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Everything posted by Zatarra
Iti dau eu arhiva daca imi dai un root de scan, am ramas fara, mi l-a furat unu ieri si nu mai am cu ce scana acum
Nu ai pentru ce. Spune-le tuturor de pe mIRC ca aici se dau roate moca de scanat!
- Ia-l repede sa nu ti-l fure alti haxori
Pai pune si tu arhiva de scan aici aia de la nasapaul. E 2020? Sau 2019?
Ce scanner ai? Ca iti dau eu root
Mi-am facut si eu cont pe hf, poate invat ceva de p'acolo (cum ar fi: ce categorii trebuie sa avem)
Eu zic sa zici mersi ca ai primit un telefon. Cel mai sigur e sa il flashui cu o imagine cat mai clean posibil si sa-l folosesti mai departe + sa inveti alta data ca nu se cumpara telefoane de pe domenii care se termina in .eu .tu .altu .alta .etc
Ce sa si faci in Islanda pe vremea asta. Salut
Pe cand CentOS 7? Sau poate chiar 8
@LeXHacked - intrebarea ta initiala e valida, dar ca sa demonstrezi ca ai avut dreptate posteaza si solutia. @OKQL - adu argumente si asteapta sa confirme, daca nu confirma explica-i, poate chiar nu e ceea ce pare @.Breacker - Nu mai fa troll, la urmatoarea iti iei warn. Omu chiar a postat pt ca are nevoie de ajutor nu ca se plictisea
Sa intelegem ca vrei un cod de invitatie pt filelist?
Trebuie sa caut pe net, dar vezi in vcenteruul tau https://vcenter.whatever.com/mob ai metodele de la API. Poate ai ceva de change guest password. O sa caut si dau edit cand gasesc. Legat de intrebarea ta, da, trebuie sa ai vcloud-director. De mers merge deoarece poti face asta prin ansible ( https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/vmware_guest_module.html ) In trecut si eu tot PyVmomi am folosit.
https://ctf.accenture.com/ Accenture CTF is an exciting information security competition. Our CTF is a 12-hour online game for university students composed of several security challenges from the following categories: Web applications, Reverse engineering, Cryptography, Forensics, Miscellaneous, etc. Each challenge is worth a certain amount of points based on the difficulty. The team that gets most of the points wins! During the CTF we aim to give you a better knowledge of our team as well as allow us to get to know you as future IT security professionals. Date: November, 14th 2019 Deadline for registrations: November, 12th 23:59 Place: Online Team: Up to 4 participants Duration: 12:00 - 00:00 of Prague time (12 hours) Registration: http://register-for-ctf.com/ Terms & Conditions CTF 2019 Terms & Conditions #CaSaStiti Each individual who participates in the Competition (“Participant”) must:be at least 18 years old;be a current student of Czech, Slovak, Hungarian or Romanian based university at the time of the Competition;form a team alone or with up to 4 other Participants; and have a valid CTF account created through https://ctf.accenture.com using valid student email address.
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Salut, Ai nevoie de vmware tools pentru ceea ce cauti tu. https://pubs.vmware.com/vcd-56/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.vmware.vcloud.users.doc_56%2FGUID-F685A6FB-2291-4A91-9515-9F5EE6C5D7DE.html
Bine ai venit. Daca te mai joci cu metasploitu sau mai "hackuit" cate ceva let us know
- 1 reply
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Am un bilet de dat, moca, in caz ca-l vrea cineva. Daca vreti mai multe bagati rezolvare la asta de mai jos:
Am facut grup de Slack in weekend dar n-am avut timp sa postez. Cine vrea sa intre sa-mi dea PM cu mail. https://join.slack.com/t/romaniansecurityteam/shared_invite/enQtODAzNTY0Mzg4NDgwLTdjYjk4NTJjOTk2NjcxMjEzYjM5OTU0ODAyNGE5NzE2YjlkZDUxNTE2MjgyM2ZiMmJkMDQzZmJjMjQyMzM5MTE Il moderez eu dupaia.
Nu, chestii de IT in general
Salut, Dupa cum am vorbit in ultima vreme, am vrea sa facem un group chat tehnic, unde sa vorbim chestii de securitate, fara a permite trollingu. As vrea sa vad cam cine ar fi interesat sa participe intr-o astfel de intiativa si ce platforma ati prefera. Daca mai stiti alte platforme interesante, shoot.
Un slack nu ar fi mai ok?
Fara Recon pls. Lasa-l in Spania unde ii este locul. Avem discord, doar ca se face mult troll acolo. Idea ar fi sa vorbim chestii interesante.
Lasa ma oamenii sa hackuie, nu ii inchide nimeni, cel putin nu pana la 18 ani
Dear Adrian-Daniel Bacanu, Thank you for your time and discussion on social media platform LinkedIn. As we agreed, please let me provide you with the program and further information of our 2nd Annual Cyber Security Conference, that will be held on 14th November in Sofia (Hotel InterContinental*****)! 😊 Conference will be bring together 130+ senior level cyber security experts from the SEE region, UAE, but also central Europe, will offer you educational sessions related to critical topics in the field, 3 highly practical pre-conference workshops and unforgettable networking events for establishing long-term professional relationships! Join the Conference and become part of growing QuBit cyber security community in Bulgaria! 😊 In order to develop cooperation with cyber professionals from Romania, we are offerring 10 limited passes for following discounted investment: Conference Pass (14th November): 243 Eur (from 10th August: 333 Eur) Combo Pass: Training + Conference (13th – 14th November): 342 Eur (from 10th August: 540 Eur) *the investment includes all conference sessions, luncheon, refreshment, networking dinner, presentations for downloading, materials, brochure Please let me know if you have any further questions. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, ________________________________________________ Daca e cineva interesat sa-mi spuna.
Date-n pula mea de hater! Ba se pare ca incet incet reinvine comunitatea. Cine vrea sa facem un grup de Whatsapp sa dea numaru in privat. Fara troll ca va pis in freza.
Cine ii interesat sa-mi dea un PM, de preferat cu CV-ul atasat. Minimum 5 ani experienta. Locatia e XXX Amsterdam. Ca idee: Knowledge on security for cloud based applications (Azure / AWS) Experience using automation / scripting / orchestration / CICD tools Application Threat awareness (OWASP, STRIDE etc.) Knowledge of Security Use Case creation using the most recent security principles, techniques and protocols. e.g. Mitre Att&ck framework, Kill Chain etc. Awareness of security tools (e.g. firewalls, proxy, IDS/IPS, NIDS, endpoint protection, anti-malware, networking protocols, etc.) and their place in a security architecture Knowledge of operating system, middleware and application security Awareness of web-related technologies (web applications, web services, service-oriented architectures) SIEM (QRadar) and Log Management (Splunk) tools (focus on using the tool opposed to supporting / administration) Preference is given to hands-on experience in penetration testing