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Nice articolul, l-am citit. Insa , atata timp cat un Windows trebuie re-instalat la 3 luni, in orice caz, de ce s-ar folosi copii piratate cand poti obtine legal un trial de 90 de zile, iar fisierele si tot ce e important sa le tii pe alta partitie, una de 40GB fiind mai mult decat necesara pentru a tine Windowsul pe ea si a il reinstala mereu? EDIT: Ce e cu videoul 3 ?
Dar daca nu?
GLÚM?1, glume, s. f. Scurt? poveste plin? de haz (?i cu un final nea?teptat), care provoac? râs ?i veselie. Unde pula mea ti se pare ca radem noi sau altcineva la asta?
Garcea la Restaurant Chinezesc - YouTube Suge-o.
This morning more than 30 trucks filled with 5-cent coins arrived atApple’s headquarters in California. Initially, the security company that protects the facility said the trucks were in the wrong place, but minutes later, Tim Cook (Apple CEO) received a call from Samsung CEO explaining that they will pay $1 billion dollars for the fine recently ruled against the South Korean company in this way. the funny part is that the signed document does not specify a single payment method, so Samsung is entitled to send the creators of the iPhone their billion dollars in the way they deem best. This dirty but genius geek troll play is a new headache to Appleexecutives as they will need to put in long hours counting all that money, to check if it is all there and to try to deposit it crossing fingers to hope a bank will accept all the coins. Lee Kun-hee, Chairman of Samsung Electronics, told the media that his company is not going to be intimidated by a group of “geeks with style” and that if they want to play dirty, they also know how to do it. A total of 20 billion coins, delivery hope to finish this week. Let’s see how Apple will respond to this. Sursa: Samsung Pays Apple $1 Billion Sending 30 Trucks Full of 5 Cents Coins | E-Mode Tech Media Le-au dat muie .
Firar ei ai dreaqu de virusi..
<img src="url_imagine.jpg" alt="" oncontextmenu="return false;" />
//nvm Eu nu prea citesc hinturile,dar mersi EDIT: Verifica criptarea la link, cred ca e o greseala.
Eu ti-as da titlul de zmeu, ala din praslea cel voinic..
@Sheyken Ce cacat te doare pe tine ce fac eu?Da ma, e adevarata faza cu Costinestiu, moldoveanule. Comentezi tu de mine, da ia uita-te in pula mea ce ai scris aici: https://rstcenter.com/forum/57826-sql-injection-retard-script.rst Contine continut vulgar, manelist & "Costinestist". E usor sa comentezi, da si tu esti la fel.. @MOD,ADMIN Sau ce mai e..Astept warnul meu pentru off-topic .
Uite coaie, a pus inregistrarile sa fie activate doar de el, ii e frica
Vino la soare, vino la mare, sa ti-o trag intre picioare
Salutari Radule , nu ii asculta. Auzi, iti place Costinestiul? Intreb si eu doar..
Eu i-as trimite in Pantelimon pe toti taranii de la Costinesti
50% cred
[x]Target: Biostar [x]Document type: MySQL [x]Method: Oricare doriti voi Cerintele sunt: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Neaparat screenshot in thread Sintaxa se da doar pe PM E necesara versiunea bazei de date ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Solveri: ------------------------------------------------------------------
Lasati-mi un PM cu adresa dvs. de email si va ajut eu no-cost (gratis). Pentru a imi scrie un PM, intrati aici: https://rstcenter.com/forum/private.php?do=newpm&u=85840
@AlStar Pai nu e prea bine explicat tutorialul..Imi poti recomanda o carte? De stiut stiu HTML + CSS.
Fiindca nu e un tutorial,nu te invata ceva particular dintr-un limbaj, ci mult mai multe lucruri. Plus ca MySQL e un limbaj de programare, nu vad problema ca sa nu fie postat aici.
@AhEaD Tie iti lipseste o doaga... Sterge repede linkul pana nu il vede, ca poate se apuca,la cat e de proasta, sa incerce si posteaza pe YouTube.. Vrei sa vezi pe la stiri sinucideri in masa?
Bravo ba, sunt unii oameni care muncesc pentru o paine si inceraca sa se promoveze si ei cum pot, iar apoi apar niste ratati ca si tine si le iau painea de la gura. Nu zic ca webmasterul care l-a facut ar fi atat de destept, dar ganditi-va ca nu e vina acelor oameni pentru greselile lui. In pula mea, puteai mai simplu sa trimiti un mesaj si macar stiai ca ai incercat sa ajuti, chiar daca nu o reparau. P.S: Misto tab cu "how to scan for sqli".Halal de tine.
[Easy]MySQL Injection [Culegere SQL Injection]
GraphLog replied to Sheyken's topic in Challenges (CTF)
Pff, nu am mai apucat sa o fac si pe asta . -
Da, aia era problema.. Mersi mult. Pai,eu incerc sa le rezolv, dar tinand cont ca e sectiune de webdesign ce tine si de asta, mai pun niste intrebari. Nu te obliga nimeni sa-mi citesti threadul sau sa raspunzi, din cate vezi nu am cerut scripturile de la 0, sau "da-mi si mie un script sa fac asa asa", ci doar niste completari / indrumari.
Daca nu va enervez prea tare, am mai gasit o problema . Cerintele sunt: Define the calculateTotalCosts function with three parameters - salary, numWorkers, city. Declare fixedCosts and assign it a value of 5000. Declare variableCosts and assign it the value of salary * numWorkers. If the startup is in NYC, the rent is 30000. If the startup is in "BEJ" (Beijing), the rent is 25000. If the startup is based anywhere else, the rent is 10000. Use the function to calculate the costs for a startup with salaries of 40000, 3 workers, and based in any city other than "NYC" or "BEJ". This means taking in those numbers as parameters for the calculation, and using an if statement to check which city it is in. Acuma, am scris eu ceva ceva, dar imi da "Oops!Try again." Codul meu e: var TotalCosts = function(salary, numWorkers, city) { var fixedCosts = 5000; var variableCosts = salary * numWorkers; if (city === "NYC") { return fixedCosts + variableCosts + 30000; } else if (city === "BEJ") { return fixedCosts + variableCosts + 25000; } else { return fixedCosts + variableCosts + 10000; } }; TotalCosts(40000,3,"BUC"); Multumesc ^^.