3. Saracu de el,Toate cele bune,Dumnezo sa'l ierte.
  4. Fac acceasi treaba ca si FiliBlox [membru din aceasta comunitate] Vand: Facebook Likes Facebook Share Facebook Subscribe Google Circles YouTube Views YouTube Channel Subscribe YouTube Video Likes Pinterest Followers SoundCloud StumbleUpon Followers Website Hits (Autosurf) Instagram Followers Reverbnation Fans SoundCloud Followers Pinterest Repins Pinterest Likes Facebook post like's Plata [orange[cartela reincarcabila],paypal] Pentru detalii PM,Preturii de criza!
  5. eyeOS - CNET Download.com [download]
  6. Bine ai venit Edit: Bine ai revenit!
  7. Ei zic ca: "...am implementat cu ajutorul lui Nytro un sistem prin care verificam dupa cuvinte cheie discutiile voastre private. Folosind acest sistem am reusit sa curatam forumul de o gramada de carderi si sa protejam pustanii de eventuale oferte atractive legate de frauda online..." Asta insemnand ca,nu ei cautau in mesajele voastre,Inainte sa dai send la mesaj acest sistem cauta cuvinte care au legatura cu carderi ...,Si cred ca doar pe acestia ii verificau dupa le dadeau jet daca era ceva dubios. [opinia mea]
  8. wtf123

    Nu mai avem chat.

    Votatii acolo daca vreti chat,Si asteptati decizia lui Nytro.Nu o mai ducetii in offtopic ca nu are rost.Tot Nytro decide deci please wait
  9. Cred ca nu stie cu ce se mananca decriptarea codurilor,de ex al tau: Link download : aHR0cDovL3d3dy5naXJsc2hhcmUucm8vMzIwMTYzOTcuNg== Nu stie cum sa sparga,sa afle ce text se ascunde sub acest cod,sper ca ai inteles .
  10. ModSecurity supplies an array of request filtering and other security features to the Apache HTTP Server, IIS and NGINX. ModSecurity is a web application layer firewall. [sursa text wikipedia] Instalare,Configurare: Instalam: yum install mod_security Deschidem /etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/modsecurity_crs_10_config.conf Si introducem: vi /etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/modsecurity_crs_10_config.conf Ne asiguram ca SecRuleEngine e setat pe ON,pentru a ne putea proteja de atacuri. Adaugam in httpd.conf urmatoarele lini: <ifmodule mod_security.c> SecFilterEngine On SecFilterForceByteRange 1 255 </ifmodule> [in caz ca nu le avem] Repornim httpd service httpd restart [mai multe detalii despre instalare Installation ] Orice greseala de gramatica/errori in asazisul "tutorial" Sunt bine venite,pentru a nu induce Userii/Vizitatorii in Eroare.
  11. ZoneAlarm is a personal firewall software application originally developed by Zone Labs, which was acquired in March 2004 by Check Point.[1] It includes an inbound intrusion detection system, as well as the ability to control which programs can create outbound connections. As of June 2011, the newest release is ZoneAlarm Extreme Security 2012. Versions ZoneAlarm Free Firewall: A freeware version that includes a web and local network personal firewall with outbound program control and port stealthing. It is distributed through Download.com.[4] ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall: A freeware version that includes an award-winning Two-Way Firewall, Advanced Firewall, Advanced Download Protection, and Identity Protection, and antivirus protection provided by Kaspersky Labs. ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall: This offers an OS Firewall identity protection, pop-up blocker, adware detection, cookie blocker. It does not have Antivirus features. ZoneAlarm Pro Antivirus + Firewall: Includes ZoneAlarm firewall, Advanced Download Protection, and antivirus protection provided by Kaspersky Labs. ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite: Includes all the features of every product with additional IM security and an anti-spam filter engine provided by MailFrontier and a parental control. It is the most expensive ZoneAlarm product.[5] It is now given out freely with TrialPay.[6] ZoneAlarm Extreme Security: A comprehensive version that includes all the features of all other versions plus ForceField and computer optimization and data backup tools. [sursa text wikipedia] Download: Antivirus Software, Firewall, Spyware Removal, Virus Scan: Computer Security by ZoneAlarm
  12. Nu credeti ca ar trebui scos ca sticky,si pus un [Proiect inchis] in fata titlului subiectului?
  13. Mie imi da o pagina alba cand intru (am configurat baza de date... )
  14. Daca mai ai nevoie de ajutor,lasami pm .
  15. Si de ce am crede un membru cu 2 posturi ?
  16. Puteti da T/C iam vandut eu steam-ul.
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