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Everything posted by Praetorian503

  1. CubeCart versions 4.4.6 and below suffer from multiple cross site scripting vulnerabilities. 1. OVERVIEW CubeCart 4.4.6 and lower versions are vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting. 2. BACKGROUND CubeCart is an "out of the box" ecommerce shopping cart software solution which has been written to run on servers that have PHP & MySQL support. With CubeCart you can quickly setup a powerful online store which can be used to sell digital or tangible products to new and existing customers all over the world. 3. VULNERABILITY DESCRIPTION Multiple parameters are not properly sanitized, which allows attacker to conduct Cross Site Scripting attack. This may allow an attacker to create a specially crafted URL that would execute arbitrary script code in a victim's browser. 4. VERSIONS AFFECTED 4.4.6 and lower 5. Affected URLs and Parameters /admin.php (countiesPage parameter) /admin.php (countriesPage parameter) /admin.php (dStart parameter) /admin.php (edit parameter) /admin.php (email parameter) /admin.php (FCKeditor parameter) /admin.php (gc%5Bmax%5D parameter) /admin.php (gc%5Bmin%5D parameter) /admin.php (gc%5BproductCode%5D parameter) /admin.php (gc%5Bweight%5D parameter) /admin.php (gc[max] parameter) /admin.php (gc[min] parameter) /admin.php (gc[productCode] parameter) /admin.php (gc[weight] parameter) /admin.php (loc] /admin.php (page parameter) /admin.php (prod_master_id parameter) /admin.php (searchStr parameter) /admin.php (thumbName[] parameter) /admin.php (User-Agent HTTP header) /admin.php (yStart parameter) /index.php (Referer HTTP header) 6. SOLUTION The CubeCart 4.x version family is no longer maintained by the vendor. Upgrade to the currently supported latest CubeCart version - 5.x. 7. VENDOR CubeCart Development Team http://cubecart.com/ 8. CREDIT Aung Khant, http://yehg.net, YGN Ethical Hacker Group, Myanmar. 9. DISCLOSURE TIME-LINE 2012-12-22: CubeCart 4.x in End-of-Support/Maintenance circle 2012-12-24: Vulnerability disclosed 10. REFERENCES Original Advisory URL: http://yehg.net/lab/pr0js/advisories/%5Bcubecart_4.4.6%5D_xss CubeCart Home Page: http://cubecart.com/ CubeCart Bug-Fix Announcement: http://forums.cubecart.com/topic/45456-cubecart-447-released/ CubeCart4 End-of-Life Announcement: http://forums.cubecart.com/topic/46765-cubecart-v4-end-of-life-saturday-22-december/ #yehg [2012-12-24] --------------------------------- Best regards, YGN Ethical Hacker Group Yangon, Myanmar http://yehg.net Our Lab | http://yehg.net/lab Our Directory | http://yehg.net/hwd Source: YGN Ethical Hacker Group :: Security Research
  2. Salut tex, Asteptam cu nerabdare sa te intorci acasa. Stim cu totii ca nu ai nici o legatura cu toata aceasta intamplare, si nu meriti sa fii in arest. Speram sa se afle adevarul si sa revina toate la normal. -Praetorian.
  3. 1. Foloseste tag-ul .2. Incearca sa folosesti <br> hexat (3c62723e) 3. Bagane-am pula-n havij!
  4. Bine ati revenit. Cand am vazut ce a scris presa, am ramas uimit. Cum sa zici ca Romanian Security Team este o organizatie care fura din benzinarii?
  5. Here's the simple java security tutorial on generating MD5 hash of input text using java.security API functions. import java.security.MessageDigest; public class MD5Class { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { String input = "test text"; MessageDigest m = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); m.update(input.getBytes("UTF8")); byte s[] = m.digest(); String result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { result += Integer.toHexString((0x000000ff & s[i]) | 0xffffff00).substring(6); } System.out.println("MD5 Hash of input text" + input); System.out.println(result); } }
  6. Dunhill;)
  7. Hello Romanian Security Team. My nickname is Praetorian. I'm passionate about computers of some years good and are passionate about IT. About my knowledge, I was attracted to Pentesting, I know SQL Injection, XSS, LFI, RFI.
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