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Salut Am avut un cont de Facebook care din păcate mi-a fost spart. A reușit sa schimbe și adresa de e-mail și toate și mi-a pus adresa mea pe alt cont de Facebook care nu este al meu. As vrea sa știu cum as putea sa îmi recuperez contul având în vedere ca nu am nimic și Facebook nu ma ajuta prea mult cu link-ul lor de hacked sau verificare prin id. Am o idee dar as avea nevoie sa aflu adresa de e-mail pe care a pus-o pe facebook-ul meu și aici vin întrebările: 1. Are rost sa ma mai chinui cu recuperatul contului? 2. Pot afla adresa de e-mail chiar dacă e ascunsa? Dacă da cum?
- 🤔🙄
Salut, am facut un program care posteaza singur in Grupurile de pe Facebook Sunt 3 fisiere : 1. grupuri.txt - aici pui link catre grupuri 2. text.txt - aici va fi textul de postat 3. config.txt - momentan aici se pot seta nr de secunde de asteptat intre postari Astept pareri si ce imbunatatiri sa-i adaug. Inca nu e gata, voi pune link de download cand este gata. Si cred ca o sa-l las pe consola momentan, fara interfata.
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Salutare M-am decis sa depun si eu oferta aici pentru cei ce doresc sa cumpere likeuri pe paginile lor de facebook. 100 Like-1 euro. Likeurile provin din Romania 90% si din alte tari 10%. Pagina va avea un impact activ si bun. Durata de livrare va fi in functie de nr. De likeuri comandate 1-30 zile. Plata: Accept paypal,transfer bancar sau webmoney... Cine doreste poate sa-mi dea mesaj aici pe forum sau pe facebook la YooProject YPJ. Pretul ramane fix si nu conteaza nr. De likeuri comandate. O zi minunata va doresc
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E chiar interesant ceea ce accepta facebook ca reclama serios ? Voi ce parere aveti ? Chiar nu verificati ce reclame se cumpara la voi pe platforma ? Sa inteleg ca e de parte fraduei ? Utilizatorii care nu stiu pot fi foarte usor inselati tinand cont ca reclama vine pe o platforma ca Asta am dat de ea in timp ce navigam ca tot omul pe facebook :))) ceea ce este suspect se poate vedea incadrat cu rosu ...
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Cumpăr conturi de Facebook! Nu ma interesează câți prieteni are contul, ci doar sa fie un cont mai vechi. Astept ofertele în pm. Atenți, conturi de fb, nu pagini de fb!! Danke
Pentru a putea recupera datele sterse de pe facebook trebuie sa urmam urmatoarele etape: 1. Mai intai ne logam in contul facebook 2. Accesam setarile contului 3. Dam click pe "Download a copy of your Facebook data" 4. Pe urma click pe " Start my Archive " si introduceti parola daca va cere. 5. Vom primi un email ce contine un link pentru a downloada arhiva contului in format html.
Livrez pana la cateva mii in 24 de ore membri in grupuri facebook. Astept o oferta decenta per 1k si o colaborare indelungata. Mentionez conturi romanesti din toata tara ideale pentru grupuri de vanzari sau reclame. Nu necesita functii contul/conturile mele decat sa fiu adaugat in grupul tinta.Nu ma ocup de spam sau boti. Dumneavoastra o sa aveti verificarea de catre cine a fost adus/i membri. Plata se efectueaza paypal. NU creez grupuri. Nu vand conturi.
Dupa cum stiti conturile noi daca te inscrii si postezi intr-un grup,fb automat il inchide cumpar conturi pentru "spam" in grupuri. daca are cinve rog sa-mi scrie
Buna ziua... Azi va propun oferta mea Livrez membrii in grupuri pe facebook... Membrii sunt 90% romania si max. 10% straini... Pretul este 3$-1000 membrii... De ceva timp facebook a schimbat regulile de adaugare membrii in grup si se adauga foarte greu de aceia si pretul acesta... Membrii sunt foarte activi... Plata se face la cel mult 10.000 membrii livrati sau inainte daca esti nou... Accept Paypal sau transfer bancar... Imi puteti trimite mesaj aici sau pe facebook la YooProJecT YPJ...
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- livrez membrii
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Buna seara.Exista vreo posibilitate fiabila de a adauga membri intr-un grup care nu sant prieteni cu tine fara sa fi depistat? Am incercat asta cu un script chiar de la Google si am fost blocat 6 zile de Facebook (erau in lista mea de prieteni)Ma intereseaza doar cei care nu sant in lista mea dar pot procura datele lor (id) etc..Platesc daca cineva ma ajuta....Metode sant pe Youtube o gramada dar nu ma risc..Va multumesc..Mentionez ca nu vreau sa fac asta pentru a obtine ceva ilegal..Va rog fara comentarii rautacioase.
Am o pagina cu 6000 de like-uri pe nisa matrimoniale. Cu like-uri intre 150-1000+ la postari, pagina creste foarte rapid si oamenii raspund foarte rapid. Am folosit-o sa o ajut pe o fetita Eva cu strangerea de bani pentru o operatie. Daca vrea cineva link-ul sau un parteneriat sa imi trimita pm
Cu cunostintele mele am creeat un facebook click jack , nu l-am testat decat in localhost deci pe platforme (wordpress,opencart,etc) nu a fost testat . Aici aveti link de download : Free File Hosting & Video Downloads, Free File Sharing, Online Friends Network - Ziddu like.rar download - 2shared Tot ce trebuie sa schimbati este src=' CU src=' voastra de facebook Din fisierul like.js
Mary Lou Jepsen wants to create a wooly ski hat containing a miniature MRI machine. Openwater believes telepathy is possible within the next 10 years (iStock) When a teacher asks her children to put their thinking caps on in the middle of the next decade, it could mean far more than merely encouraging them to be creative. This, around the 2025 mark, is when a former Facebook executive believes telepathy, communicating via thoughts transmitted through a simple wooly hat, could become a reality. Mary Lou Jepsen, who was formerly an engineering executive at Facebook's Oculus virtual reality division, and worked at Google and Intel before that, wants to make telepathy a reality through her startup company, Openwater. Although she doesn't have a working prototype yet, Jepsen believes a lightweight ski hat could house a scaled-down MRI machine, normally used in hospitals and the size of an entire room. The hardware would track the flow of oxygen through the wearer's body, illuminating it with benign, infrared light and acting like a literal "thinking cap". While telepathy is the ultimate goal, Jepsen's plans for now are focused on using the hat to read a person's thoughts. "If I threw you into an MRI machine right now... I can tell you what words you're about to say, what images are in your head. I can tell you what music you're thinking of," she told CNBC. "That's today, and I'm talking about just shrinking it down." But the company's future is about sharing thoughts without speaking or typing. "The really big moonshot idea here is communication with thought," Jepsen says. "Right now our output is basically moving our jaws and our tongues or typing [with] our fingers. We're... limited to this very low output rate from our brains, and what if we could up that through telepathy?" As for a time span, Jepsen says: "I don't think this is going to take decades. I think we're talking about less than a decade, maybe eight years until telepathy." This approach is similar to that of Elon Musk, the billionaire boss of electric car company Tesla and rocket manufacturer SpaceX. Through his new company Neuralink, launched in 2016, Musk wants to dramatically speed up humanity's output speed; input (through the eyes and ears) is very fast, but output (through fingers and mouths) is far slower, Musk also reasons. Openwater believes a scaled-down MRI machine can be fitted to a lightweight woolly hat (Openwater) But where Musk plans to create real-life cyborgs by asking participants to take injections of nanoparticles pulsing through their bloodstream, Jepsen is taking a non-invasive approach. Ethics will play a big part in our telepathic future - if indeed the technology ever becomes a reality in the way Jepsen and Musk hope it will. Jepsen says: "We have to answer these questions, so we're trying to make the hat only work if the individual wants it to work, and then filtering out parts that the person wearing it doesn't feel it's appropriate to share." In Jepsen's absence, Facebook is hiring neuroscientists to help build brain-computer interfaces of its own, following founder Mark Zuckeberg's desire to develop means for telepathy. Source
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- mary lou jepsen
- elon musk
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Cumpar grup facebook activ pe partea de imobiliare.
As vrea sa vorbesc cu cineva care a facut bani cu ajutorul paginilor de socializare pe diferite site-uri(facebook, instagram) sau cineva care si-a facut publicitate cu ajutorul lor si are mai multe experienta . Tin sa precizez ca am citit mai multe lucruri pe forum, am cautat inainte sa deschid un nou topic dar nu am gasit ce cautam.
Cumpar likeuri pe Facebook la o postare publica. Astept oferte
NU MAI ESTE VALABIL Vand urmatoarele: Facebook - Page Likes WW 20$/1000 Facebook - Photo/Post Likes 6$/1000 Instagram - Followers 7$/1000 Instagram - Followers reali si activi ww 15$/1000 Instagram - Likes 7$/1000 Instagram - Likes reale de la useri activi 18$/1000 YouTube - HR Views 1.5$/1000 Voturi in concursuri bazate pe aplicatii facebook plecand de la 7$/100 (in functie de cat de greu se voteaza) Voturi pe baza de ip plecand de la 7$/100 (in functie de cat de greu se voteaza) Comanda minima este de 100 de unitati, mai putin la like-uri pentru o pagina de facebook,vizualizari YT,vizitatori site, unde este de 500 like-uri respectiv 1000 vizualizari si 1000 vizitatori. Plata se face prin Paypal sau Bitcoin. La cantitati mai mari de 5000 putem negocia. Daca aveti intrebari legate de alte servicii decat cele de mai sus va stau la dispozitie.
facebook Cum aflu un admin de pe o pagina de facebook.
minican1997 posted a topic in Discutii incepatori
As dori sa stiu cum pot afla cine e in spatele unei pagini de facebook dar care e ascuns. aveti mai sus un link despre pagina si daca puteti cumva si reusiti sa imi spuneti cum sa fac sau daca puteti sa aflati sa imi spuneti cine este pentru ca sunt acuzat cum ca eu am facut pagina accea si sunt hartuit pe facebook ( amenintari, injuraturi, etc) si vreau ca aceste nebuneli sa inceteze. Va rog din suflet daca puteti sa ma ajutati. -
Last week, Facebook announced support for U2F Security Keys, to help keep accounts secure with our second-factor authentication feature called login approvals. This is part of a larger story of industry investment and innovation around improving, and perhaps even replacing, the password. The truth is, technologies for login authentication like FIDO are only half of the story needed to keep accounts secure. The other half is account recovery—specifically, how do you regain access to your account if you lose your password, phone, or security key? So-called “security questions” are widely acknowledged as both inconvenient and risky. They tend to be re-used across different accounts, making them even more dangerous than shared passwords. Recovery emails and SMS messages are common alternatives, and while they can get the job done, both are showing their age: neither offers the end-to-end security guarantees we expect from modern protocols, and these methods are becoming less reliable as the next billion people are getting online for the first time. We need something better—a way to recover access, using identities and services you trust, regardless of whether they are associated with an email address or a phone number. This process needs to be easy, secure, and respectful of your privacy. Some tools like Facebook Login and Trusted Contacts are part of the solution, but not every site uses the same features. Consider GitHub, a collaborative software development platform that hosts some of the most popular software in the world, including Facebook's own open source projects like React and osquery. GitHub maintains direct control of how it authenticates its users, how it assesses password strength and other risk signals, and how it deploys a diverse set of two-factor authentication methods. So what do you do if you lose access to the phone number or security keys you use at GitHub? An email address alone can't provide the same level of two-factor authentication to recover access, so starting Tuesday, you'll be able to use your Facebook account to provide additional authentication as part of the recovery process at GitHub. You'll need to set up this method in advance by saving a recovery token with your Facebook account. A recovery token is encrypted so Facebook can't read your personal information. If you ever need to recover your GitHub account, you can re-authenticate to Facebook and we will send the token back to GitHub with a time-stamped counter-signature. Facebook doesn't share your personal data with GitHub, either; they only need Facebook's assertion that the person recovering is the same who saved the token, which can be done without revealing who you are. This can happen in just a few clicks in your browser, all over HTTPS. We're releasing this feature in a limited fashion with GitHub so we can get feedback from the security community, including participants in our bug bounty programs. Not only will our implementation be immediately in-scope for our bounty programs, but Facebook and GitHub will jointly reward security issues reported against the specification itself, according to our impact criteria. We would like to see more services adopt this account recovery design over the long run, so we are publishing the protocol behind this feature today on our open source site at GitHub: Both Facebook and GitHub plan to publish open source reference implementations of the protocol in various programming languages to make it easy to build secure and privacy-preserving connections among your accounts and ensure you never lose access. Soon, we hope to open the ability for any service to improve its account recovery experience using Facebook. We also want to offer the ability for people to use other accounts, such as a GitHub account, to help you recover your access to Facebook. Usable security must cover all the ways we access our accounts, including when we need to recover them. We hope this solution will improve both the security and the experience when people forget a password or lose their phone and need to get back into their accounts. Brad Hill is a Security Engineer at Facebook.
VAnd pagina facebook cu 2.226 like reale.Cine e interesat pm si dau link ! Edit:Vand cont de facebook de fata are 4.856 prieteni si 1.615 urmaritori (Contul are o vechim de peste 1 an ) Edit:VANDUT
Vand conturi facebook din loguri, la o simpla cautare "" imi gaseste aproximativ 2000 rezultate, multe sunt dubluri.... Conturile sunt din US/UK/PK/TK/DE/PL/IT. Conturile se dau sub forma: ADRESA.WEB USERNAME PASSWORD IP DATA.ORA DELETE Pret per 100 conturi 15$ Metode de plata: PayPal Contact: PM sau YM: