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Everything posted by RIP

  1. bine zis, dar exista o varianta sub 100RON cu N? eu l-as folosi doar pentru teste, acas, doar ca proof of concept, si nu vreau sa investe 300RON
  2. cel mai interesant mi se pare acel D-Link DWL-G122 la doar 60RON l-a incercat cineva in monitoring mode?
  3. A RUSSIAN insecurity outfit has managed to create a zero day exploit for Firefox 3.6 under Windows. The exploit allows attackers to remotely gain control of a Windows PC thanks to a previously unknown flaw in the Windows version of the Firebadger 3.6 browser software. Intevydis develops the commercial VulnDisco add-on for the Canvas exploit toolkit that's marketed by the vendor Immunity. Writing at the company's online forum, Intevydis developer Evgeny Legerov said that his exploit for Windows XP (SP3) and Vista is quite reliable. He said it was an interesting challenge to find the buffer overflow flaw and work out a way to exploit it. The Mozilla Foundation knows about the exploit but has not made an official statement on it yet and has not released a patch for Firefox 3.6 so far. Secunia says the problem is critical. It is not clear whether the exploit was behind an increase in the number of Firefox 3.6 crashes that was noted on February 12th and 13th. While those might not have been caused by a real life exploit, they could have been due to the exploit being tested. Source: theinquirer
  4. frumos ar fi sa poti verifica automat toata lista de id-uri salvate cum era si la budyspy sau cum draq ii zicea
  5. RIP

    forumuri feministe

    fumat de mult ala, il am pe rss
  6. astia is cei care or facut site-ul Portfolio : Our Work : Aardvark Media Limited nu stiu daca is destul de cunoscuti ca sa gasesti template-uri de la ei ... sau nulled scripts... dar who knows poti incerca totusi am dat un scrut search shi am gasit ceva... mai incearca shi tu ... http://honey-freetemplates4u.blogspot.com/2009/08/aardvark-topsites.html
  7. am facut putin research despre o cunostiinta, shi am dat peste niste forumuri tare ciudate... dpmdv aflasem cu ocazia asta de cati ani avea respectiva probleme cu candida vaginala ... shi ca nu are nici un fel de problema daca ia pastila de a doua zi .. shi alte tampenii ... am ras bine plus ca au o groaza de membri ... multe femei ... Comunitatea femeilor sexy pe Kudika.ro forumul Mayra - Powered by vBulletin Comunitatea Healthy - Sanatate si dieta. precis mai sunt si altele ... draq stie ca nu m-au pasionat niciodata comunitatile din .ro cu atat mai putin astea cu subiecte pentru femei posibil sa fie si facute pe aceasi platforma
  8. ce bine ca inca nu am trecut la 2.9
  9. The buzz was on about google buzz sharing your list of contacts (which they then quickly fixed in their casual we-did-nothing-wrong-these-are-not-the-droids-you’re-looking-for mind trick). Readers of this blog remember when google calendar let you see the full name behind every gmail address. At that time, google ignored, then decided there’s nothing wrong with that feature, then fixed it. Only it still works, on other google services. Of course, these aren’t the droids I’m looking for. Well, here’s a method to DoS a google group user; it was discovered by Shachar Shemesh of lingnu about 18 months ago, who told google and was answered with a strong silence. With google the only disclosure seems to be full-disclosure, so with apologies to you google-group users out there, here is the outline of the attack below. DoS’ing google groups Domain-Key is a good method to prevent spam from coming in, as well as preventing unwanted emails from being handled if they are sent through “the wrong” SMTP server. Google has taken domain-key a step further, with their Domain-Key and Google Groups combo. In this combination, if an email is sent to a Google Groups from an SMTP server who is not listed in the Domain-key record, that email will be banned from writing or accessing the Google Group in question. The banned user will no longer be able to write or read from that group, will not be able to “undo” this change as emails to Google’s technical support regarding this appear to go unanswered. From this background, the attack seems clear. A malicious attacker can get pretty much anyone banned from a certain Google Group. Steps to reproduce: * Subscribe to a Google group. * Look for a victim (Anyone posting to the group from a gmail.com account is fair game). * Configure your email client to send emails with a “From” field that matches this email address, and use an SMTP that is not one of those authorized by the domain key. Your ISP’s SMTP servers will probably suffice. * Use this configurations to send an email to the group. It doesn’t really matter what the email content is, but I recommend making it look like a genuine email to make is harder to filter (and raise ‘plausible deniability’ in case someone comes asking questions). As a result: The victim will be automatically banned from the group. He or She will receive no notification of that fact: not to the fact he or she was banned, and not even to the fact that the email he or she supposedly sent failed Domain key verification. The victim will cease to receive emails from the group. They will only find out about it if they try to send an email, at which point they will receive a brief and unhelpful message saying they were banned, with no explanation why and no means to appeal. Trying to access the group from the web site will result in a “you are banned” message, again, with no helpful information on why the ban was instated nor how to appeal. It is a curious point that even information that is publicly available without registration, such as the group’s archive or description, will be blocked. They will have to sign out of Google to be able to see it(!). The best means to appeal she is likely to find is “Google Help”, which points to an email address where past experience shows the request email will be unceremoniously ignored, just like Shachar’s email notifying google of this vulnerability. Source: Security Team
  10. I’ve discovered another trick that may surprise some, this time relating to Google’s services. I don’t view the issue as a vulnerability, but it likely goes against user privacy expectations. In short, having a public Google profile (which you might have created when checking out Google Buzz) can allow others to figure out your Gmail address. This really shouldn’t be that surprising, given that your username is generally consistent across Google services, and a public profile is public. But those who currently have numeric profile addresses (e.g. the harmonyguy - Google Profile) might think their profile is not easily tied to their username. But by using Picasa, Google’s photo sharing service, it’s often quite simple to go from a numeric profile address to an actual username. To protect yourself from this access, visit the Picasa settings page. Under “Your gallery URL,” add a new username and select the new username for your gallery URL. Also, you may want to edit your nickname. In my testing thus far, it matters little whether you’ve used Picasa before – if you have a Gmail account, Picasa is also enabled on your account. And while individual Picasa albums have privacy controls, I have not found a way to block simply loading your Picasa home page. With the introduction of Buzz, Google is encouraging users to take advantage of Google profiles. But in the process, Google is tying together services that many users may have treated quite distinctly in the past. If you want your Gmail address to remain private, you need to manage properly the other Google services you use to avoid one of them exposing your Gmail username. Update (Feb. 13): It appears Google has adjusted their services to prevent the original URI trick from working Previously, adding a profile number to picasaweb.google.com (e.g. http://picasaweb.google.com/104424237445852766735) would either load a page with the username visible, the username embedded in the page’s source code (_user.name in JavaScript), or an error page in a few particular instances. One configuration that would simply produce an error page was if you had Picasa setup under a different username than your Gmail username, hence my advice. It now seems that using a numeric Picasa URI will either load an error page if the user does have Picasa setup or a page indicating the user does not have Picasa galleries but with no username anywhere in the page. I’ve already done some preliminary testing to see if Google Reader could also be used to discover usernames, but so far that does not seem possible. Still, it’s wise to be cautious when using a tool that interacts with so many other services. Source: theharmonyguy
  11. Looks like the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has recently assigned two more IP prefixes to the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN): and For those of you that maintain IP Bogon Filters, you may want to adjust your filters accordingly. http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space/ Source: SANS Internet Storm Center
  12. There should be a 9-minute film on Newsnight tonight (10:30pm, BBC Two) showing some research by Steven Murdoch, Saar Drimer, Mike Bond and me. We demonstrate a middleperson attack on EMV which lets criminals use stolen chip and PIN cards without knowing the PIN. Our technical paper Chip and PIN is Broken explains how. It has been causing quite a stir as it has circulated the banking industry privately for over 2 months, and it has been accepted for the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, the top conference in computer security. (See also our FAQ and the press release.) The flaw is that when you put a card into a terminal, a negotiation takes place about how the cardholder should be authenticated: using a PIN, using a signature or not at all. This particular subprotocol is not authenticated, so you can trick the card into thinking it’s doing a chip-and-signature transaction while the terminal thinks it’s chip-and-PIN. The upshot is that you can buy stuff using a stolen card and a PIN of 0000 (or anything you want). We did so, on camera, using various journalists’ cards. The transactions went through fine and the receipts say “Verified by PIN”. It’s no surprise to us or bankers that this attack works offline (when the merchant cannot contact the bank) — in fact Steven blogged about it here last August. But the real shocker is that it works online too: even when the bank authorisation system has all the transaction data sent back to it for verification. The reason why it works can be quite subtle and convoluted: bank authorisation systems are complex beasts, including cryptographic checks, account checks, database checks, and interfaces with fraud detection systems which might apply a points-scoring system to the output of all the above. In theory all the data you need to spot the wedge attack will be present, but in practice? And most of all, how can you spot it if you’re not even looking? The banks didn’t even realise they needed to check. This attack is both academically and practically significant. We get reports weekly from different victims of phantom withdrawals, and these include large numbers of stolen cards used to make purchases in the window between theft and the cancellation of the card. Currently these victims are denied refunds by their banks, but this attack could explain some of the frauds we are seeing. The fact the receipt says “PIN Verified” when actually it wasn’t raises a whole load of legal and evidential questions which call into question the banking industry’s claim that their systems work (and log) properly. Merchants will be none too pleased either; the system no longer protects their interests but only those of the issuing bank. There’s been some confusion, possibly even misinformation, about our attack and its effects. Cartes Bancaires in France were so concerned that they briefed the press way in advance of our plans for publication. We can set the record straight on a few things: * the attack applies to cards used online (where the merchant POS contacts the bank) as well as offline; * the attack works regardless of the amount of money spent (not just for small value amounts that are below floor limit); * the attack doesn’t work once a card has been cancelled by the bank — just like stolen cards in the past can only be used for a certain window of time once the cardholder discovers the loss; * the attack doesn’t work at ATMs (cash machines); * the failure applies to bank card schemes based on EMV – the most widely deployed standard for smartcard payments. Older national smartcard schemes may or may not be vulnerable; we don’t know. So what went wrong? In essence, there is a gaping hole in the specifications which together create the “Chip and PIN” system. These specs consist of the EMV protocol framework, the card scheme individual rules (Visa, MasterCard standards), the national payment association rules (UK Payments Association aka APACS, in the UK), and documents produced by each individual issuer describing their own customisations of the scheme. Each spec defines security criteria, tweaks options and sets rules – but none take responsibility for listing what back-end checks are needed. As a result, hundreds of issuers independently get it wrong, and gain false assurance that all bases are covered from the common specifications. The EMV specification stack is broken, and needs fixing. We’re really worried that if something isn’t done to fix this problem, and the many others we’ve found in EMV, other regions adopting it (like the USA) are going to make the same mistakes again and again – and that means customers stay vulnerable. That’s why again we’re arguing that Chip and PIN is broken. We don’t want people keeping their money in shoe boxes – we want the problems fixed. That means getting decent governance for the system that involves all the stakeholders – banks, regulators, merchants and customers. Update (2010-02-11): ZDNet UK have some in-depth press coverage, and the story has also been picked up by the Telegraph and Daily Mail. Source: Light Blue Touchpaper
  13. If you spend enough time looking for Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, you are bound to come across a cookie-based version eventually -- where the script injection is located in the Cookie header. The problem is there’s no good way (in a modern browser) to force a victims browser to send an HTTP request with a modified Cookie value (to include HTML/JS). While the website or Web application is still technically vulnerable to XSS this is usually considered unimplementable since no PoC code can be created and the risk/threat is therefore lowered. I was having this conversation with Rob Tate, a member of WhiteHat’s Engineering team, who enlightened to something I hadn’t previously considered. Cookie-based XSS can be made very useful after all! Consider an online bank with an XSS through a username Cookie parameter. After successful login the resulting page would read something like, "Hello ." Cookie: username= Setting the Cookie will most likely require another (non-persistent) XSS vulnerability, which as we know is extremely common. By combining these two vulnerabilities, an unimplementable and non-persistent XSS, you could create a persistent XSS scenario. What the attacker could do is use the non-persistent XSS to inject a data mining JavaScript function into the browser’s Cookie username parameter via document.cookie. Afterwards every time the victim logs-in the JavaScript will execute in the DOM. Now you have an a persistent XSS attack sticking with the browser over multiple sessions. Update: Related work by Mike Bailey, Cross-subdomain Cookie Attacks: Screen1, Screen2 Source: Jeremiah Grossman's Blog
  14. Phishing is usually be categorized under social engineering rather than a technical hack. It is inherently about tricking the user to click a link, or visit a web page. However, if the victim is tricked into visiting the phished page, even while they are on a genuine site should be a cause of concern. Since the victim did not initiate to move to the phished page, they are caught off guard. This post is about a possible attack on Google Wave which could at the least disrupt the wave experience, if not steal the credentials. This attack is similar to the one on Orkut Opensocial that I had published earlier. I am sure someone somewhere would have already figured this out, but I chose to post this anyway since I got some time off FlashPlus, my Google Chrome extension. The hack can be done by anyone anonymously and on public waves. 1. Create a phished Google Login page. You could check out tackle. 2. Search for public waves 3. Reply to one of the messages, insert a gadget in your reply 4. The gadget sets the top.location to the phished page. 5. The victim now visits the wave and opens this unread wave 6. The gadget kicks in, redirects the user to a phished page 7. Since the victim was still inside and browsing wave, they may not suspect a phished page. They may think that they were simply logged out. A couple of ways to anonymize the attacker could be * Make the gadget to set top.location after a window.setTimeout, instead of doing it immediately. * Do not redirect all users. Redirect them if a certain cookie is not set. If a cookie is set, they were already phished. * Create anonymous accounts on Gmail, host gadget and phished page using Google Gadget Editor on iGoogle. This shows the wave URL on a gmodules.com domain, something that's more believable. * Submit credentials from the phished page to a form created using Google spreadsheets. I am not sure how harmful this hack can get. I have pinged a friend ay Google about this. The following video shows these steps: Source: axemclion
  15. Satellites can give us access to high speed Internet in even the most remote locations, such as in the middle of the dessert, on a a boat at sea, or even the Arctic. Unfortunately, with this great convenience, comes a great liability since hackers can easily break into these feeds to use them. Now, a Spanish cyber security researcher named Leonardo Nve, is presenting proof that not only is it easy and cheap (around $75) to hack into and use these satellite connections, but that it’s also easy for hackers to gain access to private networks, intercept satellite Internet users’ requests for web pages, replace them with spoofed sites, and they can do all of this anonymously. “What’s interesting about this is that it’s very, very easy,” says Nve. “Anyone can do it: phishers or Chinese hackers … it’s like a very big Wi-Fi network that’s easy to access.” Nve’s research proves that anyone using satellite Internet is not as safe as they think they are. A hacker that knows how to do this can set up fake websites designed to look and act like the real thing and steal your password information or install malicious software on your computer. So far, Nve has tested this out on geosynchronous satellites aimed at Europe, Africa and South America, but he says that there is little doubt that the same tricks would work on satellites facing North America or anywhere else. Source: Forbes.com
  16. am cules o informatie de pe blogul cuiva "What I am going to release next is some kind of a digital bug. It’s a small piece of software you can install permanently on a remote computer and start and stop the microphone recording and listen what the person on the other side of the connection is telling. It was considered once as a bug for room surveillance but was never used that way. So there’s no reason why to keep it any longer in the archive. The release date is not fixed yet but I think it will happen before the approaching begin spring. The code will be published toghether with a GUI app to customize it and do realistic tests. " presupun ca se refera la remotely start and stop the microphone recording nu stiu de ce am unsentiment de dejavu... dar poate am mai auzit de asha ceva cu privire la web-cam ... voi?
  17. ai incercat sa cauti pe google?
  18. care is tampitii care ishi pun la adresa de recover o adresa total insecure ... ? era intrebare retorica
  19. cred ca loki se referea la faptul ca daca pui <img src="pic.jpg">, iar pic.jpg este numele unui director serveru iti i-a automat fishierul index.* din directorul respectiv ceva de genu la fel cand chemi adresa RST - citeste defapt index.php fara sa-ti afisheze lista de fishiere din director, totodata nu tie afishat in bara de url... posibil sa mearga faza si la imagini... n-am testat
  20. mersi de tip
  21. World's first inter-protocol exploit, but not the last Underscoring a little-known web vulnerability, hackers are exploiting a weakness in the Mozilla Firefox browser to wreak havoc on Freenode and other networks that cater to users of internet relay chat. Using a piece of javascript embedded into a web link, the hackers force users of the open-source browser to join IRC networks and flood channels with diatribes that include the same internet address. As IRC users with Firefox follow the link, their browsers are also forced to spam the channels, giving the attack a viral quality that has has caused major disruptions for almost a month. "Huge numbers of users of the Freenode network ended up getting banned themselves because they would click the link and then they would join the network and flood the network," one of the hackers, who goes by the moniker Weev, told The Register. "We get this huge rollover effect." He added: "We got the the people who run Freenode to actually k-line each other," a reference to the process of banning a user from an IRC server for spamming or other inappropriate actions. The malicious javascript exploits a feature that allows Firefox to send data over a variety of ports that aren't related to web browsing. By relaying the scripts over port 6667, users who click on the link automatically connect to the IRC server and begin spewing a tirade of offensive text and links. The attack doesn't work with Internet Explorer or Apple Safari, but "might" work with other browsers, Weev said. IRC networks such as Efnet and OFTC have managed to block the attacks, but at time of writing Freenode operators were still struggling to repel them. (Weev has more details here, but readers are warned the page isn't safe for work and contains highly offense language.) "While we are doing what we can to mitigate the spam, we would ask that you take a careful look at any unusual sites or URLs you might visit in the near future to be sure you are not being tricked into visiting such a site," a note on Freenode's website read. Representatives of the network didn't respond to an email seeking comment. Security researchers have long known that it's possible to abuse features designed to make browsers work seamlessly with other internet applications. Web security expert Robert "RSnake" Hansen calls the technique "interprotocol exploitation." "It's the first time I've actually seen it used in the wild," he said. "We've been theorizing this attack was possible for some time. Browsers absolutely should not be able to connect to ports unrelated to HTTP." Hansen said other internet technologies, such as the session initiation protocol for voice over IP, are also ripe for abuse. Weev - the same hacker behind an exploit that removed sales rankings for hundreds of books that contained gay and lesbian themes - agreed that IRC was only the beginning. "We've got excellent stuff being developed in the lab," he said. "We're going to leverage this for some really fun things in the future." ® source: The Register
  22. RIP

    2241 RFIs

    Large List of RFIs (1000+) I started on this project over a year ago, and then I stopped, and then I started it again, and then I stopped again, and finally today, I mostly got it finished (or as far as I’m willing to take it for today). I wanted to create a master list of a mess load of RFI (remote file include) attacks. I got the list from various sources and I’m sure I’m missing a ton so yes, if you think there’s some I’ve missed, go ahead and forward them on to me and I’ll add them in. You can download the full list here (2241 RFIs at the time of writing - after updating). But because of how I built this it’s got a few issues. The first one is that it doesn’t take into account the path to the vulnerable function. So if it’s vulnerable.com you have to add that in. The second issue is that sometimes the trailing question mark is needed but it’s not added in the string. But you may require the additional question mark so that you don’t get /r57.txt.somegarbage but rather /r57.txt?.somegarbage which will work. So if you use this, you may have to add in your own question marks after your RFI URL. Anyway, thoughts are welcome, and big thanks for the hundreds of people who found these in the first place! source: ha.ckers
  23. mersi, pacat ca nu prea am gasit de vanzare in .ro numa... in principiu vreau sa-mi hackuit singur WEP/WPA-PSK de la routerul din casa... dupa care in functie de timp posibil sa ma mai shi plimb din cand in cand
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