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Everything posted by Eddie91

  1. Good hackers hack computers,best hackers hack people . Aplauze triste.
  2. Uite coaie counter strike sa n-am servici Norse - IPViking Live
  3. Tatal meu doar ce a dat 10 lei acum o ora unor colindatori,cred ca ai avea sanse multe sa gasesti un fraier ca el in offline. Uite ca si Cristi zice la fel.
  4. Drum bun si spor la bani ! Nu inteleg ce e asa de trist
  5. Yes sir ! Sunt elemente grafice nu "poze"
  6. O sa te baneze in cateva zile facebook-ul si tot ce are google-ul daca ai buf de utilizatori,o sa faci alte "back-end" domenii si tot asa pana te plictisesti si vei observa ca nu vei realiza nimic ... Din cate stiu pe altii ii si ameninta facebook-ul ca daca nu inchide site-ul le face sertare in inima Si practic tu doar ai instalat un script ... Schimba meta-tag-ul ca ma ia plansul ; autor si title ... DIVIN
  7. Christmas Graphics Bundle - 85% off Christmas monsters ate the price Smiley LIMITED TIME OFFER – Available until Christmas - December 25th Over 700 graphics (2D and 3D) This pack contain: Merry Christmas Illustrations • 10 Christmas illustrations available with and without Merry Christmas text. • Total of 30 Jpg images at 1600x2000px 72ppi. https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/119666-Merry-Christmas-Illustrations 50 Christmas Globes Pack- 3D • 50 Christmas Globes/Bulbs - 3D Renders • -44 Transparent Png - 1200px • -6 Jpg - 1600px https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/111180-Christmas-Globes-Pack-3D 100 Christmas Ornaments and Items - 3D • Christmas Ornaments and Items - 3D • Pack Contain 100 Images: • Bell - 5 Transparent PNG 1200px • Candy - 12 Transparent PNG 1300px • Candy Cane - 26 Transaprent PNG + 2 Jpg 1200px • Glove - 3 Transparent PNG 1200px • Reindeer Bell - 4 Transparent Png 1024px • Santa Bell - 15 Transparent Png 1400px • Santa Hat - 10 Transparent Png 1200px • Santa Sack - 2 Transparent Png 1500px • Star - 15 Transparent Png 1400px • Christmas Stocking - 3 Transparent Png 1600px • Bow - 3 Transparent Png https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/112257-Christmas-Ornaments-and-Items-3D Christmas Stickers 3D • 3D Christmas Stickers: Christmas tree, bell, snowman, reindeer bell, christmas bulb, santa hat, candy cane, glove, stocking, santa sleigh, star, santa bell, candy, gift and bow. • Format: Transparent PNG (15 different files) • Size: 1024, 512, 256 and 128 px. https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/113366-Christmas-Stickers-3D 100 Gift Boxes Pack • Set of 100 colorful 3D gift boxes. • 90 Transparent Png - size between 1024-1600px • 10 Jpg - size between 1600-2560px https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/111066-Gift-Boxes-Pack Christmas Tree 3D Set 1 • 7 Transparent Png images at 1400x1400 px. https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/112929-Christmas-Tree-3D-Set-1 Christmas Tree 3D Set 2 • 10 Transparent Png images at 1280x1600 px. https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/114348-Christmas-Tree-3D-Set-2 Christmas Tree 3D Set 3 • 18 Transparent Png images at 1280x1600 px. https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/115207-Christmas-Tree-3D-Set-3 Christmas Vector Characters Vol.1 • 10 vector Christmas characters like santa, reindeer, penguin, elf. Format: • Vector Ai • Vector Eps • HQ Jpg 2480x3508px 300ppi • Transparent Png 800x1132px 72ppi https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/111132-Christmas-Vector-Characters-Vol.1 Christmas Vector Characters Vol.2 • 10 vector Christmas characters like angel, bear, penguin, reindeer, santa, snowman Format: • Vector Ai • Vector Eps • HQ Jpg 2480x3508px 300ppi • Transparent Png 848x1200px 72ppi Christmas Vector Monsters https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/120054-Christmas-Vector-Characters-Vol.2 Christmas Vector Monsters Set.1 • 5 Vector Christmas Monsters • Cute Xmas cartoon characters Format: • Vector Ai • Vector Eps • HQ Jpg 2480x3508px 300ppi • Transparent Png 848x1200px 72ppi https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/127048-Christmas-Vector-Monsters-Set-1 Christmas Vector Monsters Set.2 • 5 cute little Christmas monsters. Format: • Vector Ai • Vector Eps • HQ Jpg 2480x3508px 300ppi • Transparent Png 848x1200px 72ppi https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/130057-Christmas-Vector-Monsters-Set-2 North Pole Sign • 3D North Pole signs in different positions and colors • 25 Transparent PNG files - Size between 1300-1500px https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/112023-North-Pole-Sign-3D Santa Sleigh - 3D • 10 Transparent PNG files with a santa sleigh in different position and colors, empty and with gifts. Size 1400x1400px. https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/111265-Santa-Sleigh-3D 50 Snowflakes Vector Shapes Vol.1 • Format: Ai, Eps, PSD, CSH (Photoshop Custom Shapes) https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/111054-Snowflakes-Vector-Shapes 50 Snowflakes Vector Shapes Vol.2 • Format: Ai, Eps, PSD, CSH (Photoshop Custom Shapes) https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/121982-Snowflakes-Vector-Shapes-Vol.2 Snowman 3D • 3D Snowman wearing scarf and santa hat in different colors. • 10 transparent PNG files at 1300x1300 px. https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/112090-Snowman-3D Christmas Line Icons Format: • Vector Ai, Eps, PSD • CSH (Photoshop Custom Shapes) • Transparent Png 64, 128 and 256 px https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/122460-Christmas-Line-Icons Xmas Cake 3D • A set of 18 cakes that you can use for Christmas, Birthday, Wedding, etc. - some have number 25 on top (December 25th) • 18 Transparent Png images at 1100x1300 px. https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/117636-Xmas-Cake-3D Christmas Snow Globe • Christmas snow globes illustrations • 20 Jpg files at 1600x1600px 72ppi https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/125876-Christmas-Snow-Globe Champagne Bottle 3D • 3D Champagne Bottles on transparent background • 25 Transparent Png files at 672x2372px 72ppi https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/128255-Champagne-Bottle-3D Champagne Bottle and Glass 3D • Champagne bottle and glass 3D renders. • 10 Jpg files at 3000x4000px 72ppi. https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/129650-Champagne-Bottle-and-glass-3D 100 Vector Star Shapes • 100 Star Shapes like: normal star, sheriff star, ninja star, decorative star, floral star, sparkle star, witch star • Format: Ai, Eps, PSD, CSH (Photoshop Custom Shapes) https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/129030-100-Vector-Star-Shapes Fireworks Rockets 3D • A set of 25 fireworks rockets. • Format: Transparent PNG 1500x3000px 72ppi https://creativemarket.com/pixaroma/128062-Fireworks-Rockets-3D DownloadB64: aHR0cDovL3BjLmNkL0hNTw==
  8. Eu mi-am luat vreo 5 tepe pe rst care valoreaza cumulat cativa zeci de dolari,asta in decurs de maxim un an . Sunt multi copii care au maxim 16 ani aici si se dau intelectuali Iar baiatul asta care a luat ban ma futea la cap de 3-4 ori pe zi sa il invat sa "faca site-uri" sau "cum sa faca bani",de parca eu as fi fost vreun magnat sau am vreo minune online . Obisnuieste-te,raspunde-le decent si apoi ignora-i
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  13. Eddie91

    30 de camere.

    @blech - Acelasi scop prin care au dezvaluit cei la Cyber Smart Defence cat de greu e sa spargi o parola default a unei gradinite la IlikeIT . Mai precis : FIX pula , 0 , null , nimic , canci
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  18. Cam greu ceea ce iti doresti tu,insa ai putea sa iti iei un DSLR la cateva sute de euro si faci poze de sezon. Exemplu: Acum se vand pozele cu mos craciun,brazi,pizde imbracate in mos craciun,faci poze HQ la 300 dpi si rezolutie peste 3k si apoi iti incerci norocul pe shutterstock Cam greu totusi sa faci bani din asa ceva daca nu esti semi-profi. Succes ! Uite demo video Am gasit si demo de imagini http://pc.cd/GXd
  19. Eddie91


    Stai sa vezi dupa ce iti faci buletinul ce beautiful o sa fie. LE: @AlexV1 - Nu mai da mesaj privat cu injuraturi:D pupicei.
  20. Pentru ca in Romania white hat-ul nu exista pentru autoritati,din punctul lor de vedere daca gasesti o vulnerabilitate sau "spargi" ceva = furi .
  21. ar at de priv ete ? Te-am intrebat pe limba ta Translate: dar cat de privat este ?
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